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3 Yogurt Face Masks For Glowing Skin + What Makes Them So Great

Jamie Schneider
August 30, 2020
Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
By Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
Jamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.
August 30, 2020
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We've only begun to scratch the surface of the skin microbiome, but one thing remains clear throughout the research: Tending to the trillions of critters that make up your skin flora is ever important. That includes eating nutritious, gut-healthy foods, yes, but what you put on your skin topically can also keep that good bacteria thriving.

Enter, yogurt face masks. The nutrients that make yogurt such a healthy breakfast, snack, or baking substitute are also what makes the gloop so great for skin care. Here's how this probiotic-rich spread can give you glowing skin, with three different confections for you to try. 

How to make a yogurt face mask. 

It's the easiest DIY recipe: Product formulator Jana Blankenship, founder of the natural beauty brand Captain Blankenship, says yogurt makes a sublime face mask all on its own. Just slather on some plain, full-fat Greek yogurt and boom—a skin-softening face mask. That's because the goop itself contains a fair share of lactic acid, a chemical exfoliant that gently sloughs dead skin cells and brightens the complexion. Additionally, "Naturally rich in zinc and probiotics, yogurt helps fight inflammation," notes Blankenship. 

And while Greek yogurt tends to have the best consistency for face masks, you can also choose coconut or soy yogurt for a vegan option—just try to find one that includes added probiotics, so your skin microbiome can still reap the benefits. 

Regardless, yogurt on its own makes for quite the skin-healthy goop. But if you're looking to give your face mask a little more oomph, you can mix in some other kitchen ingredients for extra skin benefits: 


Soothing Oatmeal and Honey Mask

Both oatmeal and honey are hailed for soothing skin irritation—perfect ingredients to balance out the exfoliation from yogurt's lactic acid. Here's a concoction from Blankenship that visibly softens the skin: 

  • 1 Tbsp. yogurt (again, plain and full-fat)
  • 1 Tbsp. oatmeal flour; "You can grind it yourself in a coffee or spice grinder," says Blankenship. A powerful blender works, too.
  • ½ tsp. honey (great for added hydration and anti-inflammatory benefits)
  • 1 mashed strawberry (optional but recommended for some added antioxidants and fruit enzymes)

Mix everything into a bowl, then slather on for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water and following with moisturizer or oil. 


Anti-Inflammatory Parsley and Yogurt Mask

For acne-prone skin, this parsley-yogurt mask is superb for breakout control. While there are no peer-reviewed studies to reference (yet), parsley is anecdotally claimed to have acne-fighting properties—the herb contains high levels of vitamins A, C, and K, which can help stave inflammation and balance oil production. 

  • 1 handful parsley, chopped
  • 1 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp. yogurt

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, then slather on affected areas. Rinse after 20 minutes with lukewarm water, following with moisturizer or oil. 


Hydrating Avocado and Banana Mask

This mask contains a cocktail of moisturizing ingredients. Specifically, the oils have their fair share of fatty acids and vitamins; bananas can be super-softening on the skin, and let's not forget about the hydrating properties of aloe vera. Pro tip: Slather on your hair and scalp, too, for extra hydration. 

  • 1 cup yogurt
  • ⅓ banana
  • ½ avocado
  • 2 Tbsp. aloe vera
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Apply the mask and leave on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, and follow with moisturizer or oil. 

The takeaway.

While yogurt itself makes a face mask on its own, you can definitely chuck in other ingredients to give the concoction extra benefits. If you are going to do a guess-and-test, just be sure to try it out on your arm first, in case you face any reactions to those ingredients topically. And, of course, a yogurt face mask might not be best for you if you have a dairy allergy or intolerance. Better to swap in a vegan yogurt option or stick to some of the other DIY face masks we've compiled.

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