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These 5 Books Will Help You Realign With Your New Year Intentions

Photo by VeaVea
January 12, 2018

Chalk it up to the long nights and chilly weather, but there’s no denying that this time of year is tailor-made for a new reading habit. Books hold the power to transport us to faraway lands, connect to times past, and bring us closer to ourselves, making them the perfect companions for the journey into a new year. Here are five empowering titles that will help you navigate all of your 2018 resolutions with strength, integrity, and passion.

1. "Thrive" by Arianna Huffington.

If you resolved to: Actually get eight hours of sleep a night this year.

As Dr. Michael Roizen, chief wellness officer of the Cleveland Clinic, puts it, "Sleep is the most underrated health habit." Arianna Huffington’s title, Thrive, dives into how to prioritize sleep and self-care so you can achieve success while maintaining your sanity. After years of pushing her body to its limit, Huffington has emerged with a recipe for avoiding burnout that anybody can live by.

2. "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie.

If you resolved to: Look for the silver linings this year.

Everybody’s life is marked by ups and downs, and this turbulence can often become difficult to navigate. Nobody knows better than Byron Katie, who sank into a deep depression as a young mother that spiraled into multiple addictions. In this revelatory book, she describes the four questions that helped her emerge from this dark time and become a best-selling author and spiritual icon. She also walks you through how you can use them to change your life for the better.

Photo: VeaVea

3. "Dr. Gundry’s Diet Evolution" by Dr. Steven R. Gundry.

If you resolved to: Pinpoint the foods that leave you feeling your best this year.

In this comprehensive text, acclaimed functional medicine doctor, Steven Gundry, M.D., dives into how eating for your genes is the quickest way to transform your health. Packed with recipes, meal-planning resources, and expert interviews, it will pave the way for a new relationship with food. If you’ve struggled with traditional diets in the past, this is the book for you.

4. "Be Here Now" by Ram Dass.

If you resolved to: Live in the moment this year.

This essential text by spiritual icon Ram Dass describes the opportunities for introspection that arise in our everyday routines. The time you spend making the bed, drinking coffee, or eating lunch can all be opportunities for spiritual connection and personal growth.

5. "The 4x4 Diet" by Erin Oprea.

If you resolved to: Reach your happy weight this year.

This book by trainer Erin Oprea breaks down weight loss in a way that’s manageable and easy to stick to. By avoiding these four food groups and enjoying these 4-minute workouts, you’ll be on your way to looking and feeling your best in—you guessed it—four weeks. Busy celebs the likes of Carrie Underwood are singing its praises, so check it out for practical ways to tone your whole body in a pinch.

Enter the BooksForBetterLiving’s Year of Resolutions Giveaway for a chance to win a year’s supply of books, including these transformative titles!

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