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Witch Hazel: The Best (And Cheapest!) Remedy For Better Skin & Gut Health

Gretchen Lidicker, M.S.
Author: Medical reviewer:
December 02, 2019
Gretchen Lidicker, M.S.
mbg Health Contributor
By Gretchen Lidicker, M.S.
mbg Health Contributor
Gretchen Lidicker earned her master’s degree in physiology with a focus on alternative medicine from Georgetown University. She is the author of “CBD Oil Everyday Secrets” and “Magnesium Everyday Secrets.”
Keira Barr, M.D.
Medical review by
Keira Barr, M.D.
Board-certified dermatologist
Keira Barr is a dual board-certified dermatologist and founder of the Resilient Health Institute.
December 02, 2019

Have you heard of witch hazel? If you have, it was probably in the context of soothing skin irritation or treating a burn or cut. Or you might have seen it at your friendly neighborhood health food store or, surprisingly, even large conventional chain pharmacies and grocery stores like CVS and Target. Witch hazel seems to have been accepted in both conventional and alternative medicine. But is it really an effective remedy? Here's everything you need to know before you try it out.

Witch hazel: the basics.

The American witch hazel plant (aka: Hamamelis virginiana) grows throughout the Northeast and Southeast of North America. The flowers are fragrant, very slender, and bright yellow. It's also known as Winter Bloom or Snapping Hazelnut. Hamamelius means "together with fruit" and refers to the plant's simultaneous production of flowers and maturing fruit, which only happens very rarely. Different parts of the witch hazel tree—like its bark, twigs, and leaves—are rich in polyphenols and tannins. If you're not familiar, tannins are astringents that tighten pores and draw out liquids, and the specific tannin found in witch hazel is called hamamelitannin.

Witch hazel history.

The history of witch hazel is rich; Native Americans have been using it for medicinal purposes—like clearing skin problems (both inflammatory1 and microbial), relieving muscle and joint soreness, and soothing irritations of the digestive tract lining—for ages. They created a "decoction" by boiling the roots, stems, and bark of the witch hazel plant and then creating an extract that was chock-full of the plant's beneficial chemicals.

Witch hazel has had a few different names over the years, including golden treasure and pond's extract. Interestingly, witch hazel was the first mass-marketed toiletry that was American-made, and to this day it's one of the only medicinal plants approved by the FDA as a nonprescription drug treatment. You'll find it in all major pharmacies, and the best part is, it's extremely inexpensive. A 16-ounce bottle of witch hazel is only $3.64 at Walmart.

The health benefits of witch hazel.

So it's cheap, accepted by conventional health care, and has a rich history—but what does it really do for you? According to Bindiya Gandhi, M.D., integrative medicine physician and one of mbg's go-to health experts, "I recommend it to my patients with acne, redness, sunburns, and dry skin. t's very soothing and calms down irritation. It's a potent natural astringent that works well too. I personally get my eyebrows threaded and always have them use witch hazel afterwards to reduce with redness and irritation that sometimes happens with threading." Clearly, witch hazel has quite a few benefits, especially for the skin.


Witch hazel for the skin.

Historically, witch hazel has been used on the skin for general itching, inflammation, injury, insect bites, bruises and minor burns, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Research has shown that witch hazel has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which explains why it might benefit the skin and various dermatological issues. In one study, damaged human skin cells were given witch hazel2 (as a distillate and as a dried herb), and the results showed that there was a significant decrease in IL-8 and antioxidant activity. This is pretty sciencey, but these results tell us that both forms of witch hazel had a protective effect on the skin. 

In addition to decreasing inflammation and infection, research has found that witch hazel can also protect against sunburn3 and minimize skin aging 4by decreasing wrinkle formation and improving skin firmness.


Witch hazel for hemorrhoids.

The tannins in witch hazel also make it a great treatment for hemorrhoids5, which are swollen veins in your anus and lower rectum that can make going No. 2 very inconvenient and extremely painful. Luckily, witch hazel's astringent properties make it great for soothing inflammation of the skin and mucus membranes. You can use a witch-hazel-medicated pad on the area, or you can put ½ a cup of witch hazel in your bath.


Witch hazel for viruses.

The tannins in witch hazel are also thought to have antiviral effects and have been tested in studies against the influenza A virus and HPV. Another study, published in the journal Planta Medica6, showed that Hamamelis virginiana bark exhibited antiviral effects against herpes simplex 1. Another common way to take advantage of the antiviral effects of witch hazel is to use it as a gargle for sore throats, which are often caused by pesky seasonal viruses.


Witch hazel as an antimicrobial.

This plant extract is often used as a disinfectant. One study showed that witch hazel does, in fact, display antimicrobial activity7 when tested topically on the skin. This means it could play an important role in treating dermatitis.

Witch hazel for your face and beauty routine.

As you can see, witch hazel is a pretty versatile plant medicine. But it can also be easily incorporated into your daily beauty routine to help with your complexion and various skin-related issues, starting with acne.


Witch hazel for acne.

Studies have shown that witch hazel is a worthwhile treatment to try if you suffer from acne. This is likely due to its astringent properties—from its high tannin content—which helps people with oily skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties8 also likely play an important role in its ability to quell redness and inflammation caused by acne.


Witch hazel to fight damage from sun exposure.

No matter how hard you try to apply sunscreen and stay in the shade, it's easy to come home from a day outside a little bit burnt. In one study, aftersun lotion with 10 percent witch hazel distillate was used on 30 volunteers9 who experienced sun-induced reddening of the skin. After two days of application, redness was reduced up to 27 percent in the patients who received witch hazel compared to the patients who received witch-hazel-free lotions, who saw only an 11 to 15 percent reduction in redness. I'll definitely be giving this one a try!


Witch hazel for scalp problems.

If you struggle with a red, itchy, or inflamed scalp, witch hazel might be a good option. One study tested a witch-hazel-based shampoo10 on 1,373 people and found that after four weeks, the majority of the patients had reduced symptoms.


Witch hazel for varicose veins and stretch marks.

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins that typically occur on the feet and legs, and stretch marks are streaks on the skin that often occur during pregnancy. There isn't much research behind using witch hazel this way, but some leading integrative medicine doctors suggest it as an alternative or complementary treatment for varicose veins11 and stretch marks.

Witch hazel dosing and safety.

Witch hazel is generally considered very safe, but there are a few things to know before you start experimenting with this great natural remedy. First, witch hazel—especially when used orally—is meant to be used as an acute remedy, not as an everyday thing. This is because of its high tannin content. It could also potentially cause redness of the skin, and in that case, simply dilute it with water.

Because witch hazel can be used in so many different ways, the dosing can be very confusing. The best rule of thumb is to just follow the directions on the product you purchase since each one will be a little bit different. Topically, witch hazel water can be applied externally up to six times a day or, if you're using it for hemorrhoids, after each bowel movement. For topical use, experts recommend witch hazel water undiluted or diluted with 1 part witch hazel water and 3 parts water. If you're feeling adventurous and want to make your own witch hazel preparation, you can simmer 5 to 10 grams of leaf and bark per 250 mL of water.

Witch hazel is one of those unicorn natural remedies, much like Epsom salts, that seem to be accepted by both sides of the aisle in what can sometimes be a contentious debate over the usefulness of natural remedies. The cherry on top is that it's cheap and easily stored in your bathroom medicine cabinet should you ever need if for any of the issues mentioned above. I know I always keep mine on hand for minor cuts and burns, bug bites, and a pesky blemish.

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