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10 Best Natural Sources Of Probiotics, According To Nutrition Experts

Korin Miller
March 29, 2022
Korin Miller
Contributing writer
By Korin Miller
Contributing writer
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, relationships, and lifestyle trends with a master’s degree from American University. Her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Prevention, Self, Glamour, and more.
March 29, 2022
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Probiotics are well known for being beneficial for your gut and overall health.*

So, while you probably have a general idea of what probiotics are and do, you might be a little hazy on things like the best natural sources of probiotics.

Here's what you need to know about these gut-boosting microorganisms and how to find them.*

What are probiotics & where do they come from?

For a little refresher: Probiotics are live microorganisms that can have health benefits* when you eat them or apply them to your body, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH).

Probiotics are mostly bacteria, but they can also be from yeast, says Keri Gans, M.S., R.D., author of The Small Change Diet.

They're naturally occurring in certain foods, particularly fermented options.

That's because "probiotics are created during the fermenting process," explains registered dietitian and mbg Collective member Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D.

10 natural sources of probiotics.

Taking a supplement can give you quick access to certain probiotics, but there are other options, too.

"One of the easiest ways to [get natural probiotics] is to increase the number of probiotic-rich foods in your diet," says Sophia Tolliver, M.D., MPH, a family medicine physician at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

There are plenty of options out there when it comes to natural sources of probiotics, but these are considered the best:


Certain cheeses

Most cheeses are fermented, but not all cheese contains probiotics. Cheeses like cottage cheese, Gouda, and cheddar can contain probiotics (but it's important to check the label to be sure), Tolliver says.

"Typically you'll most likely find probiotics in hard and soft cheeses that have been aged but then are not heated afterward," Cording says. 



Kefir is similar to yogurt, but it's slightly different. This is a fermented milk drink, and it's made by mixing kefir grains with milk, Cording says.

Those grains have lactic acid bacteria and yeast, which then proliferate to make food rich in different strains of Lactobacilli bacteria.



Kimchi is cabbage fermented with probiotic lactic acid bacteria, and it's a traditional staple in Korean cuisine.

"Kimchi is a great source of probiotics," Cording says. Put it over sandwiches or barbecue for an instant hit of flavor.



Kombucha is made from SCOBY, which stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, that is mixed with sweetened black or green tea.

During the fermentation process, SCOBY eats the sugars in the tea and creates probiotic bacteria, Cording says.



Miso is a type of seasoning that's made by fermenting soybeans with salt and the fungus koji.

The result is a flavorful paste that you can easily add to soups, meats, and a wide range of other dishes.



Pickles are created when cucumbers are left in a combination of salt and water.

Pickles go through a fermentation process, and that causes the food's naturally present lactic acid bacteria to thrive.

There is a difference in what kind of probiotics you might get from pickles, though. Your standard store-shelf pickle is usually made with vinegar, which can kill the live bacteria, Cording says. That's why you want to opt for pickles made with water and salt.



Sauerkraut is simply cabbage that's been fermented by lactic acid bacteria.

But, as with pickles, you'll want to be wary of the type of sauerkraut you buy if it's the probiotic perks you're after.

You'll want to look for sauerkraut that says "raw and unpasteurized" or "lacto-fermented," to make sure the probiotics are still thriving, Cording says.



Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans and contains beneficial probiotic bacteria. It's a great source of plant-based protein and can be used as a meat substitute. 


Traditional buttermilk

Traditional buttermilk is a little different from the stuff you find at the supermarket (that's called cultured buttermilk).

Traditional buttermilk is the liquid that's left over from making butter, and Cording says it's rich in probiotics.



Yogurt is one of the best natural sources of probiotics, according to Cording. It's made from fermented milk and usually contains good bacteria like lactic acid bacteria and Bifidobacteria.

The actual type of probiotics in yogurt depends on the type you choose, although more common strains include different forms of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacterium. (Check the label of your yogurt for details.) 

But not all yogurt contains live probiotics—some can be killed during processing—and Gans says that's important to note. "When buying yogurt, the container should say 'live and active cultures' so you can be certain they are still alive," Gans says. 

How much probiotic food do you need?

The quantity of probiotic foods you should aim to include in your diet varies, Tolliver says.

However, the American Academy of Family Physicians generally recommends that adults try to consume 10 to 20 billion colony-forming units (CFU) per day.

"Keep in mind, probiotic concentrations vary across foods," Tolliver says. "For example, yogurt on average can contain one to five strains of different bacteria and 6 billion colony-forming units, whereas kefir can contain nearly 12 different strains of bacteria and 25 to 30 billion colony-forming units."

Cording's advice: Just do your best to try to eat probiotic foods regularly.  

How to find a "natural" probiotic supplement.

The term "natural probiotic supplement" is a little fluid. But, in general, a high-quality probiotic derived from clinically researched probiotic or yeast strains is what we're talking about here.

The biggest rule of thumb when picking out a probiotic supplement is to opt for one that contains at least 1 billion CFUs, Tolliver says.

But ultimately the science on each strain should dictate how many billion CFUs are in the product. To that end, you want to choose products that contain the most well-researched strains, like Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, or Saccharomyces boulardii, says Liping Zhao, Ph.D., chair of applied microbiology at Rutgers University.

"There need to be clinical trials to show that they have beneficial effects," he says. Otherwise, he points out, you're basically left guessing whether your probiotic is working for you.

Keep in mind that can be hard to consistently get enough probiotics in your day from diet alone.

"In order to reap the full benefits, I tend to recommend supplementation," Cording says. "There are so many different types of these bacteria, and certain foods will have some kinds but may not have much of others."

Cording stresses that she's "very much a food-first practitioner" but notes that, "sometimes we need to incorporate supplements to get the full benefits. Probiotics are one of those cases."*

A concentrated supplemental probiotic format is particularly relevant for targeted probiotics with clinical evidence for key health areas, like elevating your gut microbiome, for example.* 

If you're interested in adding more probiotics to your diet, consider adding probiotic foods and see how you feel. Just know that probiotic supplementation may be the best way to reap all of the benefits.*

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