The 10 Best Vitamins For Menopause Fatigue — And 7 That Need More Research

Come menopause, many women find that their energy and motivation have been zapped. Fatigue sets in, and hot flashes, night sweats, and sleeping difficulties don't help matters.
But you don't need to grin and bear menopause fatigue. Plenty of nutrients can support your health, improve your energy levels, and ease your symptoms through this transitional phase. Here are the vitamins, minerals, and botanical ingredients that doctors and nutritionists recommend to help squash menopause fatigue once and for all.
What is menopause fatigue?
Fatigue is one of the most common1 symptoms of menopause. A 2016 study with 1,225 participants who were transitioning to menopause found that a whopping 76% of them experienced fatigue2.
This fatigue can be both mental and physical3. In other words, it goes beyond just feeling "tired" and can interfere with your ability to focus and go about your daily life, says Lauren Torrisi-Gorra, M.S., R.D., a registered dietitian.
Menopause fatigue is largely caused by fluctuating hormone levels4, though other symptoms of menopause can make it worse5. Symptoms like lack of sleep, hot flashes, and depression (caused by hormonal changes) exacerbate the issue, says Sheeva Talebian, M.D., a gynecologist and reproductive endocrinologist.
Vitamins for menopause fatigue
Thankfully, some vitamins, minerals, and botanicals have been shown to help with menopause fatigue (and the other symptoms that may contribute to it).
We've gone ahead and compiled experts' top science-backed picks below and linked to some of our favorite supplements currently on the market. But as always, be sure to consult your health care provider about which supplements might be appropriate for you and what dosage you should take.
Vitamin B complex
B vitamins are essential for metabolism and energy production6. So it makes sense that the B complex group of vitamins can help with menopause fatigue, says Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, M.D., author of Menopause Bootcamp.
In fact, a 2018 review article published in the journal Menopause Review notes that the role of B vitamins such as B2, B6, B9, and B12 in treating the symptoms of menopause fatigue cannot be overstated, as these nutrients are critical to energy-producing metabolic pathways. 7
Research also shows that an increased intake of B vitamins may help with other symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes8, insomnia, and depression9, says Torrisi-Gorra.
You can take isolated B vitamins or find multiple B vitamins in a high-quality multi formula, like the ones listed here.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C may also be able to help with menopause fatigue, according to Torrisi-Gorra. Vitamin C10 is involved in energy production at a cellular level, and not getting enough of it can result in weakness, fatigue, and muscle aches. For people who don't get enough from their diet, taking vitamin C supplements has been shown to improve fatigue levels11 in clinical research.
Getting adequate amounts of vitamin C can also help maintain your bone marrow density12, which often deteriorates during menopause.
Vitamin D
Fatigue13 also happens to be a common symptom of a vitamin D deficiency. While you can get vitamin D through natural sources14 like sunshine and certain foods, most people don't get nearly as much as they need15. Your body's ability to make vitamin D from sunlight also decreases as you age16.
Since vitamin D deficiencies are particularly common17 during menopause, taking vitamin D supplements may help combat menopause fatigue. If you have a vitamin D deficiency, supplementation can also help improve your bone mineral density17 and reduce your risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
RELATED READ: The 7 Best Vitamin D Supplements For Immunity & Bone Health*
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another key nutrient to know if you're dealing with the symptoms of menopause. Research shows that it can help with chronic insomnia18, hot flashes19, and other sleep-related disturbances20, thereby helping you get more rest and combat fatigue. Yes, please.
As a nice little bonus, vitamin E21 can also help with the symptoms of genitourinary syndrome22, a menopausal condition characterized by vaginal dryness, burning, itching, and pain.
Like vitamin B, you can find vitamin E in a comprehensive multivitamin.
Menopause can put you at greater risk23 for a magnesium deficiency (sensing a trend here?), so you may need to supplement your intake if you're not getting enough from your diet.
Certain types of magnesium supplements, like magnesium glycinate, may also be helpful, as they have been shown to improve sleep time24 in older adults with insomnia.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids may also help with some of the symptoms of menopause, such as night sweats27, according to Torrisi-Gorra.
Studies show that these healthy fats can also help with depression28, anxiety29, and many of the markers of metabolic syndrome30, such as blood pressure, triglyceride levels, insulin resistance, body mass index, waist circumference, and inflammation.
According to the American Heart Association31, most people don't get enough omega-3 from their diets and may need to augment their intake with supplements.
RELATED READ: The 15 Best Omega-3 Supplements
Ashwagandha, a plant native to India with a long history of medicinal use in Ayurvedic medicine, is another tool to add to your energizing arsenal, says Gilberg-Lenz. It has impressive anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective properties32.
Research33 shows that ashwagandha may potentially alleviate menopause symptoms such as insomnia and mood changes, says Torrisi-Gorra. This herb has even been linked to lower stress and better quality of life34, says Gilberg-Lenz.
Ginseng is an herb that has been used for centuries in East Asian countries, and for good reason. Studies show35 that it may be able to decrease menopause fatigue, reduce hot flashes, relieve osteoarthritis pain, boost sexual function, and improve quality of life for people transitioning to menopause. Ginseng may also be able to help improve mood36, says Talebian.
Curcumin, the active component in turmeric, may be beneficial in helping with menopausal symptoms37 like hot flashes38, too, says Torrisi-Gorra. Researchers generally pair it with vitamin E, which we already touched on. The combination may help reduce hot flashes by a third39, studies find.
Black cohosh
Preliminary research that indicates it may help with symptoms such as hot flashes42 is promising; however, further research is required to more conclusively prove its effectiveness, says Torrisi-Gorra.
Ingredients that need further research
Other vitamins and supplements have also been linked to menopausal support. However, we need to know a little more about them before wholeheartedly endorsing them. These include:
- Valerian root: There is some evidence that valerian root may help with hot flashes43 and sleep disturbances44; however, further evidence is required to confirm these findings.
- Red clover: While there is some reason to believe that red clover may help reduce the severity of menopause symptoms45, the science so far has been inconsistent.
- Dong quai root extract: Dong quai is ann herb that is used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat menopause-related issues, but there isn't much modern research on it. A 2019 review46 notes that while it did seem to help menopause symptoms when combined with several other herbs, it seemed to have no effect on its own.
- Wild yam: Wild yam tubers are also used in Chinese medicine to regulate menopause symptoms46 and are considered a natural alternative to hormone therapy47. However, further scientific testing is required to prove these results conclusively in humans.
- Grapeseed extract: Yes, grapeseed extract, made from the seeds of wine grapes, shows some promise in treating hot flashes and other physical symptoms of menopause48. But some studies49 have not found any significant benefits.
- Berberine: Berberine50 may be able to help with blood pressure and other cardiovascular markers51 in menopause; however, further evidence is needed52 to prove its influence on other menopausal symptoms.
- Inositol: Inositol may be able to improve markers of thyroid health53 and cardiometabolic health54 in menopause, but more research is required55 to prove its benefits.
Side effects and risks
While these nutrients may be able to help with menopause fatigue, it's important to remember that it's possible to get too much of a good thing, says Torrisi-Gorra. Taking some of them in higher doses can have harmful side effects56, so always consult your health care provider before you start any supplementation routine.
Pro tip
Some of these supplements (such as dong quai) can also act like estrogen in your body, which could have risks for people with a history of breast or uterine cancer, says Talebian. Therefore, it's also important to discuss your medical history with your health care provider before you take any supplements.
Furthermore, Talebian explains that while estrogen has many benefits, it can lead to unhealthy growth of the uterine lining if it is not taken in conjunction with progesterone. Your health care provider can assess your hormone and nutrient requirements and make recommendations accordingly.
What else can help?
Of course, no vitamin in the world will cure menopause fatigue on its own. You'll want to pair it with healthy, energizing lifestyle habits like these:
Try to get enough sleep
Although the symptoms of menopause can sometimes make it way easier said than done, getting enough sleep each night is important. Aim for seven to eight and a half-hours of high-quality sleep a night—integrative physician Sarah Gottfried, M.D., recommends using a sleep tracker to measure your deep and REM sleep and make sure those key stages are optimized.
Following a healthy bedtime routine can help promote better sleep, too. Talebian suggests switching off electronic screens close to bedtime and doing something relaxing instead, such as reading, sketching, or spending time with family. Maintaining a cool, dark, and quiet57 sleeping environment can also help improve sleep quality—and keep hot flashes at bay.
Exercise every day
Exercising every day can help you get better sleep and therefore improve your fatigue levels, Talebian says. While cardio exercise58 is important, don't neglect strength training59, as it can be particularly beneficial for the symptoms of menopause, says Torrisi-Gorra. Yoga60 and meditation61 are added bonuses for stress relief, Talebian says.
Be mindful about alcohol and caffeine
Talebian recommends avoiding alcohol and caffeine after a certain time of day, or skipping them altogether, as they can interfere with sleep quality62 in many people. Instead, she suggests sipping on a calming hot beverage such as herbal tea at night.
Follow a balanced diet
Following a nourishing diet rich in protein, seasonal foods, and micronutrients can go a long way in boosting your energy levels, says Gilberg-Lenz. Here are some foods a nutritionist recommends adding to your plate during menopause.
Seek treatment and don't be afraid to ask for support
If your menopause symptoms are debilitating and interfere with your ability to function, it's important to seek treatment from a health care provider. Although the preference is to try diet and lifestyle changes first, hormone therapy63 or medications such as oral antidepressants (SSRIs)64 may be needed. If you're struggling with the symptoms of menopause, don't hesitate to reach out to loved ones for support. Just having people who you can talk to about it can help more than you realize.
What are the top three vitamins for menopause?
Vitamin B-complex, vitamin D, and vitamin E are among the top three vitamins for menopause. However, everyone's nutrient needs vary, so you should visit your health care provider to determine which nutrients you need and what dosage is safe and appropriate for you.
What helps with extreme fatigue during menopause?
Prioritizing sleep and practicing good sleep hygiene habits can help you get some rest and reduce your fatigue levels. Eating healthy foods, exercising, and cultivating a strong support network can also be very helpful. However, if you're experiencing extreme fatigue that's interfering with your ability to function, you should consult your health care provider. They can diagnose the exact cause of the fatigue and prescribe treatment accordingly.
What is the best way to avoid menopause weight gain?
A balanced diet and daily exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight. Aim for a diet rich in protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Create an exercise routine that incorporates aerobic exercise and strength training. Try these tips to curb increased appetite and food cravings. If needed, talk to your health care provider about managing weight gain.
The takeaway
Oh, the joys of womanhood: Hormonal changes can cause severe fatigue during the menopause transition. Other symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia can also contribute to your fatigue, making you feel even more mentally and physically drained.
Addressing any vitamin and mineral deficiencies and ensuring you're getting enough nutrition to support your needs during this time is critical. The 10 vitamins on this list are great ones to start looking into with your doctor. At the end of the day, remember that menopause fatigue, though incredibly frustrating, is common—and there are lots of tools out there to help you beat it and get back to your energized self.
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