695 Items Tagged


5 Most Important Things I Learned About Sex From Teaching Human Sexuality

I thought I knew a lot about sex. But, as it happens, teaching a class on it really broadened my perspective.

#communication #personal growth #relationships #wellness
Kelly Neff, M.A., PhD
March 27 2014

10 Foods A Naturopathic Doctor Always Buys

Load up on these goodies next time you're at the grocery store.

#Herbs #food #garlic #healthy foods #kale
Katie Corazzo, N.D.
March 25 2014

5 Things I Miss About Weighing More Than 300 Pounds

I smoked like a house on fire, drank like a blues guitarist, ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and I never, ever exercised.

#compassion #confidence #personal growth #present #weight loss
Kelly Coffey
March 21 2014

DIY: 4 All-Natural Skin Care Recipes

Have you run out of your favorite skin care product? Are you on a tight budget? Or have the products you use just stopped working for you? Don’t...

#beauty #essential oils #skin #wellness
Marina De Giovanni
March 18 2014

5 Tricks To Visualize (And Get) The Body You Want

It seemed that as soon as I started practicing visualization for weight loss, a subtle shift happened inside of me.

#relaxation #stress #visualization #weight loss #weight loss success
Jon Gabriel
March 13 2014

6 Things Every Lesbian Should Know About Her Health, From A Gynecologist

In speaking with many lesbian and bisexual women in my 22 years as an ob-gyn, I've learned that some have felt apprehensive about getting health care...

#disease #healing #wellness

Why Friendship Is Great For Your Brain: A Neuroscientist Explains

Do you have 150 friends?

#happiness #relationships #wellness
Sarah McKay, MSc, PhD
March 11 2014

5 Ways To Attract Your Soul Mate

Five steps you can take to prepare yourself for the greatest love of your life.

#awareness #fear #happiness #love #wellness
Shelly Bullard, MFT
March 10 2014

A Green Smoothie To Power You Through The Day

An energy-boosting smoothie to hydrate and detox.

#food #healthy foods #healthy recipes #smoothie #wellness
Lori Kenyon Farley
March 5 2014

16 Ways To Avoid Sitting So Much During The Day

You already know you should exercise most days of the week, but did you know that you need to sit less too?

#fitness #healing #wellness #work
Chris Freytag
March 5 2014

Basil Beet Juice With A Ginger Kick

A beetroot detox juice.

#food #healthy foods #healthy recipes #juicing #wellness
Jason Vale
March 4 2014

6 Mantras To Inspire You When The Going Gets Tough

As a group fitness instructor, I have lots of power phrases I use to fire up the motivation and effort in my fitness classes, and on my exercise DVDs....

#fitness #inspiration #wellness #yoga
Chris Freytag
February 28 2014

9 Reasons Why You Need Powdered Green Juice

We're expected to accomplish a lot in a day, so it's helpful to know that this one reliable little thing can keep you on track.

#healing #healthy foods #partnered posts #wellness
February 27 2014

How To Clean Your Carpets & Rugs Using Nothing But Pantry Staples

Most homes have carpet in them somewhere.

#environmentalism #home #toxic #vinegar #wellness
Healthy Child Healthy World
February 24 2014

How Mindfulness Helps You See What's Missing (And Why You'd Want To)

In Basic Mindfulness (the system of Mindfulness I teach) there’s a term called “Gone.” Gone refers to any moment of partial or complete disappearance...

#awareness #meditation #mindfulness #wellness
Julianna Raye
February 20 2014

14 Mantras To Help You Build Positive Self-Talk

"I am capable."

#confidence #happiness #mantras #stress #wellness
Belinda Anderson
February 17 2014

Why Being Present Is So Difficult (And What You Can Do About It)

Before we try to answer that question, it's necessary to understand the intrinsic nature of the mind.

#anxiety #fear #mindfulness #present #wellness
Rajeev Kurapati, M.D.
February 14 2014

3 Ways To Find The Person Who's Right For You

Every day, clients tell me that they’re in relationships with people they care about, but their needs aren’t being met.

#fear #love #relationships #wellness
Danielle Dowling, Psy.D.
February 13 2014

10 Steps To Manifest Abundance

What's the one mindset shift that will improve your life forever?

#abundance #gratitude #happiness #wellness
Amy Shah, M.D.
February 12 2014

Raw Cacao Almond Truffles With Superfoods

Whether you're rollin’ solo this Valentine’s Day or you have a boo to spend time with remember, the day is always better with truffles (any day is...

#food #gluten-free recipe #healthy foods #healthy recipes #wellness
Molly Patrick
February 8 2014