695 Items Tagged


Why Wellness Warriors Should Care About Football

As America’s most popular sport, football is a big part of life for many of us. Boys in the United States start playing pee wee football around age 6,...

#antioxidant #disease #news #study #wellness

A Perfectly Refreshing Green Juice With A Ginger Kick

Apple has a lovely way of calming broccoli’s often, er, “well-announced” flavor ... and a bit of ginger gives this juice a refreshing heat. If you’re...

#healthy recipes #juicing #wellness
Julie Morris
May 15 2014

Spice Up Your Life With This Zesty North African Herb Sauce!

This herb-filled sauce is traditionally used for fish or meats, but it's also great for vegans.

#books #food #garlic #gluten-free recipe #healthy foods
Bryant Terry
May 14 2014

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Acceptance

What we resist, persists.

#acceptance #compassion #happiness #pain #wellness
Megan Bruneau, M.A.
May 10 2014

Pomegranate-Peach Barbecue Sauce (It's Vegan!)

This spicy sauce will reinvigorate your palate.

#garlic #healthy foods #healthy recipes #vegan #vegan recipes
Bryant Terry
May 9 2014

5 Ways To Stay Fit When You're Working Like A Dog

As anyone trying to stay in shape knows, without continued effort, we lose our gains. Getting ripped is hard, and staying there is even harder. Our...

#fitness #food #healthy foods #wellness #work

Garlic Quinoa With Ginger-Coriander Sauce

Cheers to hearty food that won't give you indigestion and comfort food that won't put you in a food coma. This dish is the perfect balance of hearty...

#food #gluten-free recipe #healthy foods #vegan recipes #wellness
Molly Patrick
May 8 2014

3 Ways I Learned To Thrive As An Introvert

About 10 minutes into a talk I was giving to a group of college students, I mentioned that I was a shy introvert. After a moment of silence, I heard a...

#personal growth #relationships #tips #wellness #work
Josh Langley
May 6 2014

Why Self-Care Isn't Selfish

I was at an event in San Francisco a few years ago and had the privilege of spending some time with Louise Hay, founder of Hay House and best-selling...

#fear #happiness #relationships #wellness
Mike Robbins
May 6 2014

Try These 12-Minute High-Intensity Workouts (No Equipment Required!)

If you think you need equipment in order to stay in shape, you’re kidding yourself.

#fitness #flexibility #hiit #tips #weight loss

8 Ways To Get Kids To Eat More Fruits & Veggies

Sometimes getting your children to eat more plants can seem like an uphill battle. Ads for processed foods are everywhere, and they’re often promoted...

#food #healthy foods #parenting #wellness
Luke Jones
May 2 2014

5 Foods I ALWAYS Have On Hand To Keep My Snacking Healthy

Substantial food with enough crunch to satisfy your cravings.

#gluten #healthy foods #quinoa #slideshows #snacks
Wade Brill
April 22 2014

How Tree Pose Can Make You A Better Runner

Running is a one-legged sport. That's why I especially love tree pose, or Vrksasana for runners.

#balance #running #wellness #yoga #yoga poses
Steph Creaturo
April 22 2014

9 Easy Ways To Reconnect In Your Relationship

As a couples therapist, I've learned a lot about marriages and relationships.

#balance #healing #love #personal growth #relationships
Gina Senarighi, MFT
April 20 2014

3 Reasons To Make Your Life More Spiritual

Spiritualism for self-improvement is the path and process that guides you toward self-awakening and self-realization, uncovering the darkness and...

#happiness #pain #spirituality #wellness
Sanjay Jain, M.D., MBA
April 16 2014

7 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day For A Better Life

You will be amazed at how powerful questions can be in your life.

#happiness #healing #personal growth #wellness
Michael T. Murray, N.D.
April 14 2014

A Kale Smoothie That Tastes Like Ice Cream

I'm a blendaholic. And when it comes to passing my addiction on to others, I'm also an enabler. But fear not. This habit is healthy and comes with a...

#food #ginger #gluten-free recipe #healthy foods #healthy recipes
Tess Masters
April 10 2014

5 Common Fears That Keep People Out Of Therapy

The five biggest reasons people avoid therapy in the first place.

#fear #happiness #healing #self-acceptance #wellness
Megan Hale, M.A.
April 10 2014

7 Things To Eliminate From Your Diet Immediately

We've all heard this before. The USDA Healthy Eating Index says U.S. adults eat far too many processed foods. About 70% of us are omega-3 deficient...

#Vitamin D #body #partnered posts #supplements #wellness
April 2 2014

Lemon Johnnycakes With Blueberry Syrup (Vegan & Gluten-Free!)

Breakfast can be a challenge on a gluten-free diet. Sometimes gluten-free alternatives to traditional breakfast foods are disappointing — either too...

#food #gluten-free recipe #healthy foods #healthy recipes #vegan recipes
Rachel Carr
March 30 2014