Here's What All 12 Zodiac Signs Can Expect From The Year's First New Moon

Every new moon begins in a fresh lunar cycle, and this time around, it's in the sign of innovative and humanitarian Aquarius. The new moon will arrive on Wednesday, January 29, at 7:36 a.m. EST, but depending on where it falls in your birth chart, we all have something different to expect. Here's what to know.
Note: Be sure to check your sun and rising signs.
It's time to put your best face forward, Aries, as this inspiring new moon makes its way through your 11th house of networks, larger communities, and humanitarianism. In fact, it's the very house associated with Aquarius to begin with, so it's like you're getting a double dose of the water bearer's energy.
Under this new moon, consider new ways in which you can show up for community, or even lean on them for support. You could make unexpected connections or even find yourself in a new fringe group. Don't be afraid to let your freak flag fly! You'll be magnetic when networking right now.
How are things looking on the career front, Taurus? You'll be happy to know you're poised to make moves in your job under this new moon, as it lands in your 10th house of career and public image. Whether you're gunning for a promotion, a raise, or a completely new job pivot altogether, nothing is off the table right now.
And remember, Aquarius is a sign that's all about new ideas and progressive thinking. Be ready to share your most out-there ideas if you have the opportunity. Or perhaps, make the opportunity? In any case, people want to hear what you have to say professionally right now, Taurus, so let yourself be heard.
Ready to set sail, Gemini? With the Aquarius new moon in your ninth house of higher learning and travel, you could feel a real urge to broaden your horizons right now. Of course, that could literally be traveling somewhere new, but broadening your horizons might also include broadening your mind.
The ninth house is associated with philosophy, wisdom, and growth, after all. So, even if you're not jet-setting off to some exotic locale, nothing's stopping you from diving into research, taking a new workshop or class, or learning a new skill. Of course, if you can squeeze a getaway into your calendar, a quick solo vacation would be very Aquarius of you.
Feeling vulnerable, Cancer? As this new moon lands in your eighth house of transformation and rebirth, this could be a particularly potent time for new beginnings—and deeper intimacy. Your call to action now is to go deep, not just with yourself, but with those closest to you.
You're a sign that prioritizes emotional safety and security, so putting yourself out there emotionally can definitely feel scary. But the Aquarian influence of this new moon is encouraging you to try something different and break new ground. When you do, you might just find you create more openness and possibility within your relationships—and your connection to yourself.
With the new moon in your opposite sign of Aquarius, Leo, that means it highlights your seventh house of partnerships and long-term commitments. That said, there's definitely an emphasis your closest relationships right now, whether that's in your love life, or even your work life.
And with the Aquarian influence of this moon, you're being encouraged to look at—or approach—these relationships in a new or otherwise innovative way. If you're single, you could meet someone new under this moon, and if you're already partnered up, this is an excellent time to reignite the spark by trying something new together.
We've got good news for you, Virgo: This new moon in Aquarius is making its way through your sixth house of self-care, service, and —which happens to be the very house associated with your sign. That said, you'll feel right at home under this moon, and it's giving you a great opportunity to do what you do best: take care of yourself and refine your routines.
Whatever you need on the day of the new moon, do it, whether that's resting, reorganizing, or trying a new workout class. And keeping Aquarian ideals of innovation and advancement in mind; How might you infuse your daily habits with a more progressive approach? Don't be afraid to try something new—it might be just the change your routine's been needing.
Feeling passionate, Libra? With the new moon in Aquarius highlighting your fifth house of expression, fertility, and creativity, you might feel especially energized and enthusiastic right now. The fifth house also rules passion and flirtation—so keep your eyes on the dating prize.
If you're already partnered up, of course, this is a great time for you to bring some more excitement to your love life by trying something new. If you're single, you might find yourself attracted to more quirky, eccentric types, thanks to Aquarius' influence. In any case, the call to action is simply to do what makes you feel good under this moon, whether that's a creative project, going out on the town, or staying in with your lover.
If your home life has needed a refresh, Scorpio, you'll be happy to know this new moon might be just the energy you've been waiting for. As it moves into your fourth house of family, home, and roots, you've got Aquarian winds at your sail, ushering in some much-needed change.
This could look like refreshing your literal space, whether by reorganizing, redecorating, or even moving house altogether. The fourth house also deals with family dynamics, so if anything in the home needs to be addressed, now's the time to do it (roommates included!). Aquarius is all about collaboration, however, so just remember to make sure everyone's voice is heard at home.
Feeling social, Sagittarius? With the new moon focusing on your third house of communication and information, you could feel like you have a lot of mental tabs open at this time. Of course, your call to action now is to get it off your chest! With the moon in your third house, your voice bears extra weight right now, so use it wisely.
Aquarius is all about innovation, progress, and humanity, so with the moon here, we're all encouraged to think about our larger place in the world. Let your words be a conduit for the world you dream of seeing, and share your vision for the future with those around you. You could end up inspiring or teaching someone!
It's time for you to make some money moves, Capricorn! With this Aquarius new moon making its way through your second house of money, possessions, and material security, you have a prime opportunity to earn more money, get a raise, or even make a great investment. Music to your ears, right?
Just remember, while you're a sign that values material success, Aquarius is a sign that values humanitarian and collective efforts. What benefits you should benefit all, and you'll find the goals that serve more than just yourself will come easier now. To that end, this Aquarius moon could even encourage mindset shifts around money and abundance, as well as how you relate to your own wealth.
Happy birthday season, Aquarius! This is your new moon, landing in your first house of self-identity, so it's your time to shine! Naturally, this time of year always feels like a big reset for you, between your birthday season, the new calendar year, and even the Lunar New Year.
That said, you're entering a new chapter right now, so embrace it. Do the thing you keep meaning to do but keep putting off. Dare to put yourself out there if you've been afraid to be seen. Trust that you've got the wind at your sails right now.
This could feel like a heavier new moon than most for you, Pisces, as it lands in your 12th house of endings, closure, and the subconscious. While new moons are typically about beginnings and fresh starts, you might feel more sentimental, insecure, or generally dark this time around. But this energy is encouraging you to uncover those fears and insecurities so you can move forward.
After all, your birthday season is right around the corner, so you can start preparing for your next chapter now. By tending to your inner child and confronting (perhaps even extending compassion to...) your shadow, you'll be better equipped to enter the next year of your life.
The takeaway
Aquarius is the eccentric water bearing inventor of the zodiac, and under this new moon, we'll all be feeling more innovative and humanitarian. By the Aquarius full moon six months from now, we might just find that innovation and collectivism were what we needed all along.
P.S. Be sure to check out how to work with this new moon, plus our complete guide to new moon rituals.