46 Items Tagged

training advice

9 Ways To Make Your Workout Suck Less

Exercise shouldn’t be a hassle or a punishment. It should be a release. Your workouts should be the best part of your day.

#fitness #training #training advice #training how to #workout
Amy Clover
June 11 2015

Work Out A Lot? Here's How To Prevent Injuries

Chances are that if you're active, you've had an overuse injury at some point. Every type of activity comes with its own susceptibility to injury:...

#pain #training advice #wellness
Camilla Moore, D.C.
June 5 2015

A 10-Move Workout You Can Do In 10 Minutes (Video)

Here’s a great, effective and quick full-body routine you can do anywhere! No equipment or gym required, just a mat for comfort. Make sure to check...

#cardio #fitness #fitness sequence #how to lose weight #move of the day
Laura McDonald
May 17 2015

5 Stretches For Tight Hips & Hamstrings

Stretching has never been more important, and I can’t emphasize enough the need to make time for it.

#body #fitness #fitness sequence #flexibility #move of the day
Kristen Matthews
May 15 2015

How To Get In A Daily Run, No Matter How Crazy-Busy You Are

We all have that one friend we secretly believe must not sleep because how else could they possibly work full-time, volunteer, stay in amazing shape...

#fitness #running #running tips #training advice #wellness
Amanda C. Brooks
May 2 2015

9 Tips For Healthy, Fun, Injury-Free Running

There is the thinking behind what's going to help you run your best for the rest of your life, and then there's the action you need to take. Here is...

#running #running tips #training advice #wellness
Jordan Metzl, M.D.
April 14 2015