27 Items Tagged


5 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes

Contrary to popular approaches, this strategy involves more than just positive thinking or working hard.

#empowerment #goal setting #intention #personal growth #power of positive thinking
Hilary Stokes, PhD, LCSW
November 26 2013

6 Tips To Make Your Detox Fun!

Many people cringe when they hear the word detox. It sounds scary to them, they think they are going to be deprived, hungry and irritable, but it...

#cleanse #detox #immunity #intention #water
Raquel Vasallo
October 19 2013

10 Themes To Focus On When Teaching Yoga

As a yoga teacher, do you set an intention for your teaching?

#balance #digestion #intention #intuition #meditation
Karen Fabian
June 11 2013

5 Steps To Harness The Power Of Intention

Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual...

#awareness #deepak chopra #intention #meditation #personal growth
Deepak Chopra
May 20 2013

5 Tips To Manifest Miracles

Each thought we have creates an energy flow within and around our physical beings.

#acceptance #confidence #fear #happiness #healing
Gabrielle Bernstein
May 6 2013

Why It's Important To Speak Your Truth With Grace

“Our truths grow as we grow. If you’re looking at the trunk of an elephant, your truth might be that you see a wrinkly snake. As you see more of the...

#breathing #communication #intention #personal growth #wellness
Amber Shumake
April 19 2013

5 Most Overused (And Underexplained) Yoga Terms

Yoga teachers have a language all their own, and I'm not talking about Sanskrit.

#intention #personal growth #yoga
Lili Yogini
January 12 2013