Want To Heal Your Throat Chakra? Here's How, According To Experts

Chakras are the primary energy centers of our body, and when they're flowing freely, we tend to feel light and well. When one is blocked, however, we can feel off in a range ways, depending on which chakra isn't flowing.
Here, we're diving into the throat chakra (aka Vishuddha, or the fifth chakra), including what it governs, how to tell if it's balanced versus blocked, and what to do to heal it.
The 7 chakras
Chakras are the body's energy centers. The main seven chakras run up the spinal cord—beginning at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of the head. They each correspond to different needs and emotions (starting with basic survival and ending with a connection to spirit and the universe).
Here's a quick look at the seven main chakras:
- Root chakra, Muladhara: The root chakra is our foundation. It develops in our first seven years of life and deals with survival and security needs. It's represented by the color red, and when out of balance, we may feel insecure, unsafe, and even disconnected from reality.
- Sacral chakra, Svadhisthana: The sacral chakra, which is located in your lower abdomen, is all about creativity and sexuality. It's associated with orange and is formed in the seven years after your root chakra until age 14. (This seven-year timeline continues with each chakra as we get older).
- Solar plexus chakra, Manipura: Moving from the lower to the upper abdomen, you'll find your solar plexus chakra, which is associated with the color yellow. This chakra deals with confidence as well as overall self-worth and self-esteem.
- Heart chakra, Anahata: Up next is the heart chakra—located just above your heart in the center of your chest—which is associated with the color green. It deals with our ability to both give and receive love to ourselves and others.
- Throat chakra, Vishuddha: The throat chakra, which is associated with light blue or turquoise, is all about expression and truth. When it's open, we can communicate our truth clearly and effectively. When it's blocked, we struggle to share authentically.
- Third-eye chakra, Ajna: From ages 36 to 42, our third-eye chakra develops, and it's associated with dark blue and purple shades. It deals with intuition and our ability to move past our ego. When it's unbalanced, we'll feel out of touch with our intuition.
- Crown chakra, Sahasrara: At the crown of our head, we have the crown chakra. The final chakra is associated with shades of violet and glowing white. It develops when someone has become evolved enough to tap into higher consciousness—something that can take a lifetime and doesn't happen for everyone.
What is the throat chakra?

- Location: Throat
- What it controls: Communication, self-expression, and truth
- Mantra: "I speak my truth, always."
- Color: Light Blue/Turquoise
- Element: Sound/Music
- Stone: Aquamarine
- Yoga pose: Fish pose
- When it develops: 29–35 years old
The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, gives voice to the lower chakras and deals with our ability to communicate and express ourselves. According to spiritual icon and guru Deepak Chopra, when the throat is balanced, it can give us the confidence that we're capable of communicating our needs—but when it's not, we often feel like we're not being heard.
"In order to feel alive and empowered, it's important that this energy center is clear," Chopra previously wrote for mindbodygreen, adding that blockages in this area are often associated with thyroid problems or chronic neck pain.
And according to naturopathic doctor and reiki master Erica Matluck, N.D., N.P., the throat chakra is essential for creating the life you want (aka manifesting) because it is the conduit that connects your inner world to the outer world.
"This is why it is so critical to work through the lower chakras before attempting to fully open the throat—the throat chakra transmits thought and intention into the material world via language," Matluck explains, noting that many people are too weighed down by guilt to use their throat chakra effectively.
"When the throat chakra is not free to transmit our truth into the world because of guilt, our ability to create the lives of our dreams is limited. To heal this wound of guilt, we must move from the shadow state of the throat chakra into its gift," Matluck says.
Signs of a balanced throat chakra
A balanced throat chakra is capable of communicating truth clearly. When the throat chakra is open, according to Matluck, there are no misunderstandings or missed connections. "The voice of someone with an open throat chakra can change the world with words, pitch, and vibration. In order for the throat chakra to open, the message must be so true and authentic, it's captivating," she explains.
Here are some signs your throat chakra is balanced and open:
- Authentic communication
- Good listening skills
- Confidence in speech and communication
- Free and open expression
- Open-mindedness
- Creativity
- Adaptability to change
Signs of an imbalanced throat chakra
According to Matluck, when we attempt to use the throat chakra to communicate anything other than what is true and authentic, dysfunction sets in. "Sometimes this shows up physically as a thyroid condition or an ailment in the throat—other times it shows up as an inability to express oneself as they desire," she explains.
Here are some other signs your throat chakra might be out of balance or blocked:
- Thyroid issues
- Sore throats
- Ear infections
- Neck and shoulder pain
- Issues expressing yourself
- Constant fear of being out of control
- Poor listening
- Feeling unheard
- Disconnect between thoughts and speech
How to balance your throat chakra
When it comes to unblocking, opening, and healing your throat chakra, you can do a combination of practices, as well as inner growth and reflection, to help bring it into balance. As aforementioned, guilt is often a big reason people wind up with blocked throat chakras, as well as insecurity, worrying how others will react, and being afraid to take up space.
Working with a therapist, doing inner child and/or shadow work, and practicing authentic self-expression can all help bring power back to your throat chakra. Here are some other practices that can assist with throat chakra opening.
Yoga for the throat chakra
Certain yoga poses that centralize energy in your throat are the best options to go for in order to balance your throat chakra. Here's a handful to try yourself:
- Fish pose
- Cat-cow
- Camel pose
- Plough pose
- Shoulderstand
- Cobra pose
- Supine twist
- Sphinx pose
Meditation for the throat chakra
According to yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda guru Yogi Cameron, certain meditations can help bring energy and awareness to your throat chakra, so any dormant or stagnant energy there can be redirected to your communication and presentation to the world around you.
Here's what he recommends:
- Sit, and begin to inhale, bringing your chin down.
- Hold your breath and feel the pressure on your throat. Stay here as long as is comfortable without straining.
- Exhale and repeat five to seven times.
- Take note of how vibrant your throat chakra feels, and how much more open and free you feel.
Pranayama for the throat chakra
Pranayama, or breath control, is a way of breathing in a specific pattern for a specific purpose. One pranayama, called Bhramari pranayama (or bee breathing) concentrates energy in the throat, making it a great option for the throat chakra.
As yoga instructor Dylan Werner previously wrote for mindbodygreen, Bhramari pranayama is named after the Hindu deity Bhramari, the goddess of bees, with the light humming sound of the Bhramari breath alluding to the buzzing sound that bees' wings make.
Here's how to do it:
- Sit in a chair, in a kneeling position, or cross-legged, with a tall neutral spine. This practice can also be done lying down.
- Close your mouth and separate your teeth slightly. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your upper teeth.
- Option: Cover your ear canals with your index fingers and close your eyes, or take shanmukhi mudra by placing your thumbs over your ears and laying your fingers flat over your eyes and cheeks.
- Make the sound om while exhaling through the nose.
- Inhale slowly through the nose.
- Practice for 5 to 15 minutes.
- Note: This practice is usually done with the index fingers in the ears to amplify the inner resonance of the reverberating hum. As an alternative, it can be done using shanmukhi mudra. Shanmukhi mudra means "six-gate seal" and is said to close off the six gates of perception (two eyes, two ears, nose, and mouth) so that attention can be directed to the inner self. This mudra is done by covering the ears with the thumbs while the fingers lie flat over the eyes and cheeks.
Crystals for the throat chakra
Different crystals and stones have vibratory qualities that resonate with each of the chakras, making them an excellent tool to work with if you're looking to unblock or balance a particular chakra(s).
In the case of the throat, you want to go for light blue or turquoise crystals. Some crystals for this chakra include:
- Amazonite
- Celestite
- Blue lace agate
- Turquoise
- Aquamarine
- Lapis lazuli
- Blue calcite
- Blue apatite
- Blue chalcedony
- Angelite
A ritual bath for the throat chakra
Another way to work with the throat chakra is to take a healing ritual bath, according to crystal expert Deborah Haugen. She recommends this ritual bath specifically for the throat chakra.
What you'll need:
- A few crystals associated with the throat chakra (see above for crystal options)
- Lavender and/or geranium essential oil
- Lemon and turmeric herbal tea
- Epsom salts
- Add the suggested gemstones to your tub before running your bathwater. Be sure to cleanse your crystals first. If the gemstones are small, place them in a cloth or mesh bag to keep from losing them. If the crystals are not recommended to be placed in water, keep them on the side of the tub.
- Run your bath, adding 1 cup of Himalayan or Epsom salts to help you relax and support cleansing.
- Create an atmosphere. Color can influence mood, so consider using a colored light bulb in a relaxing hue. Candles are great additions, too, and playing soft music can help you relax.
- Once the bathtub is filled to the brim (you want to be able to soak your entire body), add 8 to 10 drops of the essential oils and swish the water to mix in the oils. Keep in mind that some essential oils can irritate the skin, even when in water. Reference this list for ones that you shouldn't add to your bath.
- If you want to add herbs, you can make a strong herbal tea and add that to your bathwater. Or, if you prefer, you may make a cup of tea to sip while you soak.
- Get in and enjoy!
Affirmations for the throat chakra
Affirmations are great for any chakra, but particularly potent for the throat chakra since you speak them out loud. As Matluck notes, "Your words create the world around you [and] should be declarative, free of doubt, and rooted in the present moment. For example, if your intention is to write a book, speak the words, "I am an author," Matluck says.
Here are some other affirmations that are supportive for the throat chakra:
- I speak my truth, always.
- I am confident in my speech.
- My words are aligned with my truth.
- I express myself with clarity and authenticity.
- My expression can change the world.
Mantra for the throat chakra
According to Matluck, chanting a mantra aloud is another great way to consciously direct vibration into your throat chakra—and the world. In Kundalini yoga, she says, "Sat Nam" is a powerful and popular mantra meaning "truth is my identity."
Practice chanting "Sat Nam" for three to 11 minutes daily, Matluck suggests, adding that you can also get creative and make up your own mantra, choosing a positive affirmation that supports your current life goals and chanting it aloud daily.
Traditionally, the mantra associated with the throat chakra is "HAM," which means "I am THAT," with "That" being God, the ultimate reality, or the universe.
Mudra for the throat chakra
Mudras (the Sanskrit word for "gesture") are used in yoga to cultivate awareness toward certain energetic fields within the subtle body—and some of them can be useful for the throat chakra, according to certified yoga instructor Andrea Rice.
She recommends the Granthita Mudra, which can be used for the throat chakra to help clear the way for expression of your authentic self. Here's how to do it:
- Interlace your last three fingers (middle, ring, and pinky) together inside of your hands.
- Interlock the index fingertips and thumbs to form two rings, and hold this mudra in front of the base of your throat.
- Repeat the mantra "HAM" (pronounced "HAUHM") as you hold the mudra.
The Law of Detachment for the throat chakra
According to Deepak, the Law of Detachment governs the throat chakra. In his words, "The Law of Detachment reminds you that you can choose your words and actions, but you cannot control the response to your words and action. When your intentions are clear, and your heart is open, you will spontaneously demonstrate right speech trusting that the universe will handle the details."
Without the Law of Detachment, we may worry about how people will react to what we say, which impedes our ability to speak our truth. But with the Law of Detachment, Deepak says, your throat chakra is open to express "without concern for censors or critics."
"This does not mean you say things that are intentionally hurtful or insensitive. On the contrary, people with open centers of communication are skillful in expressing their needs in ways that are life supporting," he adds.
What does the throat chakra do?
The throat chakra gives voice to the lower chakras and deals with our ability to communicate and express ourselves.
What happens when throat chakra is blocked?
When the throat chakra is blocked, you will struggle to communicate effectively and authentically.
How do you unblock your throat chakra?
A combination of inner growth and reflection paired with supportive practices can unblock your throat chakra, such as inner child healing, shadow work, yoga, meditation, pranayama, affirmations, mantras, and more.
What are the symptoms of the throat chakra?
Some symptoms of a blocked throat chakra include thyroid issues, neck pain, sore throat, trouble communicating or expressing yourself, shyness, feeling unheard, and a disconnect between thoughts and speech.
The takeaway
If your throat is out of balance, you'll notice a difference. The good news is, when you release guilt and embrace freedom of expression—and perhaps sprinkle in some healing practices—you can get any stagnant or overactive energy moving freely again so you can speak your truth and live in alignment with it.