Capricorn Compatibility 101: How They Fare With All 12 Zodiac Signs

Capricorn is known for being the structured and responsible sea goat of the zodiac, so when it comes to compatibility, which other signs do they get along with? Here's how Capricorn fares in love with each of the 12 zodiac signs.
Capricorn & Aries
When it comes to a matchup with the fiery ram and the serious sea goat, these two will have their work cut out for them. And unless they have other significantly more compatible placements, honestly, a Cap and Aries relationship doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
The earth signs of the zodiac are looking for stability and long-term results, and Capricorn is easily the most serious about the long-term of them all. Not to mention, this is a duo that forms a square aspect, which can cause a lot of tension.
With these two, it's likely that Capricorn will try to get Aries to "buckle down," while Aries continuously tries to get Cap to lighten up. And more often that not, those are compromises these signs are simply not willing to make. It can feel like they're always working against each other, but if they can learn the art of compromise, they may even heal some old wounds.
Capricorn & Taurus
There's something incredibly stabilizing and grounded that happens when Taurus links up with Capricorn. For one thing, Capricorn understands Taurus' desire for material security, and with Capricorn's strong work ethic and motivation, they're just the right person to provide that for Taurus.
Taurus, meanwhile, is hard-working and a lover of luxury themselves, which Capricorn admires. Both signs prioritize success and ambition in the material world, and when they come together, they can pool their resources and make big money moves.
And even with money out of the equation, these two generally feel a sense of ease and belonging with each other. Their shared element makes for an instant connection where both people feel at home.
Capricorn & Gemini
Gemini and Capricorn form a quincunx aspect, which can make for a fascinating and complex combination because quincunx signs are so different. According to the AstroTwins, in fact, these pairs are the original "the original odd couple."
"You'll either feel like you're with your soul mate or the devil incarnate," they explain, adding that people may wonder how a Gemini and Cap ever got together. Nevertheless, when done right, the twins note their bond can be "intense, unspoken, and almost secretive in a way."
While these two signs will definitely need to adapt to their differences, the twins add that this partnership can result in deep karmic repair, including healing a past life contract with each other. They may also be able to explore their sexuality, dive into deeper intimacy, develop their selfless sides, and learn how to adjust to someone vastly different from them.
Capricorn & Cancer
Capricorn and Cancer sit opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, making them astrological soulmates. As the twins explain, both people have a distinct role in an opposition pairing, but they're a tag team, too. "With an opposite sign, you're challenged to grow as a person and take responsibility for your part of the relationship," they say.
Capricorn, for instance, is a hardworking and structure-oriented sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline and responsibility. Cancer is ruled by the moon and is sensitive and nurturing. These two helping balance a need for structure and security with comfort and compassion. Capricorn, offers a lovely grounding balance to the stability Cancer craves.
Of course, it's not always easy to face someone who shows you where you need to balance and grow. But when done right, Capricorn and Cancer help each other develop the art of compromise and grow together.
Capricorn & Leo
On the surface, you might think this pair makes no sense. And to be honest, it kind of doesn't—yet the allure remains. That's thanks to this pair's quincunx aspect, which, as aforementioned, can create an intense bond.
With a Cap and Leo matchup, the truth is, these two have nothing in common. They're of different elements (fire and earth), modalities (fixed and cardinal), and polarity (yin and yang). As such, the twins note they'll need to adapt to each others differences to make this relationship work, which could take a great deal of adjustment.
"For one of you, the relationship will be about sex and intimacy; for the other, duty and service. If you've both done the requisite self-awareness work, you can make a formidable team when you pool your strengths," they add.
Capricorn & Virgo
Virgo and Capricorn are easily the two hardest-working signs in the zodiac. They take themselves seriously as individuals and as a couple, and when they put their heads together, they can bring real, earthly tangibility to their grand plans.
Because if there's anything an earth sign wants, it's real results—and with these two, they'll get them. This also makes them loyal and supportive partners with a mutual big-picture and long-term vision that they're both willing to work towards.
This is a partnership heavy on comfort, respect, and practicality. While this doesn't always equal explosive fireworks or over-the-top passion, that's not what either of these two signs typically go for, anyway.
Rather, both Virgo and Capricorn appreciate a relationship that is reliable, predictable, and focused on long-term goals. Again, these two earth signs require structure and routine to thrive.
Capricorn & Libra
Up next we have Capricorn and Libra, another pair that form a square aspect (AKA the harsh, 90-degree angle between them). The twins note this isn't exactly the easiest connection, and in fact can create a push-pull dynamic that might be intoxicating at first—but can quickly become just plain toxic.
And considering their ruling planets have completely different priorities, it's not unlikely that Libra and Capricorn will have different motivations, interests, and even love languages. After all, Libras are fun-loving and pleasure-seeking, prioritizing beauty and harmony with their Venusian influence. Capricorns, on the other hand, take themselves pretty seriously and only prioritize pleasure when all their work is done, which by a Cap's standards, is never.
Of course, when done right, Libra and Capricorn can actually strike a delicate balance. According to the twins, if both people have done enough emotional maturing, their love is a true force to be reckoned with.
Capricorn & Scorpio
Scorpio and Capricorn are like the ultimate power couple of astrology because both of them value success and a degree of status—and they're able to help each other get there.
These two also form a sextile on the zodiac wheel, which is a favorable aspect. As astrologer Kayse Budd, M.D. previously wrote for mindbodygreen, "The signs and planets involved in sextiles usually reveal their positive energies or positive sides to each other and can be used synergistically."
This is good news for a Cap-Scorpio matchup because they'll likely feel those sparks right away. Not only are these two able to open up to each other more than they normally might with other signs, but they're also both selective when it comes to how (and with whom) they spend their time. Both of these signs are also incredibly loyal and family-oriented, so you can think of them as the long-haulers of the zodiac.
Capricorn & Sagittarius
A relationship between Cap and Sag isn't typically thought of as a natural fit, according to Budd, who notes they will likely be more challenged by each other than other more compatible matchups.
Just consider their ruling planets: Jupiter and Saturn. Where Jupiter wants to expand and experience all the abundance life has to offer, Saturn imposes itself with restrictions in order to find discipline and structure. As Budd puts it, if Sagittarius is a "yes-man," Capricorn can be a "no-man."
Perhaps Capricorn will be endeared by Sagittarius' constant craving for adventure, for example, or Sagittarius might admire Capricorn's diligence and work ethic. Understanding that "you're not going to be inherently the same, with different tendencies and priorities," is key, according to Budd.
Capricorn & Capricorn
When a Capricorn links up with another Capricorn, it's a toss-up whether they'll last forever or split. As the twins explain, if you date someone of the same sign, you've probably embraced your quirks and accepted your humanity. Together, you can celebrate your kindred spirits.
If you haven't learned to love yourself, however, the twins say this relationship can inspire some crucial self-acceptance. They also note that while "twinning" might be comfortable, autonomy is important to keep that frisky friction. "Maintain some separation between your lives, even if it's easy to hang out together. Otherwise, passion may cool to a brother-sister vibe," the twins explain.
And with two workhorse Capricorns together, it's safe to say they'll need to remember to pencil some TLC into their calendars—around their busy schedules, of course.
Capricorn & Aquarius
Just because Capricorn and Aquarius are next to each other on the zodiac wheel does not mean they're compatible. In fact, according to the twins, the "next-door neighbors" of the zodiac don't have much in common.
This translates to having different motivations, priorities, and personalities, and this dynamic can instantly stir up a love/hate vibe. As the twins note, all that friction might just lead to explosive sexual chemistry—or even an obsessive quest to figure each other out.
The thing is, though, Capricorn and Aquarius can never truly figure each other out, but that's not why they get together. This relationship results in deep healing and transformation, often through painful growth. They learn from each other's differences, the twins say, and force each other out of their fear-based comfort zones.
One upside? According to astrologer Imani Quinn, Aquarius was ruled by Saturn (Capricorn's ruler) in ancient astrology. As such, both signs value hard work and can make real progress together when they're on the same page.
Capricorn & Pisces
You might think Capricorn and Pisces are incredibly different, and they are—but their differences can be a very complementary way. Capricorn, for instance, offers Pisces the solid ground to stand on they so desperately need, while Pisces helps Capricorn connect deeper with their emotions, dreams, and spirituality.
When earth and water come together, Quinn explains, it's a great contrast where things can grow. "Capricorn is going to help Pisces feel grounded and secure, and Pisces is going to help Capricorn tap in their emotional selves," she adds, noting Capricorns' tendency hyper-focus on work and logistics.
One caveat with this pair to watch out for, however, is that Capricorn's tendency to overwork and shut everything else off might not work well for Pisces. "A Pisces could definitely get left behind in the dust—and Capricorn is probably going to be the more dominant personality," Quinn tells mindbodygreen.
The takeaway
When it comes to astrological compatibility, comparing both people's entire charts (aka "synastry" or relationship astrology) is necessary to get the full picture. However, when it comes to the Capricorn archetype, it's clear that certain signs will get along with them better than others.