How To Use Astrology To Actually Optimize Creativity & Manifestation

Every artist knows there are certain times when we feel inspired and other times when we feel blocked. Well, there's an astrological reason for that—and when I started studying astrology, I could even see the astrological reasons my art orientation existed.
Once I discovered these elements within my chart, I sought their spiritual meaning, realizing through astrology that there seem to be, indeed, clear periods when creative, poetic, and artistic energies are enhanced. I noticed a similar pattern for synchronicity and manifesting, too.
So, I began researching planetary movements and placements that relate to manifesting success, as well as creative inspiration. The results explain why some people really are better manifestors or creators—it's a preplanned part of their purpose.
My research helped me realize that manifesting seems to happen best when what we want is consistent with, or at least doesn't detract from, what we are meant to do in our lives at that time.
How astrology relates to manifesting.
One of the most important things to know here is that manifesting is related to Jupiter. When someone has a "prominently placed" Jupiter in their birth chart—or a lot of Sagittarius, the sign ruled by Jupiter—they are a naturally good manifestor. They still probably cannot manifest major things that aren't part of their soul's plan, but they will be good at manifesting small to bigger things they need or want along the way.
"Prominently placed" Jupiter means that Jupiter is on one of the chart angles. (The ascendant or AC, descendant or DC, midheaven or MC, and imum coeli or IC), next to the sun or moon, or conjunct the north/south node. Jupiter in trine or conjunction with mystical Neptune or benefic Venus also supports manifestation. (Speaking of, here's a refresher on aspects in astrology if you need to brush up.)
Without one of the above Jupiter placements in your birth chart, you still may be an intermittently good manifestor in rotating areas of life, depending on what Jupiter is doing in your progressed or transit chart (charts used for predictions). Jupiter moves through approximately one sign (and one house) per year by transit. During that year, the person will be better able to manifest and receive blessings and synchronicities in the areas of life represented by the house and sign Jupiter is transiting.
For example, Jupiter is currently transiting through Aries, which falls in different houses in everyone's birth charts. In that house (area of life) for approximately one year, someone is more likely to manifest significant opportunities or blessings. If this happens in the 10th house, for example, there may be professional opportunities. If it's in the fourth house, someone may move or buy a home. Aries has to do with starting things and asserting oneself, so intentions related to those themes are more likely to be realized (for everyone) during the coming year (since May 11, 2022).
Because the north node relates to destiny, its movement by transit influences specific events connected to our purpose. The house that the transiting north node is in shows the area of life that is your karmic focus right now, spending one and a half years in each house. When the north node contacts birth planets, opportunities manifest.
Additionally, the north/south node's connections to Jupiter or Neptune (transiting nodes conjunct or trine birth Jupiter/Neptune, or transiting Jupiter/Neptune conjunct or trine birth nodes), specifically, can reveal definite destiny-aligned intentions. The moon (progressed, transit, and birth) and Venus (progressed, transit, and birth) can also aid and predict various manifestations, synchronicities, and blessings.
Astrology & synchronicities.
Synchronicities are certainly connected to manifestations. Astrologically, they are aligned with Neptune, the most mystical planet. If you experience a clear synchronicity, something is probably activating Neptune in your chart.
They serve as indicators, from our higher selves or the universe, that we are where our soul needs to be at that moment. Always acknowledge and follow synchronicities—they're like a wink from the universe!
You may have noticed they occur more commonly when in a high vibrational state (such as in love, after a yoga or meditation retreat, following multiple hours in nature, etc.). We often choose to do these sorts of things—or they happen—when Jupiter and Neptune (and often the moon and north node) are interacting favorably in our birth charts and in the sky.
Humans connect more readily to the fabric of the universe in high vibrational states like bliss, gratitude, or love, and thus can interact more seamlessly with it. Though ironically, in a pure consciousness state, you rarely need or want anything!
Thus, my response to unmet desires is to meditate, enter the field of pure consciousness, hold my intentions in my heart, and release them with love. If something is meant for me, it will happen. If not meant for me, there is peace in surrender.
How astrology relates to creativity.
The third house is connected to writing and singing abilities, especially if planets are there. People who are naturally creative or artistically talented usually have a strongly placed Venus (next to sun/moon/nodes, or on a chart angle) and planets or the north node in the fifth (and possibly the seventh or 12th) house(s). Multiple planets in Pisces, Leo, Libra, and occasionally Taurus can also do it.
Neptune in a prominent position can make someone imaginative, though potentially also dreamy and disorganized. A favorable (trine, sextile) connection from Neptune to Mars or Saturn results in more productive creative output. If Saturn makes challenging connections (conjunction, opposition, square) to Venus or Neptune, it impedes creativity (and manifesting, especially if conjunct or square Jupiter).
All of these placements are consistent with someone's destiny, however. If someone's Saturn seems to reduce their creativity (or manifesting), they are a soul learning to take responsibility, work toward concrete goals, and approach things rationally.
As with manifesting, there are times and phases when all people are more creatively inspired, and these times have to do with transits involving Venus and Neptune.
I have long loved the concept of muses—I call myself "The Astro Muse" after all. Muses are, in essence, the mythical personification of inspirational energy. For many years, I thought a "muse appearance," or inspirational moment, was a semi-random occurrence that could possibly be encouraged by creative exercises, rituals, and openness. There is probably some truth to that, but I blew my mind when I looked back at my astrology chart during periods of prolific artistic creation and realized they correlated to notable fifth house transits, Venus transits, and Neptune transits.
The progressed moon making connections to birth or transiting Neptune (or Venus) and Venus (or Neptune or progressed moon) transiting the fifth house create particularly muse-ful times. The north node transiting the fifth house (and less so, the 12th house) or making a conjunction with natal Venus are other signs the muse is near.
The takeaway.
Life is a mystery, wondrous, challenging, and all things between—and inspiration and manifestation are two of the most enchanted energies supporting life's strange scenes. Sometimes a dream happens and you don't know what to do about it—but if you don't follow it, it will chase after you. With astrology, you can learn to track these energies and maximize their potential.
Astrology also facilitates acceptance. Life contains cycles: times to work, flow, create, grow. There are also infinite types of lives, each with precise value. My hope is that this information inspires you to embrace the magic while making peace with the mundane. If something is truly part of your destiny, it will seek you. It will find you. And probably, it will chase you.
Destiny speaks through synchronicities, opportunities, and people who cross your path. Soften your spirit to the unique spiral of your journey. Vow to do the best you can with the blessings, and the lessons, as they arrive. If you truly celebrate the star in your heart, you will slowly manifest your own sort of art.