What Is Natural Pre-Workout? 5 Options To Try Before You Exercise

When you think of your body as a car, it's easy to see how crucial fuel is to get you running at peak performance. It also shows that you either want to refuel after emptying your tank or add a little more gas before you go so you don't run out on the road. At least, that's how Nancy Clark, R.D., sports dietitian and author of Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook sees it. "When you put food in your body, it just goes better," she says.
That's certainly one reason many athletes and everyday exercisers have turned to pre-workout supplements and beverages ahead of a tough exercise session. However, the research is still a bit inconclusive when it comes to the potential benefits of these fitness aids. One study, for example, found pre-workout supplements1 didn't have any impact on sprint, verticals jump, or bench press performance for female athletes—and another study didn't see performance benefits2 for cycling. Other research suggests multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements may have some positive effects on building lean muscle mass, but they need more research to be conclusive.
So, while the benefits of a pre-workout powder or beverage are still up for debate, a few natural, whole foods might help you feel better and work harder during your next fitness sesh.
What is a pre-workout supplement anyway?
A pre-workout supplement is as clear as it sounds: It's typically a powder, and you take it before your workout in an effort to boost performance during the workout, and it leads to greater results afterward. These supplements often contain ingredients like caffeine, creatine, beta-alanine, amino acids, and nitric oxide agents.
The benefits of a pre-workout snack or meal.
While there is still some debate regarding pre-workout supplements, experts explain there is value to fueling up properly before you work out. What you choose comes down to a few nutrients, how hungry you are, and how long or intense your workout is going to be, says Julie Stefanski, RDN, a sports dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
To determine if you fueled up correctly pre-workout, consider how you feel afterward, she adds. You should be able to finish strong, whether you did a cardio or strength workout. However, if you feel overly exhausted, lightheaded, or mentally foggy by the end of your workout, it's probably best to reconsider your fuel strategy.
When determining what exactly to eat before you jump into exercise, consider going for carbs first. Glucose is the preferred source of fuel for your brain and body, explains Nora Minno, R.D., a dietitian and trainer with Daily Burn. "Glucose is a simple sugar, known as a monosaccharide, which can be obtained by consuming a more complex carbohydrate that gets broken down over time into glucose," she says. Those complex carbs could be anything from whole grain bread to fruit.
Also, while protein doesn't necessarily give you the energy you need to move efficiently, eating it before a workout will help to make sure you have enough amino acids to repair the muscle you break down during your workout, Minno says. That's why it's smart to have some protein mixed in with your pre-workout snack or meal, along with those carbs.
Minno also notes that micronutrients like vitamin B12 can help with energy production and muscle and nerve health, while magnesium can help with muscle function, as well. So, consider adding these to your list of must-have nutrients.
Finally, all experts mention that hydration is key to performing at your best. Clark suggests monitoring your urine color first thing in the morning—if it's dark and concentrated, that means you're starting the day underhydrated. You should be peeing every two to four hours and producing a lighter liquid, she says.
Food & drink that will work just as well to fuel your workout:
- Fruit. A great choice for simple sugars that are easy to digest, this can be anything from fresh berries to canned peaches to applesauce. Bananas are also a good carb source and pack in potassium, which can help with muscle cramping.
- Oats. A great complex carb, oats tend to digest easier than other whole grains, and they provide thiamin, a B vitamin, which plays a role in energy production.
- Sweet potatoes. Another complex carb, these also pack in micronutrients like magnesium and potassium.
- Bread. Granted you don't have a gluten sensitivity, these carbs can be easy to digest and offer the fuel you need to keep going. If you have more time to sit with your meal, consider adding some nut butter to help fill you up.
- Consider salt. If you're going for a run or bike ride on a super hot and humid day, you might also want a salty snack beforehand, like pickles or popcorn.
Food & drink you might want to avoid before your workout.
While pre-workout nutrition really depends on the individual—it's a good idea to test out a few foods to see what works best—you might want to avoid a few items. Minno suggests skipping foods that are super rich in fiber. "Don't get me wrong, fiber is so important; however, it can take a while to digest and can leave you feeling full or sometimes bloated," she says. "Save your fiber-rich foods like broccoli, beans, and lentils for after your workout!"
Also, while fat will keep you full through your workout, it's difficult to digest. "During exercise, our bodies redirect blood away from digestion to actively working muscles. Foods that stay in the stomach longer, such as those high in fat, may cause digestive upset," Stefanski explains. "The purpose of fueling beforehand is to have a good energy level. If food is still digesting in the stomach, it's not giving you the fuel you need for a strong workout." On that note, Minno also recommends avoiding fried foods and things like creamy dressings or red meat. (FYI, something like a tablespoon of nut butter is fine for most people.)
Finally, Minno mentions you might want to ditch the spicy foods before you sweat, as they can sometimes cause gastric discomfort.
A natural pre-workout recipe.
If you're looking for a quick, portable way to pack in carbs and some protein before your workout, most of the experts recommend smoothies. Try these 10 healthy smoothie recipes to get a mix of carbs and protein.
Dietitians also agree that a tablespoon of peanut butter over toast will do, along with a container of low-sugar yogurt with some fresh berries. If you're looking for a full breakfast a few hours before you start your sweat, try one of these 33 hearty recipes.
The takeaway.
Finding foods that keep you full and comfortable through your workouts can take some trial and error. Also, determining the right time to eat, whether you're having a meal a few hours before your sweat or a snack 30 minutes before you start, might also take a few tries (learn more about that here).
"It's important to remember that nutrition is individual, and pre-workout nutrition will boil down to a ton of different factors including the duration of your workout, the intensity of your workout, the type of workout, environmental factors (like extreme heat), and your own personal preferences and needs," says Minno. "Find a pre-workout routine that works for you and fits your nutritional goals."