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Curious What It Means To Be A Life Path 10? Here's What To Know, From Numerology Experts

Sarah Regan
February 16, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
February 16, 2024
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In the ancient system of numerology, numbers and letters hold energetic vibrations—and those vibrations are thought to influence our direction in life.

Once you calculate your numerology chart and know your life path number, you can use it to better understand your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Here, we're diving deep into life path number 10, also known as life path number 1.

Life path 10 meaning

According to numerology expert and author of You Are Cosmic Code Kaitlyn Kaerhart, life path 10's are actually life path 1's. That's because in numerology, 1+0 reduces to just 1. For example, the birthday May 3, 2000, would be 5+3+2+0+0+0=10, and 1+0=1.

"There is no life path 10, it's a life path 1, as numerology only deals with single digits 1-9 and master numbers 11, 22, and 33," Kaerhart tells mindbodygreen. 

With that said, life path 10's (aka 1's) are ambitious, natural-born leaders and amazing self-starters. After all, the number 1 is the first number, marking new beginnings.

Throughout the remainder of this article, we'll use the term "life path 10," but keep in mind this really means life path 1—and if you're curious to learn more about your life path number, that's the number you want to refer to.

Life path 10 key traits



Life path 10's are characterized by their ambition and leadership, with Kaerhart noting that they have a pioneering spirit. "They are often ambitious, determined, and have a strong desire to achieve their goals," she notes.



As people who have no problem taking the reins, life path 10's are the independent leaders of the world, according to Kaerhart. And their destiny, she adds, "is to become self-assured and independent in all areas of life."



Life path number 10's are also incredibly unique, thanks to their freethinking mind and independence. However, their uniqueness can sometimes make them feel isolated. As Kaerhart explains, "Self-doubt will be their biggest struggle to overcome. They must embrace their unique nature and learn to trust themselves."

Numerologist Michelle Buchanan echoes this point, previously writing for mindbodygreen that 10's can often feel different from others. They must find the confidence and courage to "walk a path less traveled and learn to embrace their individuality," she says.



Life path 10's make great leaders, in part because they're incredibly visionary. The fact that they're unique and different is actually what they have to offer to the world. As Kaerhart notes, the 10 comes into this life to create movements and shifts in our culture by sharing their unique and creative perspective with the world.

"When the 10 is fully realized, it stands strong in its power, often leading humanity toward places we have yet to explore," she adds.



Last but not least, life path 10's are creative, original thinkers with brilliant minds, according to Buchanan. Give them a problem and they'll be sure to come up with a creative solution. Although, when it comes to flexing and applying that creativity, Buchanan says, they do prefer to work alone—or at least be in charge.

Life path 10 strengths & weaknesses


  • Goal-oriented
  • Self-motivated
  • Independent
  • Leadership abilities
  • Unique
  • Creative
  • Original thinkers
  • Innovative


  • Self-doubt
  • Can be inconsiderate of others
  • Can be abrasive or aggressive
  • Overly domineering
  • Afraid to fail

Life path 10 careers

In their careers, Kaerhart and Buchanan both emphasize that life Path 10's thrive in leadership positions. (No surprise there!)

"They are natural-born leaders, innovative thinkers, and can excel in entrepreneurial roles—careers that allow them to take initiative and be in control are well suited for them. They may also do well in creative fields where they can express their original ideas," Kaerhart explains.

Buchanan notes these folks typically prefer careers where they can work alone or be the boss, such as independent contracting, owning a business, or even coaching.

With their self-starter and self-motivated approach, paired with their leadership abilities, visionary ideas, and creative prowess, Buchanan adds that the following careers would all be a good fit for life path 10's:

  • Independent contractor
  • Business owner
  • Manager
  • Entrepreneur
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Advertising professional
  • Writer
  • Life coach
  • Designer
  • Engineer
  • Motivational speaker
  • Politician
  • Property developer or broker
  • Media professional
  • Financial advisor
  • Creative director
  • Athlete

Life path 10 compatibility & relationships

In relationships, life path 10 individuals are often independent, assertive, and driven, according to Kaerhart. "They value their freedom and may need a partner who understands and supports their ambitious nature," she tells mindbodygreen, adding, "They can be leaders in the relationship, taking initiative, and making decisions."

And while they are passionate and enthusiastic lovers, they may also need to "balance their assertiveness with consideration for their partner's feelings and opinions," Kaerhart says.

In terms of dating, if you link with a life path 10, know that they have strong personalities and will want to take the lead.

"A supportive and understanding partner who encourages their ambitions, while providing emotional connection and stability, is essential for a harmonious relationship with a life path 10 individual," Kaerhart says. "Communication and mutual respect are key for their relationships to thrive."

Here's a closer look at this life path's compatibility with the other life path numbers.

Most compatible pairs with life path 10's

Life path 1

Could go either way with life path 10's

May not have luck with life path 10's

How to thrive as a life path 10

The life path 10's biggest struggle is self-doubt. It's not always easy being a unique and independent visionary, but letting others dissuade you from doing what you know is right for you will only cause you distress.

That's why Kaerhart and Buchanan both say it's important for this life path to cultivate trust in themselves and their unique vision, even when no one else is on the same page. Embrace who you are and find the confidence to feel secure in your choices.

"It's important for them to balance their assertiveness with effective communication and collaboration. Developing patience and flexibility can also contribute to their overall success and well-being," Kaerhart says.

Lastly, given how goal-oriented this life path is, don't forget that everyone deserves a break sometimes. Work some self-care and relaxation into your routine to avoid the unwanted effects of burnout.

The takeaway

Numerology can give us a new way to understand everything from our personality to the kind of year we're going to have. And if you have a 10 life path number, learning to trust and follow your visionary ideas is the name of the game for you.

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