Maya Feller, M.S., R.D., CDN

Registered Dietitian & Cookbook Author

Maya Feller, MS, RD, CDN is the founder of Maya Feller Nutrition, a private practice that specializes in nutrition for chronic disease prevention. Maya shares her approachable, food-based solutions with millions of people through regular speaking engagements and as a nutrition expert on Good Morning America.

Maya believes in providing nutrition education from an anti-bias patient-centered, culturally sensitive approach to help people make informed food choices. In her practice, Maya and her team provide medical nutrition therapy nutrition and nutrition coaching for the management of and risk reduction of non-communicable diseases from a lens of cultural humility. She is the author of Eating from Our Roots: 80 Healthy Home-Cooked Favorites from Cultures Around the World (goop Press), (January 24, 2023).

Maya lives in Brooklyn with her husband, two children, two cats, and two dogs!

connect with Maya Feller, M.S., R.D., CDN


What is your wellness philosophy?

Wellness or being well is not reserved for an elite set of persons. It is not an exclusive club that requires a special recipe for entrance. Each of us has the right and deserves access to the variables that allow individuals to express health. Wellness and wellbeing are a union of factors that take the whole person into consideration with the understanding that wellness exists on a spectrum. Encompassing wellness is not a one-time or stand-alone activity rather it's an ongoing process that evolves with the person.

What brought you into wellness?

I've been in wellness my whole life but never quantified it as such. I grew up in a home where sprouts were grown on the windowsill, bread and seasonings were made from scratch, visits were made to sweat lodges with elders from the first nations, trips were made to silent retreats in the forests and dinner table conversations expanded my mind. I formally entered the world of wellness when I returned to New York University to obtain my Masters of Science in clinical nutrition and complete my dietetic internship and become a Registered Dietitian.

What does You. We. All. mean to you?

As a provider, you means "you", the patient. I see you and honor your lived experience as evidence. We, not just me, also you. It is impossible to not recognize how we are energetically interconnected and the impact that we have on one another. And "we", the collective that is inclusive of the spectrum of gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, race, culture, ethnicity, ability, and differently-abled, and varying body shapes and sizes.

What gets you up in the morning?

There are so many reasons for me to wake up. My family is at the top of my list followed by my deep desire to serve and educate. I deeply feel the inequities of systemic racism in the U.S and see how the current structures block entire communities from attaining health and wellness. I am committed to being an active part of the restructuring of health and wellness.


Functional Nutrition Training

Functional Nutrition Training

with Multiple Instructors

Health Coach Certification

Health Coach Certification

With Multiple Instructors

Functional Nutrition Training

Functional Nutrition Training

with Multiple Instructors

Health Coach Certification

Health Coach Certification

With Multiple Instructors
