How To Make Your Own Spell Jar For Love, Protection, Money & More

Spell jars (also known as "witch bottles") are spiritual tools that can help people identify—and pursue—their innermost desires. Here's what these jars are all about, plus how to make one (or more!) for whatever it is you're seeking.
What is a spell jar?
A spell jar is essentially a physical representation of a spell. These little jars can help users claim their power and amplify the energy behind their intentions.
As Nikki Van Der Car, author of The Witchy Homestead, tells mbg: Spell jars are a place to gather the thoughts and desires you want to put into your intended spell. They give you something concrete to focus on as you work to bring your dreams to life.
"Spell jars are based on old folk magic dating back to the 17th century," Van Der Car explains. In the past, spell jars were used for protection to ward off evil spirits, but nowadays, they hold a much broader appeal. And you certainly don't have to identify as a witch to use them.
How to make a spell jar
One of the beautiful things about spell jars is they're super versatile and easy to make. You're basically just putting things into a jar that align with your spell or intention.
While there's no scientific consensus behind spell jars themselves, there is validity to the power of the law of attraction, which suggests you attract what you place your attention on. Spell jars are just another tool to help you concentrate your attention on whatever it is you're seeking (like crystals, vision boards, etc.).
You can make any kind of spell jar you want, and there's really no limit to what you can put inside of it. "Certain ingredients have certain agreed-upon meanings based in folklore and hedge witch healing—like rosemary for remembrance, lavender for peace, mugwort for visions, holly for protection, etc.," Van Der Car notes.
"So once you decide what you want your spell jar to focus on, you can do some research around what to add to it, whether they're herbs or crystals or feathers or images—really, there are no rules here!" she adds.
When you decide what elements you want to include, get clear in your mind on what each thing represents as you add it to your jar. Top off your jar by sealing it with candle wax while holding your intentions in your mind.
Using the spell jar
According to Van Der Car, it's a good idea to do some meditation or clearing before making your jar. Whether it's a few cleansing breaths, a longer meditation session, or cleansing your space with sound, do whatever you have to do to get into a positive headspace.
Choosing what you want in your jar will come down to your intention, which is, of course, totally up to you. And once your jar is assembled, you can keep it somewhere you'll see it often, serving as a reminder of what you're manifesting.
"I like to keep my jars on my altar, or beside my bed, or any place that feels relevant. Say I've made a jar for creativity; I'll want to keep that by my desk where I write. The idea is to let the energy of the spell inspire you," Van Der Car explains.
And as always, whenever you're trying to call something in, whether it be love, abundance, etc., it's important to remember you also want to continuously embody that intention yourself. If you were making a love jar, for example, author of Inner Witch Gabriela Herstik previously told mbg, "I think the most powerful love spell there is—instead of just casting a spell—is embodying the energy of love, becoming love, and acting as a magnet for that."
Ready to get started? Here are four simple spell jars you make and customize yourself, from Herstik and Van Der Car:
Love spell jar
What you'll need:
- A small to medium-size jar
- Honey
- Alcohol of choice (vodka, rum, tequila, etc.)
- Rose petals and thorns to represent love with healthy boundaries
- Herbs that correspond with love (such as blue lotus for an aphrodisiac, lavender for healing, cinnamon for lust and sex, patchouli for passion, oregano for good luck, and so on)
- A crystal like rose quartz (optional)
- A piece of paper and pen
- A candle
- Matches or a lighter
- Add a bit of honey and your alcohol to a jar, along with your rose petals and thorns, herbs, and crystal.
- Write your intention on a piece of paper in the past or present tense (not future tense), such as "I found a lover," and place it in the jar.
- Light a candle and say your intention out loud to the universe, visualizing what it would be like to attain it.
- Seal the jar with a bit of candle wax.
- Raise the energy by chanting, dancing, playing drums, etc. (optional)
- Allow the candle to burn all the way down in a sink. When it's done burning, take a moment to mentally close out your ritual.
Money spell jar
What you'll need:
- A small to medium-size jar
- A jade crystal for abundance
- A green aventurine crystal for abundance
- A bit of jade plant for abundance
- Ginger for energy
- Thyme for concentration
- Seeds for growth
- Rice or flour to bind it all together
- A piece of paper and a pen
- Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention.
- Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "Money flows my way" or "My life is filled with abundance.")
- Light a candle and state your intention out loud, visualizing what it will be like when it comes true.
- Seal your jar with candle wax.
- Close out the ritual, placing your jar somewhere you'll see it often to remind you of your intention.
Protection spell jar
What you'll need:
- Holly
- Parsley
- A black hematite crystal
- An obsidian crystal
- A smoky quartz crystal (Note: It's OK if you don't have all three, and any crystal for protection will do)
- Pine needles or pine cones
- Garlic
- Salt
- A piece of paper and a pen
- Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention.
- Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "I am protected" or "I am always safe").
- Light a candle and state your intention out loud, visualizing what it will be like when it comes true.
- Seal your jar with candle wax.
- Close out the ritual, placing your jar somewhere you'll see it often to remind you of your intention.
Happiness spell jar
Before diving into this spell jar, Van Der Car notes that when it comes to a happiness jar, it's best to get really specific because everyone's happiness looks different. Go for objects and things that spark happiness in you, she explains. That said, here are her loose suggestions for some things you could add to your jar.
What you'll need:
- A photo from a really great day
- A small piece of fabric from an old favorite T-shirt or blanket
- A crystal or two associated with happiness, such as sunstone, citrine, or peridot
- Wildflower petals
- Sweetgrass
- A piece of paper and a pen
- Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention.
- Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "I attract happiness" or "I am at ease").
- Light a candle and state your intention out loud, visualizing what it will be like when it comes true.
- Seal your jar with candle wax.
- Close out the ritual, placing your jar somewhere you'll see it often to remind you of your intention.
Tips to keep in mind
Get creative
Again, Herstik and Van Der Car both explain that spell jars are very versatile. "You can make a spell jar about anything, and I encourage people to get as specific as they want—and as creative as they can—trusting their own instincts," Van Der Car says.
Meditate with your jar to amplify its energy
To really amp up the energy of your spell jar, you can also meditate with it once it's all assembled. This can look like meditating while holding the jar in your hand or in front of you on an altar, etc. As you meditate, visualize your spell coming true. You can also tell any guides, deities, or ancestors that you work with about your intention.
Pair it with action
And lastly, make sure you get the most out of the energy from your spell jar by using it to inspire aligned action toward your goal. As Herstik previously explained, it's always important to embody whatever energy you're trying to attract into your life.
The takeaway
We all have hopes, dreams, and wishes that we'd like to see come to fruition. If you're into all things occult, making spell jars definitely has a place in your spiritual practice and can help you supercharge your intention for quicker and better results. And with so many different options and variations of jars to make (after all, they're totally customizable), everyone ought to have a spell jar handy.