Not Eating Enough Protein? It Could Be Hurting Your Energy Levels

Are you feeling tired, run-down, or drained? Trying to pinpoint the exact cause behind those feelings may feel just as fatiguing. Yes, sleep and hydration should be the first two things you look at and evaluate, but if those habits are buttoned up, then it’s time to look elsewhere.
One surprising culprit behind your tiredness that may not be on your radar is your protein intake.
Not eating enough protein (and most people need a minimum of 100 grams a day) can result in lackluster energy levels. Here’s why and what you can do to up your intake.
5 reasons why low protein intake hurts your energy levels
The amino acids protein-rich foods provide are used for numerous purposes within the body. So under-consuming this vital macronutrient has a snowballing effect.
- Suboptimal muscle repair and growth: Amino acids are the fuel needed for muscle protein synthesis (MPS). Muscle tissue is constantly turning over (it gets broken down and repaired regularly) and a consistent supply of amino acids is needed for this process. Without this supply, your muscles may feel weaker1 and tired and weak, even after something that requires minimal exertion.
- Decreased metabolic rate: Muscle burns a lot of calories—during exercise but even at rest. So if you’re not eating enough protein to maintain your current muscle mass (let alone build more muscle) it may slow down your metabolic rate and make you feel tired. It can also lead to other health complications down the road.
- Reduced hemoglobin production: Hemoglobin is a protein found in every single red blood cell in the body that carries oxygen to other cells and tissue. Tiredness is a common symptom of low hemoglobin levels, and low protein intake is one of the dietary drivers of it2. High-quality protein sources (like those found in meat and fish) are also good sources of iron. As iron is also involved in producing red blood cells, low iron levels greatly impact energy.
- Hormonal imbalances: Amino acids are used to construct and regulate hormones in the body—namely growth hormone (vital for cellular growth and repair), thyroid hormones (closely connected to metabolism), insulin (that regulates blood sugar), and leptin and ghrelin (which control appetite3). If these hormones aren’t functioning optimally, it affects the body’s energy balance and how energetic you feel.
- Blood sugar spikes: This is something you would feel right away. Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that leads to an increase in blood sugar, but protein helps stabilize blood sugar levels by slowing down the absorption of those carbs—therefore slowing the release of glucose into the bloodstream. If your meals and snacks are lacking protein, drastic fluctuations in the blood sugar levels may lead to an energy crash and irritable mood4.
How to easily bump up your protein intake
If you think you may be falling short on your protein needs, don’t fret. It’s easier to increase your intake than you may think (no, you don’t have to pound chicken breast at every meal).
The first solution is to increase the portion size of the protein-rich foods you’re already eating. This includes foods like meat, poultry, seafood, dairy, eggs, legumes, lentils etc., and may be as simple as scooping a spoonful more of ground beef into a taco.
You can also choose higher-protein options for some of your favorite foods. If you love pasta, try choosing a lentil or chickpea pasta instead. Or cook rice in bone broth instead of water.
And lastly, you can always rely on a high-quality protein powder. By high-quality, we mean one with a hefty dose of protein in a form your body can easily absorb and use. And whey takes the cake here.
mindbodygreen’s grass-fed whey protein isolate+ ups the game even more by providing 25 grams of protein per serving with no artificial sweeteners, stevia, or flavors. It’s the cleanest, flavored protein you can find: just whey plus Himalayan pink salt, cinnamon, monk fruit, and vanilla or cocoa (all organic). It’s perfect for breakfast or a snack (these are our favorite recipes with it).
Editor's note
The takeaway
There are definitely a lot of reasons for your low energy levels, but there’s a good chance inadequate protein intake may be one of them.
So make sure you’re including enough high-quality proteins in each meal and snack throughout the day.
Check out this high-protein sample meal plan if you need more inspiration.

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