What Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Can Expect In 2025, Year Of The Yin Wood Snake

The Lunar New Year has arrived! On January 29, we bid farewell to the tail end of the intense yang wood Dragon, and welcome in the subtle energy of the yin wood Snake.
Entering the year of the Yin Wood Snake
The Snake holds the sixth spot in the Chinese Zodiac, and is sometimes called the little dragon. The qi (life force energy) of the Snake is considered wise, protective, passionate, and transformative. Just like the snake sheds its skin, the invitation in 2025 is to release items, habitual patterns, and ways of being that are no longer relevant.
When we let go of our hardened shell, we can reveal the vulnerable soft spots that remind us of our joy and true paths of inspiration. The snake also stays grounded, connected to mother nature, and meanders in a serpentine wave, reminding us to have cthe uriosity to wander while always touching the earth.
This year, we also welcome yin wood energy, which is quieter than that of 2025, which was yang wood. Yin energy is subtle and intuitive, like the qi of the moon, and encourages us to investigate our inner environment, how we feel, and what may be under the surface.
The wood element aspect of the year brings forth healing, compassion, vitality, and growth for new beginnings. The wood element is the energy of an acorn that has been nurtured in darkness and soil, that is now ripe for cracking open for the new life to unfurl. This year we can look at how we can water and provide light for that sprout to flourish into the wisdom of a majestic oak tree.
How to work with the Yin Wood Snake's energy
The Lunar New Year presents opportunities to learn about your relationship to the energy of the Snake. One way to explore the qi of the year is to check out the forecast that we’ve put together.
Below is a list of each Chinese zodiac animal, the corresponding birth year, qualities, zodiac allies, best months, lucky color, forecast for 2025, and finally, your flower ally.
Your flower ally is a powerful way to connect to Mother Earth and keep you grounded. There are countless ways to buddy up with your flower ally, but here are some of our favorites: visit the flower in a garden, research the flower, create artwork of the flower, visualize the flower, or look at photos, or you can take the flower elixir.
An easy one is to use the flower for your phone or computer wallpaper or screensaver. We’ve also included a treasure of goodies on each flower. You can find meditations, digital floral wallpapers, and printable journals here.
But before we get into the forecast for each animal, we’ll start with three tips for everyone for the Snake year!
Work with the lucky zodiac animal for the year
In feng shui, one of the ways we attract auspicious qi is to make friends with the lucky zodiac animal for the year. The secret lucky animal for the year of the Snake is the Monkey, so in 2025, it’s auspicious to carry a three-dimensional figure of a Monkey with you on your body at all times.
You can also explore and research the symbology of the Monkey as well as hang out with any companions born in the year of the Monkey. You can also find 2025 Monkey amulets for the year of the Snake here. This is a feng shui tip for everyone regardless of your personal Zodiac animal.
Explore your zodiac animal’s lucky color this year
There are so many fun ways to work with your color, and our top suggestions are:
- Wear the color: this can be your underwear, nail polish, jewelry, or anything else you can think of.
- Carry a crystal: find a crystal in the color and you can carry it in your pocket, purse, or leave it on your nightstand or desk.
- Journal with color: My favorite way to work with color is to use a pen with that color ink, or to find a journal cover in the lucky color. Or better yet, find a year of the Snake planner or journal to adorn with your lucky color!
Connect to the flower of the year
No matter your sign, the flower of the year is the intoxicating Night-Blooming Jasmine flower! Explore what it feels like to fall in love with your own beauty & radiance with LOTUSWEI’s Wild Abundance flower essence.
How much abundance & fulfillment can you allow into your life?
Lunar New Year Forecast
*Note: If you were born between January 1 and February 4, your zodiac animal is the preceding year. If you are born on the cusp (on February 3-5), please consult a Chinese almanac.
Rat 子
- 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
- Resourceful, opportunistic, clever
- Zodiac allies: Dragon, Monkey, Ox
- Best months: January, April, August
- Lucky color: Grassy green
- Flower Ally: Bee Orchid
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Sacred Awareness
Like a fast moving river, Rats embody yang water, so this year keep riding the waves to create the life that you want. Be sure to allow for flow and keep your nose up to sniff out opportunities coming your way.
Amplify your ability to hold intense emotions in yourself & others. Refine your awareness of energetics & interconnectedness with Sacred Awareness flower essence.
Ox 丑
- 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
- Steady, strong, patient
- Zodiac allies: Snake, Rooster, Rat
- Best months: May, September, December
- Lucky color: Shell pink
- Flower Ally: Eagle Fern
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Sacred Body
Much like soft sand on a beach, Oxen embody yin earth. This year will bring you peace and harmony because the Snake’s qi is aligned with you. It’s a good time to take a leap and try something outside of your comfort zone.
How deeply can you trust your intuition & instincts? Embrace fear of the unknown and explore letting the next steps unfold before you with Sacred Body flower essence.
Tiger 寅
- 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022
- Dynamic, self-reliant, vivacious
- Zodiac allies: Horse, Dog, Pig
- Best months: June, October, November
- Lucky color: Charcoal
- Flower Ally: Icelandic Angelica
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Divine Timing
Like the dynamic energy of spring, Tigers embody yang wood. 2025 will challenge you to step out of your self-reliant habits and find support and helpful people. We can’t do it on our own all the time, and this is the year to embrace community.
With the challenges the Snake will instigate for your own evolution, allow yourself to accept a helping hand. Be shown your team of unseen support with Divine Timing flower essence.
Rabbit 卯
- 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
- Compassionate, sensitive, gracious
- Zodiac allies: Ram, Pig, Dog
- Best months: July, October, November
- Lucky color: Blackberry
- Flower Ally: Silky Fringe
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Divine Truth
Rabbits, like blooming flowers, embody yin wood. The last couple years may have been depleting for the Rabbit, so be sure to replenish yourself in 2025 with beauty and joy. Surround yourself with what you love, and remember that your sensitivity is your greatest strength
Your tender-hearted nature is being invited to let loose! Be your full eccentric self, say it like it is, and don’t hold anything back. Let your freak flag fly with Divine Truth flower essence.
Dragon 辰
- 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024
- Bold, energetic, successful
- Zodiac allies: Rat, Monkey, Rooster
- Best months: August, September, December
- Lucky color: Fuchsia
- Flower Ally: Cacao Flower
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Divine Within
Like a high rocky mountainous peak, the Dragon embodies yang earth. The Snake’s qi will rejuvenate you this year as long as you remember to look at the wider view. Align your long term goals with practical daily steps and you will find success.
It’s time to check in with yourself. What does your body need? Movement, nutrition, rest, or recovery? Awaken your ability to nourish yourself with Divine Within flower essence.
Snake 巳
- 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
- Intuitive, passionate, transformative
- Zodiac allies: Ox, Rooster, Monkey
- Best months: January, August, September
- Lucky color: Vermillion
- Flower Ally: Skyrocket
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Luminous Chi
Like warm glowing embers, Snakes embody yin fire. When it’s your year, it’s not necessarily a good thing—rather a time to reflect inward and face yourself. Be sure to schedule a lot of self-care time, and look at this as an opportunity to grow.
Develop your ability to set clear boundaries and say no. Pare down any projects or activities that drain you. Build your Wei Qi and protect your magnetic energy with Luminous Chi flower essence.
Horse 午
- 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
- Independent, freedom-loving, energetic
- Zodiac allies: Tiger, Dog, Ram
- Best months: February, July, October
- Lucky color: Celestial blue
- Flower Ally: Monteverde Rein Orchid
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Awakened Perception
Like the blazing sun at high noon, the Horse embodies yang fire. This year the qi is neutral for you—but there's an invitation to pause and enjoy the present moment instead of galloping from place to place. Find times to be still.
Experience a sense of safety when you allow yourself to have a bird's-eye view. Recognize when your adrenals are triggered and relax into sharper awareness with Awakened Perception flower essence.
Ram 未
- 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
- Gentle, tenacious, balanced
- Zodiac allies: Rabbit, Pig, Horse
- Best months: March, June, November
- Lucky color: Yellow ochreFlower Ally: Wild Snapdragon
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Awakened Expression (coming February 2025!)
Just like nurturing rich soil, Rams embody yin earth. The Snake year is super compatible for you, so enjoy it! Your compassionate care and persistence will pay off this year in whatever projects you pursue. And your gentle qi will be a gift to everyone around you.
How shameless can you allow yourself to be about your needs and wishes? Embody a sense of shamelessness and be clear about what you deserve with Awakened Expression flower essence.
Monkey 申
- 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
- Charming, playful, curious
- Zodiac allies: Rat, Dragon, Snake
- Best months: April, May, December
- Lucky color: Metallic goldFlower Ally: Taiwanese Celosia
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Awakened Understanding
Like a sharp fierce sword, the Monkey embodies yang metal. This is an auspicious year and there is an abundance of supportive qi flowing around you. Have fun, be playful, and enjoy this time. There’s many opportunities for success and fulfillment. You’re everyone’s good luck charm in 2025, be sure to share the wealth as it will only come back to you threefold.
Be crystal clear in your intent and the deeper motivation behind your desires. Hone your communication skills. Know what you want and ask for it. Take charge with Awakened Understanding flower essence.
Rooster 酉
- 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
- Gregarious, confident, proud
- Zodiac allies: Ox, Snake, Dragon
- Best months: January, April, May
- Lucky color: Cream
- Flower Ally: Radiance Orchid
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Sacred Heart
Roosters embody yin metal, like delicate shiny jewelry. This year will bring harmony and success because you have an excellent relationship with the Snake. It’s a good time to get organized and move ahead on your passion projects.
Feel supported by your own divine spiritual nature. Release worries and any sense of separation. Experience the richness and profound meaning of each moment with Sacred Heart flower essence.
Dog 戌
- 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
- Loyal, authentic, humble
- Zodiac allies: Tiger, Horse, Rabbit
- Best months: February, March, June
- Lucky color: Tangerine
- Flower Ally: Shell Ginger
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Inner Knowing
The Dog, like a strong cliff wall, embodies yang earth. 2025 brings some relief if you had a challenging last year. It’s an opportune time to return what truly makes your heart sing. Spend time in nature as often as possible and breathe in the fresh, rejuvenating qi.
Get clear on what you want, then use the powers of visualization to create exactly the life you want to live. Turn your vision into reality with Inner Knowing flower essence.
Pig 亥
- 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
- Fun-loving, diplomatic, generous
- Zodiac allies: Rabbit, Ram, Tiger
- Best months: February, March, July
- Lucky color: Metallic silver
- Flower Ally: Lady’s Mantle
- LOTUSWEI Flower Essence Blend: Open Heart
Pigs embody yin water, like a misty cool dew in the morning. The Snake energy will bring challenges for you, but remember with the greatest difficulties we have opportunities for incredible growth. Remember to start each day with gratitude and intention, and take time to focus on yourself.
If you hit a challenge or start to feel disengaged this year, ask yourself: how can I get more curious about my situation? Stay open to whatever life gives you with Open Heart flower essence.
The takeaway
No matter Chinese zodiac sign, we can all tap into the energy of release during this year of the yin wood Snake, so prepare to get shedding. Happy Lunar New Year to each of you with love from Anjie the Dragon and Katie the Snake!
This article is a collaboration between Anjie Cho and Katie Hess.