151 Fun & Hilarious "Most Likely To" Questions For Your Next Party

Whether you're throwing a party for your co-workers, friends, a club you're in, or even your own engagement, a solid list of "most likely" questions is a perfect game to get everyone talking.
Is the bride or groom most likely to sleep in late? Which of your co-workers is most likely have an office romance? Tally up the votes and let the best player for that question win!
Most likely to questions for friends
- Most likely to have the best outfit?
- Most likely to act like everyone's mom?
- Most likely to start a debate?
- Most likely to win said debate?
- Most likely to be late to their own wedding?
- Most likely to get arrested?
- Most likely to dance on the bar?
- Most likely to get kicked out of a bar?
- Most likely to start a homestead?
- Most likely to ask for your birth chart?
- Most likely to know what phase the moon is in?
- Most likely to stay home to watch their favorite show?
- Most likely to go viral on TikTok?
- Most likely to become an influencer?
- Most likely to join a cult?
- Most likely to be spotted on the street by an acting/modeling agency?
- Most likely to do stand-up comedy?
- Most likely to do an open-mic night?
- Most likely to text you back two weeks late?
- Most likely to cook an amazing meal?
- Most likely to host the party of the year?
- Most likely to actually follow through on plans?
- Most likely to check in with you "just because"?
- Most likely to comfort you when you're feeling down?
- Most likely to make you laugh so hard you cry?
- Most likely to splurge on expensive items?
- Most likely to get everything secondhand?
- Most likely to give really good advice?
- Most likely to ask for advice and then not take it?
- Most likely to be a contestant on a dating show?
- Most likely to go on a rant about something they're passionate about?
Most likely to questions for co-workers
- Most likely to be a billionaire?
- Most likely to be a CEO?
- Most likely to ignore work emails?
- Most likely to plan team-building activities?
- Most likely to have the hottest office gossip?
- Most likely to procrastinate?
- Most likely to close a huge deal?
- Most likely to befriend new hires?
- Most likely to drink too much at happy hour?
- Most likely to be a "boss' pet?"
- Most likely to sing karaoke?
- Most likely to accidentally hit "reply all" on an email?
- Most likely to refill the printer paper?
- Most likely to know the best lunch spots?
- Most likely to have the best office outfits?
- Most likely to come in early?
- Most likely to stay late?
- Most likely to have an office romance?
- Most likely to lend a helping hand?
- Most likely to travel to an exotic locale?
- Most likely to win a cooking contest?
- Most likely to turn the office thermostat up?
- Most likely to stink up the office with their lunch?
- Most likely to get a promotion?
- Most likely to play hooky?
Most likely to questions for couples
- Most likely to keep up with chores?
- Most likely to snore?
- Most likely to make the first move?
- Most likely to offer to cook?
- Most likely to say "I love you" first?
- Most likely to fall asleep watching TV?
- Most likely to wake up first?
- Most likely to go to bed last?
- Most likely to drive?
- Most likely to forget birthdays or anniversaries?
- Most likely to buy random gifts?
- Most likely to use words of affirmation?
- Most likely to want to cuddle?
- Most likely to suggest matching tattoos?
- Most likely to stick to their budget?
- Most likely to say sorry first?
- Most likely to have baby fever?
- Most likely to get pulled over for speeding?
- Most likely to want a walk-in closet?
- Most likely to plan date night?
- Most likely to propose?
- Most likely to decorate (and re-decorate)?
- Most likely to cry at sappy commercials?
- Most likely to be sarcastic?
- Most likely to live longer?
Most likely to questions for families
- Most likely to become president?
- Most likely to win the Noble Peace Prize?
- Most likely to help around the house without being asked?
- Most likely to avoid their chores until the last minute?
- Most likely to sleep in late?
- Most likely to stay up past their bedtime?
- Most likely to give the perfect gift?
- Most likely to be the richest member of the family?
- Most likely to have a biography about their life?
- Most likely to win on a game show?
- Most likely to be famous?
- Most likely to suggest ordering pizza?
- Most likely to have to use the bathroom repeatedly during a road trip?
- Most likely to take in every stray animal they see?
- Most likely to rescue bugs instead of killing them?
- Most likely to borrow things without asking?
- Most likely to hog the remote?
- Most likely to be the DJ in the car?
- Most likely to lose their keys?
- Most likely to not see something right in front of them?
- Most likely to say hi to neighbors?
- Most likely to be a picky eater?
- Most likely to take the longest in the bathroom?
- Most likely to stink up the bathroom?
- Most likely to forget something at home?
Funniest most likely to questions
- Most likely to die first in a horror movie?
- Most likely to tell you where they are in their menstrual cycle?
- Most likely to lock their keys in their car?
- Most likely to fart/burp at inappropriate times?
- Most likely to win a food-eating contest?
- Most likely to be an undercover spy?
- Most likely to be abducted by aliens?
- Most likely to believe every conspiracy theory?
- Most likely to have a hidden talent?
- Most likely to rob a bank?
- Most likely to move around the world on a whim?
- Most likely to be a meme?
- Most likely to dye their hair different colors?
- Most likely to reinvent themselves multiple times?
- Most likely to binge-watch their favorite show all weekend?
- Most likely to laugh at inappropriate times?
- Most likely to accidentally start a fight?
- Most likely to put their foot in their mouth?
- Most likely to be out of touch with today's youth?
- Most likely to act exactly like their parents?
- Most likely to laugh at their own jokes?
- Most likely to pass out on a roller coaster?
- Most likely to use the GPS to go somewhere 5 minutes away?
Juicy most likely to questions
- Most likely to keep a secret?
- Most likely to be a flirt?
- Most likely to be a sugar baby?
- Most likely to fall asleep during sex?
- Most likely to have a wandering eye?
- Most likely to have a threesome?
- Most likely to have a kink/fetish?
- Most likely to have a double life?
- Most likely to make a sex tape?
- Most likely to have sex outdoors?
- Most likely to have an affair?
- Most likely to sleep with their boss?
- Most likely to go skinny dipping?
- Most likely to have a one-night stand?
- Most likely to rush into an engagement?
- Most likely to text their ex?
- Most likely to join the mile-high club?
- Most likely to marry rich?
- Most likely to shoplift?
- Most likely to watch porn?
- Most likely to be a cougar?
- Most likely to date someone older?
The takeaway
These fun—and funny—most likely to questions are sure to get everyone at your party buzzing. You can always narrow down the list and send it out to everyone beforehand, to be announced at your gathering. But for all the more excitement, we'd recommend printing out your questions and having everyone discuss their picks among themselves. It's sure to be a fun activity no one will forget!