What The Justice Tarot Card Really Means & How To Work With It If You Pull It

Whether you're looking to do a bit of self-reflection, divination, or decision-making, working with a tarot deck can be a helpful practice. Each card in a traditional 78-card deck has a unique meaning, offering answers and insights to all your inquiries—and if you pulled the Justice card in a reading, here's what you should know.
What does the Justice card mean?
The traditional depiction of the Justice card features a figure holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other, representing truth, balance, and objectivity. As tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt tells mbg, this card is all about accountability, fairness, sacred truth, inner knowing, and, well, justice.
"It can often come up when you're being asked to have radical honesty with yourself to make a choice," she notes, adding, "Balance comes from making the choice that's right, even if it's difficult. There's a call for harmony and balance, but to find the correct equilibrium for the situation, you must first get totally honest about the situation or decision."
This card is also associated with the sign of Libra, given its connection to fairness and balance. "Justice is inherently concerned with our interconnectedness with others and how we find harmony in relationships with other individuals and through systems—which is what makes this card so complicated; we are constantly shifting the scales," Vanderveldt explains.
What does it mean for love & relationships?
When pulled upright:
According to Vanderveldt, pulling the Justice card upright in a reading about love indicates themes around balance and harmony. If you're looking for love, for instance, she says you must get completely honest with yourself about what you want and need—and approach potential interests from there.
If you're asking about the status of a relationship, she adds, "It's a call to address the needs of both people to establish what can be brought into balance. Have an honest and clear dialogue to begin to work toward common goals and values."
When pulled in reverse:
In reverse, this card in a relationship reading can point to some sort of unfairness or power imbalance in the relationship, Vanderveldt notes. "It could potentially indicate dishonesty or denial of the truth in some form or sacrificing your personal values," she adds.
If you're single and looking for love, a reversal here may mean there's a feeling of unfairness in your situation. "It's best to focus on your own accountability at this time and what's right for you," Vanderveldt says.
What does it mean for professional & financial matters?
When pulled upright:
In a reading about professional matters, Justice upright suggests there's a decision to be made—and specifically, a balanced one. As Vanderveldt explains, balance may be needed in your career and/or finances, so ask yourself how you can take accountability for what you can control in this situation.
She also suggests contemplating whether you can ask for what you need and find pragmatic solutions to get yourself what you want. "Can you be clear about the reality of the situation and speak with any other parties involved honestly? As Brené Brown says, 'Clear is kind,'" Vanderveldt adds.
When pulled in reverse:
Justice in reverse here can mean that balance may not look like equal parts, but it should feel like the right distribution of your resources right now, according to Vanderveldt.
"Unfairness—real or perceived—might be getting in your way. What is actually the truth of this situation? [This card can be] a call to examine your spending and incoming money more closely and adjust based on your core values," she adds.
What does it mean for challenges ahead?
When pulled upright:
If you've asked your deck about a challenge you're currently facing or will face, Vanderveldt says Justice is about sacred truth and often comes up when we already know the answer within.
"Our inner wisdom knows what to do, but it can get clouded by all the other things in our lives. The challenge here is finding ways to follow through on your inner knowing even when it's hard," she tells mbg.
When pulled in reverse:
In reverse, Justice here pushes you to "cut through the B.S. to find what's right," Vanderveldt says. There may be something clouding your perspective that you can't quite pin down just yet.
"Our ego minds, preferences, biases, and prejudices are often operating unconsciously," she explains, adding, "Realizing these things is challenging but key to working with this energy in a constructive way."
The takeaway.
The scales of justice are always in motion, and that includes in our own lives. Pulling the Justice card in a reading encourages us to seek balance and truth and to make decisions accordingly, with radical honesty, accountability, and fairness.