Your February Horoscope Just Dropped & We've Officially Entered The Age Of Aquarius

Can you feel the momentum? We’ve entered a whole new reality and “normal” might not look like anything you recognize. For that we can thank alchemist Pluto, the tiny but mighty planet that entered Aquarius on January 20 for a 20-year run.
If you’ve experienced a “pattern interruption” in the way you move through your day-to-day life, Pluto is a slow-moving “generational” planet, and it’s been in Capricorn since 2008 (save for a short visit from March 23 to June 11, 2023). Because it stays in a single sign for so many years at a time, its indelible fingerprints can truly be seen on how long-term societal, cultural and historical trends are shaped.
To this we say: Welcome to the true Age of Aquarius! (And if you don’t have our AstroTwins 2024 Horoscope book yet—all the details on what this means are in there.)
February is Aquarius season to the sixth power
This month, all the inner planets (Sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) and potent Pluto will make waves in the Water Bearer’s realm. This will make for a winter that’s refreshingly unexpected—and at times, downright disruptive.
This month will certainly kick the innovative, change-making Aquarian energy into high gear! There’s no stopping the change that’s in the air or the accelerated pace that it will bring.
And, enter the Wood Dragon!
February 9, the day of the Aquarius new moon (a potent supermoon), is also Lunar New Year’s Eve. Bid farewell to the gentle, intuitive Water Rabbit, who is ruled by dreamy Neptune. Then, say hello to the vibrant, dynamic, Mars-ruled Wood Dragon—who is here to pour organic fertilizer on our individual dreams. This energy shift will be palpable.
We’re also ending a two-year cycle (2022 and 2023) that was ruled by the flowy Water element, and moving into a duo of growth-oriented Wood years (2024 and 2025). The seeds that have been germinating for the past few years will soon be spreading into a lush garden…if not a vibrant forest!
Be mindful and intentional where you put your energy because whatever you plant will yield quite a crop. During the Wood Dragon Year, it’s important to wield your power consciously. That may require some disciplined mindset work so you can channel your energy and manifest exactly what you want!
Valentine’s Day comes with high levels of erotic seduction & some possible mind games
Lusty Mars will join forces with cunning Pluto on February 14—a conjunction that only happens every couple years. As these randy planets run interference on Cupid’s big day, you may have to deal with some mysterious behavior that is too bizarre to interpret. Keep stress levels low, even if that means simplifying an overly complex plan.
If you’re in a relationship, don’t even think about “forgetting” to honor the day…yes, even if your Valentine eye-rolls the mention of the holiday. The Mars-Pluto mashup could awaken unexpected jealousy and suspicion. If you’re the one pooh-poohing Cupid but secretly hoping your love interest has some amorous arrows in their quiver, Pluto will meet up with Venus on February 17 for another steamy encounter.
That said, you might push romantic plans forward to the weekend—or book a second round of celebrations. When Pisces season begins on Sunday, February 18, we all turn into poetic mushballs for a month.
Even better? Venus and Mars, the heavenly heartthrobs, make their exact connection in Aquarius on February 22, another day that is made for all the lovers out there.
On February 24, the Virgo full moon helps bring clarity and precision to your dreamy ideas
Pause to plan, project manage, and prioritize. And don’t be too quick to ditch that managerial mindset. The month ends with an intense Mars-Jupiter square on February 27 that throws up a yellow light and a serious speed check for anything you’re rushing into.
When the Sun and sober Saturn make their annual connection on February 28, also called The Day of Challenges, you’re best advised to hit “pause” and really think through the pros and cons of everything.
While it might seem like a buzzkill to slow down now (after all, isn’t Leap Year about leaping?), Saturn’s wisdom could save you a lot of heartache and headache down the line. Heed the saying that luck is where preparation meets opportunity. You won’t regret it!