Dr. Barbara Sturm On Aging: Her Skin Care Hacks, Nutrition Tips & More

The first time I met Dr. Barbara Sturm, we celebrated the launch of The Better B Niacinamide Serum with a bowl of her famous bircher muesli.
This might sound irrelevant to the average skin care devotee, but if you're familiar with the leading aesthetic physician and her eponymous line, you know Sturm approaches skin health from the inside out. Filling your belly with fiber-rich grains and anti-inflammatory spices is just as important as slathering on antioxidants—it's why she offers tea blends and vitamins right alongside her famously potent serums.
Sturm constantly evolves her brand with the latest science and innovations (her latest enterprise? exosomes), but a simple, whole-body approach remains the bedrock of her own beauty routine. "My grandma was a pharmacist, and my mother was a chemist, so I learned a lot about herbal medicine and ingredient science from them when I was growing up," she tells me.
She's the epitome of hard science meets homeopathy. Here, find out how both methods have informed her healthy aging routine over the years.

On her current beauty philosophy
"The core mission of my brand and my skin care philosophy is to respect and heal your skin. My skin care regimen's reverence for ingredient science and efficacy are key differentiators.
My philosophy is that every skin care routine, regardless of age or gender, should combat inflammation, deeply hydrate and nurture the skin, and be packed with highly active anti-aging properties without the use of aggressive ingredients."
On her evolving relationship with skin care
"My approach has always been focused on healing the skin with advanced ingredient science. Inflammation is the body's response to irritation and injury, and it is a trigger for acne, premature aging, redness, enlarged pores, and other disease and dysfunction including psoriasis, rosacea, and perioral dermatitis.
"As a doctor, I believe everything that touches your skin should heal rather than inflame it—no matter what age you are. I think people are often tempted to take a more aggressive approach and unknowingly rely on 'quick fixes' whether that's with lasers or harsh ingredients—to yield 'fast' results that in the end can damage skin in the long run. Always heal rather than attack."
On the future of "anti-aging" skin care
"I've been researching exosomes for over 20 years. Exosomes are membrane-bound spheres inside a cell, which contain a complex variety of contents derived from the original cell, including proteins, lipids, and genomic DNA.
"They are key mediators in cell-to-cell communication and have been shown to play pivotal roles in reducing inflammation during aging1, encouraging skin regeneration for a healthy, youthful-looking complexion.
"As we age, the concentration of circulating exosomes declines and skin structure becomes disordered and 'untidy,' resulting in unevenness and wrinkles. I created my EXOSO-METIC COLLECTION with lab-synthesized exosomes, which help encourage skin regeneration, stimulate skin repair, and promote new collagen synthesis. Replacing exosomes is an effective anti-aging treatment and the future of skin care."
Dr. Barbara Sturm Exoso-Metic Face Serum

On her most memorable beauty experiment
"My grandma was a pharmacist, and my mother was a chemist, so I learned a lot about herbal medicine and ingredient science from them when I was growing up. My grandma used to mix everything and make medicine for us when we needed it. When we got sunburned, she would give us this panthenol foam, and it would heal our burns.
"I grew up without any exposure to or awareness of beauty products except for the ones my grandma made for us. Probably the first product I created, which was my MC1 Cream, was the first beauty product I was truly obsessed with."
Editor's note:
On the power of sauna bathing
"One thing I always try to do, wherever I am, is use a sauna a few times a week. A sauna is a tremendous tool for skin and overall health and well-being, and it also feels great.
"Clinical studies have shown its therapeutic benefits in supporting the skin barrier function2, regulating sebum flow, detoxing and improving cardiovascular and muscular health.
"It's important to apply a serum and moisturizer immediately after getting out to seal against water loss through the process of osmosis."
On her best skin care hack
"I do a handstand every day! Any pose where your heart is above your head, like a handstand, is amazing for the circulatory system because it flushes fresh oxygen and blood flow to the face, creating a glowing effect on the skin. And you feel great afterward."
On the advice she would give her younger self
"To be confident and have the courage of your convictions. Trust yourself."
On her holistic skin care routine
"There is a holistic approach to reducing inflammation and achieving wellness, which includes adopting a simple, anti-inflammatory lifestyle. The first step is to avoid inflammatory ingredients in skin care. Fragrance, mineral oils, retinol, Retin-A, and glycolic acid can all cause inflammation, which leads to the biggest problems for our skin, including hyperpigmentation, aging, breakouts, and acne.
"Next, prioritize movement—exercise is one of the most important anti-aging devices of all. I love sports, and on holiday you will always find me in the ocean with my 8-year-old doing water sports and swimming. I also love to play tennis, go hiking, and follow Pilates classes online—it's a great and relaxing way to keep fit and flexible.
"I'm also passionate about following a [balanced] diet, and I avoid substances such as alcohol, sugar, excessive salt, and processed or fried foods. However, our bodies do not always get everything we need for healthy, glowing skin from our diet and lifestyle, which is why I created my supplements, STURM INSIDE, to address any [gaps].*
"If I'm by the beach or in the woods, I'll also try and spend time grounding or earthing by walking barefoot. Having direct contact with the earth evens out the positive charge that builds up in the human body, which has amazing antioxidant effects and can help reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and enhance your mood and well-being.
"It's also essential to get a good night's sleep (I'm in bed by 9 p.m. most evenings) and reduce stress through techniques such as meditation. I have always been inspired by Deepak Chopra, M.D., and often listen to his meditations for 10 to 20 minutes to help me unwind or when I'm in need of re-centering."
Dr. Barbara Sturm Skin Protection

On what makes her feel most beautiful
"I feel the happiest and most beautiful when I'm getting enough exercise, enough sleep, and my children are happy."