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9 Signs To Spot A Cerebral Narcissist & How To Deal With Them

Abby Moore
Author: Expert reviewer:
February 27, 2023
Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
By Abby Moore
mbg Nutrition & Health Writer
Abby Moore is an editorial operations manager at mindbodygreen. She earned a B.A. in Journalism from The University of Texas at Austin and has previously written for Tribeza magazine.
Kristina Hallett, Ph.D., ABPP
Expert review by
Kristina Hallett, Ph.D., ABPP
Board-certified Clinical Psychologist
Kristina Hallett, Ph.D., ABPP is a board-certified clinical psychologist with a background in neuroscience. She is also the Director of Clinical Training at Bay Path University, and an associate professor in Graduate Psychology.

A little bit of narcissism is natural and even healthy. If you're able to recognize egotistical traits in yourself, then you're likely not a true narcissist. Clinically diagnosed narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is actually rare, and people who have it don't believe there's anything wrong with their behavior. 

While there are several types of narcissists, many of them are not clinical terms validated by research. According to psychologist Perpetua Neo, DClinPsy, these classifications are based on patterns that mental health clinicians notice in narcissistic patients. One of those classifications is cerebral narcissism.

What is a cerebral narcissist?

"Cerebral narcissism is observed in a person who attempts to get their narcissistic supply through being smart and flashing their big intellect around," psychologist and narcissism expert Ramani Durvasula, Ph.D., tells mbg. They have the distinguishing NPD traits, such as lack of empathy, entitlement, and grandiosity, but cerebral narcissists in particular exert their power and receive their validation from outsmarting others. 

Signs of cerebral narcissism:


They need to appear more intellectual than everyone else.  

Cerebral narcissists will use complicated, technical words in a regular conversation; always finds a way to refer to books, authors, and theories by name; or talk constantly about ideas framed as new and cutting-edge. 

"Most people are often quite intimidated by them because they are talking about things in such a technical manner," Durvasula says. "Your eyes either glaze over, or you are wowed by their 'brilliance.'" 


 They want to be the center of attention. 

One of the core narcissist traits is the constant need for attention, therapist Margalis Fjelstad, Ph.D., LMFT, writes for mbg. 

Cerebral narcissists, specifically, will cut people off or talk over them, thinking what they have to say is smarter and more important, Durvasula explains. "They tend to monopolize the conversation and look bored or contemptuous when someone is speaking whom they do not perceive as qualified or smart—which is just about everyone," she adds. They are similar to conversational narcissists in this way.  


They are pretentious. 

As part of their entitlement and superiority complex, cerebral narcissists tend to be snobby and elitist. Generally, they'll brag about where they went to school, the type of degree they hold, and mock pursuits they consider "common," like eating at a chain restaurant or vacationing at a middle-class hotel, Durvasula says. They may also sneer or mock someone for mispronouncing a word or using it incorrectly.  

A few more traits to look for in any narcissist, including cerebral ones: 

  • Lack of empathy
  • Entitlement
  • Grandiosity
  • Arrogance
  • Hypersensitivity to criticism
  • Contempt

Cerebral vs. somatic narcissist

Somatic narcissists are physically superficial and vain narcissists. "Their superiority and sense of entitlement are localized in their perception of their physical self," psychotherapist Katherine Schafler, LMHC, previously told mbg. They control their exercise routines and eating habits to stay physically fit because they need people to admire them for their appearance. 

While cerebral narcissists gain their sense of importance from their minds, somatic narcissists rely on their bodies, mental health consultant Adina Mahalli, MSW, explains. (This is also separate from sexual narcissists, who care about physical traits specifically in relationship to perceived sexual prowess.)


While someone who's a cerebral narcissist gains their sense of importance from their minds, somatic narcissists rely on their physical self.

How to deal with a cerebral narcissist

In a relationship

When dating a cerebral narcissist, Durvasula says to avoid engaging in their intellectual rants. "It's their insecurity," Durvasula says. "The true genius can say things in simple language and not hide behind polysyllabic fluff." 

Prioritize your own needs and do the work to be confident in who you are so you don't internalize their snobby intellect. If you're ending the relationship, consider seeking out a therapist and following these six steps to recover from narcissistic abuse.

In the office

"At work, if they are good at what they do, let them do it," Durvasula says. Avoid over-engaging when it's not necessary or work-related, document any abuses in the office, and if the cerebral narcissist is your boss, recognize their need to hold a hyper-intellectual status, she says.  

"Despite all their self-absorbed, grandiose bragging, narcissists are actually very insecure and fearful of not measuring up," Fjelstad says. In other words, the narcissist is the insecure one, so don't allow them to make you feel less educated or incapable. 

In a friendship

If your friend is a cerebral narcissist, protect yourself from their words and don't try to prove your worth or intellect. "You're never going to win an argument or get to a point where they admit you're right," licensed psychologist Daniel Fox, Ph.D., says, "so learn to let it go."

Narcissists need an audience, so if you step away or change the subject, Durvasula says they're likely to be disarmed. "The more people step away at the first opportunity and don't keep fawning, the less this behavior gets enabled," she says. 

The takeaway

When someone appears smarter or continuously mocks your intelligence, it can trigger insecurities, so it's important to keep the cerebral narcissist's motivation in mind. Because narcissists have a deep-rooted shame and insecurity, they're attempting to devalue another in order to gain power. Disengaging is the best way to deal with people with NPD. 

Editor's Note: This article was originally published on October 23, 2020 and has been updated over time. It's current publication date reflects edits made for clarity and consistency, including fixed broken links.

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