Astrocartography: What It Means, How To Calculate Your Chart & How To Apply It To Your Life

Astrology is like a blueprint of how the stars make up who we are as individuals, with our natal charts revealing why we process the way we do, love who we love, communicate in certain ways, and more.
Astrocartography adds another dimension to how we look at the stars when we were born and the physical locations they correlate to.
By looking at your astrocartography chart, you can discover which places you may feel most inspired, where you could find luck in love, and where you may go through transformative rebirths.
What is astrocartography?
As explained by Locational Astrologer KJ Atlas, creator of Grove Almanac, “Astrocartography is a technique under the branch of ‘Locational Astrology,’ or the study of your personal astrology through the lens of where you should live to complete your specific goals.”
According to Atlas, this is typically done by looking at the Astrocartography map, which was created by Jim Lewis in the 1970s.
Similar to your birth chart, you will be shown a map of the world and where the planets were when you were born, with a focus on their physical location representing a “power spot” for you in your unique chart.
How to calculate your astrocartography chart
In order to calculate your astrocartography chart, you’ll want to use an astrocartography chart calculator. Atlas suggests, noting that it's a good place to start to “see what is generally going on and give you an automated description on the side.”
You’ll input your birth date, location, and time and will be shown a world map with colored lines running vertically and horizontally through specific locations.
These lines will be associated with a planet and its placement at the time you were born, with the planet symbols shown at the top of the chart.
All planets have associations with different aspects of your personality, and depending on where they were at your time of birth, they can give you insight into what you’ll experience in each location.
As Atlas notes, “A one-on-one session with a professional Locational Astrologer is really valuable, and if you have some extra astrology knowledge, you might get something out of a self-paced webinar.”
Understanding your astrocartography chart
Each colored line in your chart is associated with a planet that is listed at the top of the astrocartography chart by a symbol.
You’ll want to understand the meaning of each of the planets so you know what each location is supporting for you in your life.
Planetary lines
- Sun line: Your Sun sign is your personality. Living or visiting close to this location could help you feel seen and acknowledged. It could also boost your self-confidence and worthiness in the world.
- Moon line: Your Moon sign is your emotional state and how you process in your interpersonal space. Being close to your moon line could encourage you to go inward and process more of your emotions. You may feel at home here.
- Mercury line: Mercury is your planet of communication. Going close to your Mercury line could increase your ability to express yourself to others and have a clear mind.
- Venus line: Venus is your planet of love. Traveling to or living close to your Venus line could open your heart and possibly help you meet a soulmate.
- Mars line: Your Mars sign is your passion and sex drive. You might find that you become connected more to your purpose and what sparks passion within you in this location. You may also find that you have a more passionate sex life here.
- Jupiter line: Jupiter is your planet of luck and expansion. Come to this line when you are looking for more abundance and alignment in your life.
- Saturn line: Saturn is the planet of karmic lessons. When you are ready to step into a deep growth period and move through some of your soul contracts and karmic lessons in life, it may be worth a visit to your Saturn line.
- Uranus line: Uranus is the planet of change and freedom. When you are in need of change and inner freedom, support to quit a job or leave a toxic relationship, traveling to your Uranus line might help give you the courage to make such change.
- Neptune line: Neptune is the planet of illusions, dreams and intuition. When you are looking to connect more with your intuition and break free of old ways of thinking or in need of a vacation, travel here.
- Pluto line: Pluto is the planet of rebirth and transformation. When you are ready for a rebrand in your life, you want to change your hair, job, the way you look, go to your Pluto line to spark the shift.
Cardinal points
- Rising/Ascendent: This can be others' first impression of you and also what you are reaching towards in your life. Going to your rising line could help in your connection with others and how you show up in the world.
- Descendent: This deals with your relationships. Go to this line when you want to meet a potential partner.
- MC: Your MC line is your mid-heaven and has to do with your career. Go to this line placement when you are looking for career success and advancement.
- IC: Your IC line has to do with your family and home life. Come here when you are seeking home or do healing inner child work associated with upbringing and family.
How to apply your astrocartography chart
According to Atlas, “Cardinal points are the most important areas of life, representing you, your family, your partner and your career. Those are the areas of life that are typically the most important things that people want to know about.
What's my purpose? Where should I live, and where's my partner? Those angles represent those areas of life.”
Specifically, if you look at your IC (which is ruled by the 4th house of home), it can be a great place to live. As Atlas says, “It's your home, it's how safe you feel in your body and in your house.”
If you’re in search of love, using your astrocartography can help you discover where you might be more likely to meet someone or fall in love.
You’ll want to look at your Venus or Mars lines to see where love and romance are energetically most powerful for you.
When looking to vacation, Atlas adds, “I find that people enjoy Neptune. They have a really hard time trying to focus, do work and deadlines on the Neptune line. It's also good for retirement and checking out retreats.”
The takeaway
Using your astrocartography lines as location placements in the world can help make traveling—or even moving, finding love, or boosting your career—a more intentional and deeper experience.
Our solar system is a vast space of mystery, but astrology and astrocartography may help us to better understand it—and how it affects us wherever we are in the world.