With Pluto Making Moves, Huge Shifts Are On The Horizon For This Week's Horoscope

Add a dollop of novelty with Wednesday’s quarter moon in Aries
Shiny object syndrome alert! On Wednesday, January 17, the waxing quarter moon in Aries reminds you that "trendy and new" doesn't tell the whole story. It's fine to get excited about discoveries—but weigh them against timeless wisdom.
Have you been rushing into a decision? These modulating moonbeams recommend easing slowly into any new arrangements. Test the waters with a trial run. (Instead of signing up for that pricey Pilates studio, how about a day pass first?)
As you immerse yourself in the reality of the situation, you'll see if the dangling carrot is worth gobbling up. Be mindful not to spread yourself thin as you dabble. You don't have to try everything all at once!
Careful not to make promises you can't keep this Friday, January 19
Big talk is only great when it's followed up by big action. On Friday, January 19, messenger Mercury and outspoken Jupiter team up in stabilizing earth signs for the third time in the past month and a half.
Now that the messenger planet is no longer retrograde, you can confidently promote your ideas. Pitch a pioneering project or put your name in the running for a special position. Is it time to raise your rates? You've got nothing to lose by setting your asking price a little higher than before. With these savvy planets aligned, it's a great day to negotiate.
But do remove the rose-colored glasses! Later on Friday, a tense standoff between romantic Venus and foggy Neptune could snare you in a far-fetched fantasy or obsessive spiral. When these dreamy planets square each other twice per year, reality is a moving target.
Is this too good to be true? Wait a couple of days before drawing hard-and-fast conclusions. Even if the vibe is more "situationship" than "happily ever after," this doesn't mean you can't have a little fun. With Venus in freewheeling, global Sagittarius and Neptune in nomadic Pisces, an early 2024 adventure might be just what the cosmos ordered.
Saturday brings seismic shifts as the Sun & Pluto unite in Capricorn, then both head into Aquarius
Plot your power moves and take bold action. On Saturday, the confident Sun and penetrating Pluto make their final connection in Capricorn, not to meet here again for nearly 300 years! Even the best-kept secrets could be revealed today as the Sun illuminates Pluto's shadows, energizing your private ambitions.
Exposing your hopes and dreams can make you feel vulnerable, especially if you don't feel ready. Do it anyway.
Caution: There could be a few outsized egos and audacious actors to dodge under this cosmic communion, and, on the flip side, you may need to handle any thin-skinned types with care.
The Sun heads into the Water Bearer's realm at 9:07 a.m. EST on Saturday
Come Saturday, we officially begin four weeks of Aquarius season. Assemble your allies and start making magic! Until February 18, the Sun in communal Aquarius helps you find a team that aligns with your vision and amplifies your strengths.
With El Sol in this tech-savvy sign, use digital channels to support your search. Idealistic Aquarius loves originality, so this is a great time to put all your future-focused ideas out there and evaluate them.
Is there an opportunity to better the world? Link up with a mission-driven project or group now. Aquarius is the sign of friendship and popularity. Focus on community and inclusivity, and make it your responsibility to bring out the best in others. Success feels sweetest when it's shared!
But that comes with a giant asterisk! Life feels better when shared…with people you can count on and trust.
Later on Saturday, life feels stranger than sci-fi as seismic Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time since 1798 (it was briefly here from May 23 to June 11, 2023). Artificial intelligence, chatbots, and communal living? Time to see things like these as the "new normal."
Since the icy dwarf planet makes lengthy stays in each zodiac sign, these periods indelibly shape history. Pluto will dart between Capricorn and Aquarius again this year, but come November, it will settle into Aquarius for a 20-year run, staying until January 19, 2044.