These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Affected By January's Full Moon In Cancer

In case you missed it, we have a full moon just around the corner on Monday, January 13 (05:27 p.m. EST). Depending on your zodiac sign, we all have something different to expect.
But for these three signs, they'll feel the effects of this full moon the most. Here's what to know:
With the full moon in your sign, Cancer, you're sure to notice its effects. As it moves through your first house of self and identity, it could feel like you're majorly purging things you need to let go of—but this is so you can start a new chapter.
Not to mention, Mars is also retrograde in your sign, so you very well could be on the precipice of a huge breakthrough. Uranus retrograde in Taurus forms an encouraging sextile to the moon and Mars, and it's giving radical change.
All that to say, a lot could be coming up for you around this time with regard to your overall self-image and path in life, so trust that you're moving in the right direction.
This full moon is lighting up your fourth house of home and family, Aries, not to mention your ruling planet is retrograde in Cancer as well. This could look like family drama, stress about your living arrangements, quarreling with a roommate, or even planning to move to a new place altogether.
But as we know, the point of full moons is to let go of what isn't working anymore, and Cancer is a sign that values emotional security. Under these moonbeams, you're being encouraged to figure out what needs to be released in order for you to experience more emotional security and safety in your home and family life.
This is a big moment for your closest relationships, Capricorn, as the moon moves through your seventh house of partnership and long-term commitments. And with Mars retrograde stirring up drama, things could feel especially turbulent.
Cancer is moody and sensitive, and Mars is aggressive, so it could feel like none of your partnerships are clicking right now. Remember, the seventh house isn't just about romance and can include business partnerships as well. It may still be your birthday season, but if you want your relationships to thrive, they need your attention too.
The takeaway
We can all expect to be impacted by this full moon, but for Cancer, Aries, and Capricorn, the energy will be impossible to ignore. From Cancer's identity to Aries' home life and Capricorn's closest relationships, all three signs may be letting something go—or allowing something to transform.