Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most Honest? These 3 Are Brutal To Say The Least

The 12 signs of the zodiac each communicate differently. Some signs are more reserved, withholding, or even insincere, while others are totally straightforward and honest—sometimes to the point of being too honest.
Of course, someone's sign isn't a guarantee they'll be brutally honest, but let's just say the following three signs have a reputation for being, um, forthright.
P.S. This would apply to anyone with the following as their sun and/or rising sign, as well as their Mercury sign, which influences the way we think and communicate.
If you've ever met a Sagittarius, you probably know they have a knack for putting their foot in their mouth. In fact, "Sagittarius" and "blunt" might as well be synonyms in the thesaurus.
These fire signs just don't have a concept of tact. It's not that they mean to be so brash or rude; they're just that honest. Of course, you can always be sure they're telling you the truth, but that doesn't mean you'll always like it.
With their openness and free-spirited nature, it's simply not in their nature to lie. They'd rather say exactly what they think, for better or worse.
The second most honest sign of the zodiac is none other than Aries. Another fire sign, like Sagittarius, Aries wields that fire with a ton of energy and impulsivity.
And as you might imagine, impulsivity can definitely translate to honesty. Aries folks move fast, so they don't think before they speak. Their communication style is very much stream-of-consciousness, and whether they're giving you the most sincere compliment of your life or roasting you to the point of tears, you always know they mean it.
Known for being one of the more self-centered signs, it doesn't make sense for an Aries to lie. They own exactly who they are and what they think, and they aren't afraid to share it.
And finally, the third most brutally honest sign is Virgo, the maiden of the zodiac. But don't let the symbolization of the fair maiden fool you—Virgos can and will pack a punch with their words when they have to.
As an earth sign ruled by Mercury, the planet of intellect, Virgo has no time for funny business or beating around the bush. They're smart and they know it, so they'll be sure to tell you exactly what they think.
These folks do have keen minds and good judgment, but even if they're right, they're not always the most sensitive in their delivery. Nevertheless, you can always trust they're telling the truth because Virgos prioritize facts and information—even when you don't want to hear it.
The takeaway
It's worth noting again that every zodiac sign has the capacity to be brutally honest, but some signs do embody certain qualities more than others. That said, in terms of which zodiac signs are honest for better or worse, you can count on Sag, Aries, and Virgo.