Motivation Is High This Week But We *Are* Still In Mercury Retrograde—Here's Your Horoscope

Heavy hitters Mars & Jupiter unite in Gemini this Wednesday, August 14
Kaboom! Wednesday, August 14, is a big deal day as make-it-happen Mars teams up with make-it-bigger Jupiter at the same degree of Gemini.
Even if motivation’s been lagging, you could suddenly feel like you downed a multipack of energy drinks. These two accelerators connect once every other year, but they haven’t made an exact connection in Gemini since 1989! As this pair of brash planets passes over the same zodiac point, there’s no stopping anyone from living out loud—or living their truth!
On the global stage, there could be some shocking mudslinging. On a personal note, you’re excited (understatement!) about an idea and eager to pitch it.
But be careful not to come across as pushy or argumentative. In meetings, listen more than you talk. Interrupting people will alienate them, and then you’ll never get to hear their real opinions.
When outspoken Jupiter and assertive Mars team up in chatty Gemini, it can be hard for anyone to get a word in edgewise!
Mercury retrograde slips back into Leo on Wednesday, too
Turn up the house lights and call an intermission! Later on Wednesday, messenger Mercury, who’s been retrograde in fussy Virgo since August 5, backs into theatrical Leo for the rest of its signal-jamming backspin until August 28.
Flamboyant antics that were entertaining could now read as obnoxious. Strengthen your filters and save your walks on the wild side for next month.
In affairs of the heart, you may be viewing people through a super-subjective lens. Rather than romanticizing or vilifying, try to see folks for who they really are.
Accelerator Mars gets speed-checked by Saturn on Friday
Slow down or speed up? As hasty Mars in Gemini squares off with cautious Saturn in Pisces, it’s like having one foot on the gas and the other on the brake.
Don’t overlook red flags or wave them away as inconsequential. Though it’s tempting to minimize trouble signs and focus on fun and fantasy, rushing in without due diligence is not advised now.
On the flip side, if you’ve got too many walls up, you may find a relationship is stalling or hitting a plateau. Push yourself to show a little more emotion or transparency. Real relationships require some risk; otherwise, they’ll never progress.

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