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Jupiter Retrograde Finally Ends This Week — Here's Your Horoscope

The AstroTwins
February 02, 2025
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
Woman in yellow rain jacket with a hiking stick stands on a hillside overlooking a vista with a lake
Image by mbg creative x Julia Volk / Stocksy
February 02, 2025
The year is off to a bumpy start, as January threw a bunch of curveballs our way, to say the least. This week, we can get back to business as Jupiter's retrograde period ends and Venus enters fiery Aries. Here's your horoscope.

Monday's Mercury-Jupiter air trine unleashes a flurry of opinions & big ideas

It won't be hard to sway the masses today, as articulate Mercury in Aquarius and grandiose Jupiter in Gemini sync up in verbose air signs.

A dollop of charm and a few pumps of enthusiasm may be enough to turn a no into a yes for now. But don't rest on any laurels. Big talk needs to be followed up by solid action, the kind that yields results.

To avoid getting a reputation as a demagogue, lay out next steps and be sure to make good on them in the coming days. The air-sign trine of Mercury and Jupiter can inflate your reputation. If you're not shining the way you long to be, work on polishing up your personal brand.

Spice it up! Venus takes the first of two laps through heatseeking Aries from Tuesday to March 27

H-O-T T-O G-O! Seductive Venus fire-spins into the bold and brash sign of Aries, heating things up in the Ram's realm for nearly two whole months. Love will be lit during this longer-than-usual cycle, but it also comes with a warning flag.

On February 4, Venus spins into a six-week retrograde, which could tamp down some of the bold, impulsive energy that her tour through Aries brings. Fortunately, there's a solid month ahead to relish Venus in direct motion.

Love may spark quickly and extinguish just as fast in this rapid-fire sign. But don't shy away from the thrill. If your romantic life has slowed to a standstill, Venus in fearless Aries reignites your courage.

Note: In the impetuous sign of Aries, Venus finds herself in "detriment," making it tough for the planet of slow seduction to keep a semblance of cool. Unexpected (and intense!) attractions might catch you off-guard.

If you're already spoken for, there's no need to act on these impulses. Try to channel that vibrant energy back into your S.O.

The galactic gag order lifts as Jupiter turns direct in Gemini this Tuesday

Enough with the double talk! After five months of frustrating detours and mental chess games, the road to truth is in sight again. Maximizer Jupiter powers forward in clever, communicative Gemini, where it's been retrograde since last October 9.

In the wake of months of introspective rewiring, you may find that you have copious wisdom to share. Plug into articulate Jupiter-in-Gemini to write an article, record a podcast, or revive a once-lively group chat.

Curiosity may have led you astray since last October, but starting now, it could pave the way to a vibrant social life or a new hobby that you've always wanted to try.

Don't be shy about striking up conversations! Tag-team efforts will be blessed with the mighty planet's powers. This is your cosmic cue to think big and assert yourself boldly (well, once you have all the facts). Jupiter in Gemini can amplify your voice and help you reach a global crowd.

Wednesday's quarter moon in Taurus says run your ideas through a reality check

Time for a cosmic check-in! Today's waxing quarter moon in sensible Taurus invites you to fine-tune your goals. Instead of barreling toward the finish line, ease off the accelerator and give all projects a thorough evaluation.

Are you clear about the value you're offering? Do you know where you ultimately want to land? Now's the time to fortify your strategies to avoid wasting time and energy.

While you may feel like scaling back, don't do minimalism for minimalism's sake. Infuse simplicity with sophistication. Toss out the worn, and welcome in the elegant.

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