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These 3 Zodiac Signs Might Struggle With Relationships More Than Others

Sarah Regan
September 06, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
September 06, 2024
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All 12 zodiac signs approach relationships differently; some are more accommodating to their partner's needs, some are more outwardly affectionate, and some, well, aren't especially great at being in relationships at all.

Of course, we are not saying a person is guaranteed to be a terrible partner if they're one of the following signs, or that the other signs are automatically better at relationships, but when we're talking about the archetypes of the 12 zodiac signs and their inclinations—these are the ones most likely to struggle with romance.

And BTW, this would apply to anyone who has one of these signs as their sun and/or rising signs, as well as their Venus sign, as our Venus placement can influence our preferred love languages, as well as how we experience pleasure, joy, and love.



Coming in at number one, we have none other than aloof and independent Aquarius. As the way-shower and water bearer of the zodiac, Aquarius is a humanitarian-minded air sign with big visions for the future.

However, when it comes to relationships, they prefer to keep things detached and even distant. Possessiveness or jealousy are big turn-offs to these folks, as they value their freedom and independence. As astrologer Desiree Roby Antila, explains, "They want to have some freedom to explore their own interests and hang out with their friends." Nothing wrong with that, of course, but it does make it harder to pin Aquarians down.

Ultimately, this is a sign that would likely go for a friends-to-lovers arc if they are going to commit. Otherwise, the pressure and constraints of the early days of dating can seriously put them off.



Scorpio takes the number two spot on the list, but take this with a great of salt. Every zodiac sign has positive and negative attributes, and each individual will display their own level of maturity. That said, Scorpios are some of the most loyal and committed partners you can find—when they've grown and matured.

On the flip side, though, they can also be some of the most obsessive and possessive partners. Scorpios are known to have trust issues, but while they attempt to figure everything out about a prospective partner, they're slow to open up themselves.

As such, getting to know a Scorpio—and earning their love—can be an uphill battle. And once they do decide to commit? Don't be surprised if jealousy starts to rear its head. In the end, Scorpios may push away the very people they fought so hard for.



And finally, coming in third, we have Capricorn. These serious and structured folks are known to be the hardest working zodiac sign of them all, but that doesn't always translate to fulfilling romantic relationships.

Capricorns tend to be all-work-no-play, and unless they find a partner who appreciates their hard work—or even better, is also committed to their own career or projects—it's not unlikely that Capricorn's partner could feel ignored, dejected, or unloved.

Think long hours at work, bailing on date night to meet a deadline, or putting off relationship milestones for work ones. This would all be par for the course for a typical Capricorn, which can make romance and meeting their partner's needs a big challenge for them.

The takeaway

It's worth restating that we're definitely not saying these three signs are doomed to relationship misery. Every sign has the capacity to grow, and strengthen areas that might be weaker. Plus, the other zodiac signs definitely have the capacity to be less than ideal partners too. It always comes down to the individual and how they're maturing into the energy of their whole birth chart.

Nevertheless, if we had to pick the three signs most likely to struggle with romance, it would be those ones.

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