5 Questions With Self-Made Millionaire Allyson Byrd — Major Money Advice Ahead

"The better it gets, the better it gets, the better it gets!" That's the mantra I learned from Allyson Byrd and continue to use every day in my coaching practice and, frankly, my life. I stumbled upon Allyson Byrd on Instagram and was instantly hooked by the way she spoke about her life and money. Each post felt like a beautiful riddle my brain had to solve. In reality what was happening was she was simplifying money in a way I never knew.
Allyson's journey to success from an underprivileged life on food stamps, a dad in prison, and a single mom raising two kids to the ultra-passionate successful leader she is today and the undeniable stand she has taken for women rising into their greatness, well…I was inspired and lit up. She thought differently about money because she had to.
If you're an entrepreneur or a side hustler, this next statement is going to feel very familiar; what I didn't realize when I started my business was the immense work I would need to do on my mindset in order to actually make money. If you've done any mindset work, you know it will transform every part of your life, and your money game is no different. It also can be the most challenging shift, feeling a bit like a cerebral field of dreams: "Think it and it will come."
Allyson Byrd is a money mindset strategist and is known as the Profit Accelerator™. And grow profits she does. Allyson is a master at bridging mindset into action and transforming how you look at your life and money. Collectively, her clients generate $33 million-plus in sales revenue annually. Not only is she a self-made millionaire, but she's helping others create that reality for themselves. She has been featured on CNN, USA Today, NPR, Time Money, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, CNBC, MSN, Black Enterprise, Essence, and Here, a Q&A I had with Byrd.
Brianna Firestone: On your journey to becoming a self-made millionaire, what was the lesson you had to learn the hard way?
Allyson Byrd: The first time I stood on stage and sold a coaching program for $7,800, I sold eight in one afternoon: $62,400 in one day? I knew then that what I'd been told about money wasn't completely true. I'd just gotten fired from a job making $115,000 per year, and now, one afternoon and I'd made more than 50% of my annual salary? I believe that the hardest thing to learn about money is that money is not hard. Money is simple. Humanity is complex.
Majority of us view money as hard because those around us had this view and those around them had that view. It's challenging to embrace that you have borrowed money thoughts that aren't even your own, and those thoughts are what formed the habits you live and the circumstances you then created. What I love about this awareness is that if you borrowed a belief that money is hard and created a limiting existence because of that…the opposite is also available. You can borrow from someone who is financially autonomous, ethical, philanthropic, and generous. When you do, your circumstances will soon follow. That's the delight.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." — Wayne Dyer
What do you wish everyone knew about becoming a millionaire?
Most humans don't even have a relationship with money. It's sad but humanity abuses money because they're afraid of it when in actuality, money exists to be your support for all the desires of your beautiful heart. This will sound unreal but it's really, really TRUE.
The pathway to millions is the most inspiring and exhaustive journey for a lot of us; however, what you find as you hit mega financial milestones is that the journey is the most fun. Hitting the goal is actually anti-climactic. The fun was in the process all along and still is. Enjoy the journey and pay your taxes.
When it comes to wellness and your money, what has been essential for your success?
Rest. I cannot scream it loudly enough. Ambition creates an energy bubble that feels endless, but it isn't. Whether you're leading a business or a part of a powerhouse organization (and anywhere in between), leadership is fatiguing with daily decisions, marketing strategies, sales planning, and people management.
Your body requires the fuel of sleep to inspire a healthy balance in your physical existence of a calm mind and nervous system, aiding digestive and immune systems, plus stress reduction.
Regardless of where a person is in their journey, what is the one lesson/piece of advice you want them to hold close?
After 13 years of struggle, hustle, and grind, I've learned that pursuing money is never required. I know that everyone with money says it's not the answer, and those without it want to find that truth out for themselves. So, instead I'll say it this way. What I wish I'd chosen to believe sooner was to choose happiness, choose joy, choose self-care, choose to be delighted in life.
Nothing magnetizes more moneymaking opportunities, collaborations, and visibility like an authentically fulfilled human.
Be all of yourself, and if that idea scares you, that's your work. However, once you embody the YOU-nique identity that is wonderfully your own, money cannot wait to join your epic life party and take excellent care of you.

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