7 Ways To Tap Into The Sensual & Steadying Energy Of The Taurus New Moon

On Tuesday, May 11, 2021 (at 2:59 p.m. EDT), the new moon in Taurus waves its eco-chic wand and casts an emerald spell over our lives.
Just as the springtime buds are bursting into flowers and leaves, this new moon invites us into nature's alfresco temple. The first of the earth signs, Taurus is all about creating the fertile soil to plant our seeds in—both literally and metaphorically.
Under the influence of the Taurus new moon, our focus turns to foundations. Do we have our feet on solid ground? And are we feeling secure once we're there? (For more help getting rooted, check out our Taurus season guided meditation for grounding.)
Pragmatic and efficient, the 2021 Taurus whips our lives into shape. Are we nourishing ourselves (and boosting our immune systems) with fresh, healthy food? Managing our time accordingly so we aren't total stress cases? Doing our work with integrity so we can enjoy the luscious results we create?
There's another "green" that this new moon is concerned with since budgeting falls under Taurus's domain and it is Taurus season. There's no time like the present to get a handle on cash flow to ensure that we don't burn every penny we earn.
Here are seven tips to harness the sensual and steadying energy of the 2021 Taurus new moon:
1. Make a "micro-resolution."
Taurus is a creature of habit, and while this can make us wonderfully persistent, it can also reveal where we're stuck in a rut. According to the book Small Move, Big Change, making "micro-resolutions"—instead of sweeping promises that quickly lose steam—can actually create lasting shifts.
For example, rather than vow to get into killer shape for summer, create the micro-resolution of packing your sneakers in your bag or walking around the block after dinner every evening. The seismic shift is caused by making one small effort, then building on that, which creates a snowball effect in the long run.
2. Flex your green thumb.
While the gleaming produce displays at Whole Foods Market are undeniable eye candy, most of us have little clue what it took to harvest those luscious and edible jewels. And while it's great to buy organic, some of us may be far removed from the idea of sticking our hands in the pesticide-free soil, planting heirloom seeds, watering the crop, and nurturing it to full harvest.
This earthy Taurus new moon sends an honorable nod to the food producers of the world, encouraging us to "get our farmer on" in some small way. While some of us may have sun-drenched acres at our disposal, others may only have small windowsills and a grow light to work with. Plant what you can, be it a giant bed of Swiss chard or a pot of rosemary. We love the book The Dirt Cure by Maya Shetreat-Klein, M.D., for ideas on connecting with the source of your food.
Growing food is an offering of gratitude to Mother Earth for filling our plates each day. Planting in her soil is an act of abundance—no matter whether your efforts yield a bumper crop or a few misshapen (but delicious) sprouts. (Check out our Plantstrology guide for indoor and outdoor plant tips tailored to your zodiac sign.)
According to The Hunger Project, 60% of the world's hungry are women and girls. And with the pandemic still raging alongside the effects of climate change, even more people will experience food scarcity this year. If you have the means, consider making a donation to an organization like Feeding America that distributes 4.3 billion meals to food banks each year.
3. Give your throat chakra a tuneup.
Taurus rules the throat, and this new moon helps us free our voices. It's time to open up our throat chakras, whether by courageously speaking up, singing, and even filming a livestream. A balanced throat chakra allows us to clearly express our truths and live from a place of free will and creativity. Who doesn't want a piece of that?
Chanting—which involves repeating a phrase or mantra with conscious breathwork—is both soothing and energizing and has been shown to boost immunity and reduce anxiety and depression. Many yoga and meditation studios offer online (and live) sessions. Grab your mat, get into the lotus position, and open up that passageway with some "om namah shivayas," or try these Taurus-inspired yoga poses. Humming can also create a meditative and soothing vibration that energizes the body. You might check out a sound-healing download, as specific tones are believed to heal and help forward intentions.
P.S.: Blue is the color associated with the throat chakra. If you want to work with crystals and gemstones to activate or heal yours, try these: sodalite, kyanite, moonstone, aquamarine, turquoise, or sapphire.
4. Belt out a ballad!
If you're not the "woo" type, here's a lowbrow prescription: Consider setting up a home karaoke system, or go for a private drive in your car to belt out some songs. As you breathe deeply, preparing to unleash your favorite power ballad; you're giving your lungs a workout and freeing up that throat chakra, producing many of the same results as chanting. Who cares if you can't keep a tune? You might actually learn to with some practice.
5. Use your voice for a cause.
Whether it's in protest or a rallying cry, the power of your words can help heal the world. Taurus also rules finances and our personal values, so put your money where your morals are, perhaps by donating to a cause. The Taurus new moon reminds us: Don't underestimate your own influence. As anthropologist Margaret Mead said, "Never doubt that a small group of caring, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
6. Invest in practical luxury.
Ruled by sensual, decadent Venus, Taurus also loves life's finer things. Bespoke and handmade goods have a special quality to them, and you might invest in something unique near this new moon. The craftsmanship that goes into their creation is human potential at its finest—the living result of some divinely inspired mastermind at work.
Owning a piece of Taurus-ruled natural luxury brings a rich and special dimension to our lives. For those on a tighter budget, this could be something as small as trying a recipe using one high-end ingredient like truffle oil or saffron. For others, it could mean investing in a signature piece, like an artfully crafted handbag or an incredible kitchen tool. Remember: Taurus is all about practicality. This purchase must be something that will be treasured but also used on a regular basis, bringing a bonus hit of happiness every time you encounter it.
7. Embrace the little things.
Let's face it—we all say we want stability, but we'll chuck it for a bit of excitement, turning our lives upside down. Earthy Taurus rules security, so at this new moon, look where you can bring magic to the mundane—and even boredom! Savor the touch and feel of fabric, the scent of someone's skin, a gorgeous song. It's up to us to keep life interesting, so find ways to relish the little things—a Taurus specialty.