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6 Ways To Connect To The Driven Energy Of Capricorn's New Moon

The AstroTwins
January 11, 2021
The AstroTwins
By The AstroTwins
Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.
(Last Used: 1/8/21) 6 Ways To Connect To The Driven Energy Of Capricorn's New Moon
Image by mbg creative
January 11, 2021
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Start your year with intention! The first new moon on the annual calendar is one of the best starting blocks for your visionary plans.

Feel free to be ambitious because the inaugural lunar lift of 2021 takes place in high-achieving Capricorn on Wednesday, January 13, at 12 a.m. EST (late Tuesday, January 12, in many places).

Like a strong tailwind, this new moon accelerates plans. Since Capricorn is the sign of structure, this could be the beginning of a powerful planning phase, one that could bear fruit by the corresponding full moon on June 24, 2021. Add heavy doses of creativity and innovation to the game plan! During this new moon, artistic Venus will trine genius Uranus, calling for out-of-the-box solutions that could change the world. 

One caveat: While you're speculating on all those "wouldn't it be crazy if..." ideas, remember that they still DO have to abide by the laws of physics and our material universe. A challenging dust-up will take place during this new moon as brash Mars in pragmatic Taurus crashes into a challenging square (90-degree angle) with stern Saturn in iconoclastic Aquarius. You don't have to be the buzzkill in the room, telling people that their dreamy new moon wishes will never work. But do plan to run every genius idea through a set of serious tests before passing go! 

Here are six suggestions for tapping into the driven energy of the 2021 Capricorn new moon:

1. Never, never, never give up.

If at first you don't succeed, then try another method for achieving your result! Unassailable Capricorn is symbolized by the persistent Sea-Goat, tirelessly forging ahead. It's certainly appropriate since it can take some righteous fortitude to get through Capricorn season (December 21 to January 20): recovering from the holiday hangovers, the lack of sunlight, and the buzzkill of having to get back down to business after all the celebrations. Thankfully, the grounding earth-sign energy of the 2021 Capricorn new moon keeps you focused and determined.

Just don't get frustrated if your creative efforts don't immediately draw a round of funding or millions of TikTok followers. Instead, use this lunar lift to tighten up your game plan and ensure that you're building on a stable foundation. Even if the project you're working on has no end in sight, keep your eye on the long-term gains. And when the job is eventually finished, be sure to reward yourself for all your hard work. Remember: Life is messy, and everyone makes mistakes from time to time. But without these learning experiences, how would you grow?

2. Splash some green on your dreams.

Capricorn is the eldest of the three earth signs (a trio that also includes Taurus and Virgo), and these moonbeams sound a wake-up call to conserve and protect natural resources—especially after the holiday season's waste and excess. Climate change assessments continue to underscore the urgent need for industrial adaptations.

While alarming, there are things you can do to cool down your corner of the planet like eating a (more) plant-based diet, walking or biking instead of driving everywhere, and—since refrigeration is the No. 1 climate destabilizer—running the air conditioner as little as possible (if at all) during hot months.

If you own a business, how can you embroider eco-friendly practices into your production processes? Studies show that educating women and girls is one of the primary ways to reduce the threats of climate change worldwide. Donate to an organization like the Malala Fund or the women's lending arm of to support one of the most powerful global shifts possible.

3. Plan for the future while respecting the past.

In the race to the top, Capricorn is the marathon runner, not the sprinter. Instead of stressing over the little things, try taking the long view. Envision where you'd like to be this time next year. Working backward, start jotting down the simple, practical steps you'll need to take to make this dream a reality. Then, appoint yourself the CEO of your life and get busy on your "business plan." And how about a vision board to go along with that?

Capricorn, represented by the mythical Sea Goat, has the head of a satyr but the tail of a mermaid. This lends some serious magic to this new moon, so dive into the depths of your imagination while crafting your plan for the material world. Stay open to surprises from your subconscious mind!

While you're peering into the proverbial crystal ball, remember that Capricorn also honors time-tested traditions. Capricorn is the guardian of history, so find a way to pay homage to your personal or family lineage. Which cherished practices have been handed down for generations? If you can't find anything like this in your family tree, read or watch the biography of a trailblazing icon—someone who literally made history. It will also inspire you to ponder the legacy you'd like to leave behind someday.

4. Connect to a fatherly figure at the 2021 Capricorn new moon.

Capricorn rules the zodiac's 10th house of dads, dudes, and any man who might be in a position of authority in your life. Over the next two weeks, pay tribute to the part of the population that sports a Y chromosome.

Make an effort to connect to the "masculine" or "yang" energy that lives within all of us, regardless of biological gender. Can you find a way to appreciate your dad, even if it's just for giving you life? If you're not on good terms with him, consider a "forgiveness and release" ritual—to free both of you from any karmic chains. New moon, new year, new focus!

5. Climb every mountain.

Capricorn is the zodiac's Sea Goat, a blend of intuitive fish (or mermaid) and mountain goat. While this mythical creature's oceanic side operates on intuition, the earthbound part tirelessly ascends until it reaches the summit. This once-a-year lunar event helps us see that we are capable of much more than we often give ourselves credit for and reminds us to reach beyond our limitations. Hiking or being near mountains—or on a streaming Peloton pass—can call forth this zodiac sign's best energy. 

6. Hack the Earth's superpowers.

Capricorn is associated with archaeology, gemstones, and crystals. Many of the earth's treasures contain healing and nurturing properties; certain crystals, such as onyx and galena can help you tap into the driven and structured energy at the 2021 Capricorn new moon. By working with the therapeutic powers of these stones, you can harness your highest aspirations and create a plan to accomplish them.

Want to know what the stars have in store for your relationships in 2021? Register now to join the AstroTwins for their FREE Relationship Revolution Webinar.

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