Pulled The Moon Tarot Card? Be Prepared To Poke Around Your Subconscious

There is never just one interpretation for any tarot card pull, but one card that's particularly difficult to pin down is the Moon card. The 18th Major Arcana card in a traditional tarot deck, The Moon relates to the subconscious and is one of the most mysterious and elusive cards out there.
To demystify this card a bit, we dug into what it's all about, plus what it means for love, your career, and more. Ready? Shuffle up and let's explore.
What does the Moon card mean?
According to tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt, this card is about our inner world.
"It's when the subconscious is reflected back to us and we get the chance to work with it," she says. "There's an element of diving deep into the depths of who you are and being willing to see and accept everything you find."
When you pull this card, Vanderveldt notes, it's an invitation to "release the control you've held over your internal, emotional realm in order to access your innermost truths." Relating to this card requires connecting deeply to—and accepting—all that you are. "There's an urging to turn to your intuition and dreams during this time to assist you," she adds.
The Moon also has close ties with another card in the tarot deck, The Sun. While The Sun represents the evolution of your authentic self in the world, The Moon is the inner work it takes to get there. "We can't fully be ourselves if we're unable to face and accept our shadows," Vanderveldt says.
What does it mean for love and relationships?
When pulled upright:
If you pulled The Moon in a reading about love, it's asking you to identify any subconscious blocks or shadow qualities that are influencing your relationship, Vanderveldt says. "Exploring your own behaviors—and what wounds or traumas they might be attempting to defend—will point you to where you need attention and healing."
Doing this work then, will help your relationship, she adds. "Self-examination and healthy release within yourself will absolutely make it easier for you to communicate and relate to your love without getting defensive or triggered."
When pulled in reverse:
When pulled in reverse, The Moon means strong resistance to that necessary inner work, Vanderveldt notes, which is "totally understandable."
"It takes commitment to your own growth and well-being to really get into Moon energy. But the more you lean into it, the more you get out of it—and life on the other side is totally worth it," she says.
What does it mean for professional and financial matters?
When pulled upright:
If you pulled The Moon in a reading about your career, it signals a time of professional uncertainty. "It feels like an in-between, void-like time where you're not sure which direction to go or what's going to happen," Vanderveldt explains. But in that is also a lot of possibility.
It's a good idea to ask yourself how you can open up to the opportunity of this time, she adds, "by examining your motivations and unconscious beliefs, and letting your need to know the future fall by the wayside."
Accepting the unknown is important here, and it's OK to not always have the answers. "Paradoxically, when you give up searching for answers and focus on coming back to your core self, that's when the answers will start to emerge," she notes. "In other words, use this time of uncertainty to go within rather than panicking about what you can't control in the external."
When pulled in reverse:
In reverse, The Moon card could mean that you need to let go of your need for answers and releasing resistance. "Take some time to think about what exactly you're resisting and seek out tools that can assist you in your journey and appeal to you," Vanderveldt adds. "A meditation, breathwork, and embodiment practice can all be helpful in The Moon."