mbg moves: A 25-Minute Intuitive Pilates Routine

There's nothing more satisfying than listening to your body and giving it exactly what it needs.
That's why we're big fans of mindful movement practices, like intuitive Pilates. What is intuitive Pilates, you ask? It's simply a practice that encourages you to tune into your body, making any modifications and changes you need throughout.
If you want to give this type of fitness a try, we've put together a 25-minute intuitive Pilates workout you can do at home. Try to follow along with our cues, but allow yourself to move in a way that feels right for your body, today, whatever it's going through.
At the end of the practice, give yourself permission to stretch or move around in any way your body is asking. That's part of the intuitive piece of this work: It's about giving yourself permission and allowing your body to ask for what it needs and wants.
The best part: You can do this routine truly any time. It works all different kinds of muscles in your body, so you don't have to worry about overtaxing one area. It's also a great way to get organized for the day, turn on those core muscles, or take a lovely movement break whenever you'd like.
Your 4-week challenge: Every week this month (keep an eye out for a new workout every Monday), we'll be sharing a routine that focuses on promoting mindfulness and mental health. By the end of the month, we encourage you to make this type of freeing movement part of your regular routine—whether that's one day a week, three, or even daily.
Equipment: Yoga mat
Instructions: Move from one exercise to the next, following the movement prompts.
Flat-Back Fold
- Start in a standing position with hands at your sides.
- Hinge at your hips, and drop your chest forward until it's parallel with the ground. Allow your arms to stretch out to the sides as you lower.
- Reverse the movement and come back up to standing. Repeat for 1 minute, or as long as you'd like.
Plank With Pulse
- Start in a high plank position, with your hands stacked directly under your shoulders, and your core engaged.
- Slowly shift your body forward an inch, then back an inch, keeping the core engaged.
- Continue for 1 minute, or as long as you need.
Quadruped Serratus Dips
- Start on all fours, with your knees and shins on the ground and shoulders stacked over wrists.
- Keeping your core engaged and back flat, allow your chest to sink toward the ground, letting your shoulder blades peel back.
- Reverse the movement, bringing your shoulders back down.
- Continue for 1 minute, or as long as you need.
Quadruped Knee Hover
- Start on all fours, with your knees and shins on the ground and shoulders stacked over wrists.
- Engage your core, and lift your knees, so they're hovering a couple of inches off the ground.
- Press your palms firmly into the ground, and imagine you're pulling them toward your thighs.
- Hold for 30 seconds, or as long as you need.
Downward Dog to Plank
- Start in a high plank position, with your shoulders stacked over wrists and core fired up.
- Keeping your core engaged, hinge at your hips, and slowly lift them toward the sky.
- Reverse the movement, coming back to a plank position, at your own pace.
- Repeat this movement for 1 minute, or as long as you need.
Slow Crunch
- Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet on your mat.
- Place your hands behind your head, and bend your elbows.
- Slowly and with intention, engage your core, and rise up a few inches. At the top of the movement, hold the position and extend your arms out toward your knees.
- Bring your hands back behind your head, then slowly lower back to the ground.
- Continue for 1 minute, or however long you need.
Oblique Reach
- Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet on your mat.
- Place one hand behind your head, and extend the other arm toward your knees.
- Slowly and with intention, engage your obliques to move toward the arm-extended side of your body.
- Continue for 1 minute, or however long you need. Repeat on the opposite side.
Glute Bridge
- Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and feet on your mat.
- Press your elbows on the ground, and bring your hands toward the sky, spreading the fingertips.
- Slowly lift your hips up, until your torso forms a straight line to your knees.
- Reverse the movement, and lower back down with control.
- Continue for 1 minute, or however long your body needs.