An Avocado Face Mask Is A Superfood Smoothie For Your Face: 4 Recipes To Tinker With

Oh, mighty avocado. Is there anything you can't do? Those little green globes are more than just a healthy topping on toast or base for your guac—in fact, they've been touted for ages as a hero beauty ingredient.
Much of the hype centers on avocado oil—we're certainly not the first to sing its praises—but here's why you should scoop out the meat, too, for a kitchen-friendly avocado face mask.
What makes avocado so great for skin?
Avocado runs the gamut in terms of moisturizing fatty acids and antioxidants. Some to note: vitamins A, C, E, K, B, and folate1, which can help disarm free radicals and manage photodamage on the skin. A cold-pressed virgin avocado oil, on the other hand, can't retain vitamin B and C, "as they are water-soluble and thus lost in the extraction process," Muhga Eltigani, founder of NaturAll Club once told us. While avocado oil certainly has its star points, don't sleep on the fresh fruit either.
Avo also has tons of chlorophyll (that's what gives the tissue and oil their light-green hue), which research has shown can help improve mild to moderate acne when applied topically2. And, finally, the oils expressed from avocado have been shown to promote collagen production: "Although more studies need to be done to explore whether avocado oil increases collagen production or not, 3research has shown an increase in soluble collagen production3 as well as inhibition of the enzyme lysyl oxidase that breaks down collagen," says board-certified dermatologist Keira Barr, M.D.
The result? A really nourishing face mask ingredient.
4 DIY avocado face mask recipes.
Now that you're well-versed in all things avo, here are four skin-soothing recipes for you to try out—think of it as a superfood smoothie for your face.
One-ingredient avocado mask.
It's the simplest mask ever: Just scoop out ½ an avocado and smear it on your face! Since avocado has so many skin-healthy benefits already, let the fruit work its magic on its own. Leave on the goop for about 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water, and your skin should feel buttery smooth.
Hydrating avocado-banana mask.
If you're in the market for some more creative concoctions, you can't go wrong with avocado-banana. Bananas can make the skin feel super-soft when applied topically, and they're naturally rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which can manage free radicals and help brighten the skin as well. And in case you need more hydration—aloe vera and fatty-acid-rich olive oil make a guest appearance.
To make this creamy mask combine 1 cup yogurt, ⅓ of a banana, ½ an avocado, 2 spoonfuls of aloe vera, and 1 spoonful of olive oil in a blender, and whir until smooth. Slather on and relax for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. (Read more instructions here.) Bonus: This mask doubles as a moisturizing scalp treatment for shiny, healthy hair.
Antioxidant-rich moringa-avocado face mask.
This mask takes a bit more work (unless you have some moringa powder lying around), but the benefits are well worth it. Specifically, moringa is super high in vitamin C—even seven times more than oranges4!—and vitamin B5, which is a natural humectant.
In a small bowl, combine mashed avocado with ½ tablespoon of moringa powder and 1 tablespoon of raw honey. You can also add either 1 to 2 teaspoons of witch hazel (for oilier skin) or rose water (for drier skin), or 3 to 5 drops of essential oils for a lovely scent. Apply for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. (See full instructions here.)
Gentle exfoliating avocado-yogurt mask.
"If your skin is feeling super dry anytime during the week, make a quick hydrating mask," celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas, founder of Joanna Vargas Salons and Skin Care and author of Glow From Within, once told us. According to Vargas, that boost of moisture helps your skin look radiant and glowy—a smooth canvas pre-makeup.
Here's her favorite DIY concoction: Mash an avocado with 1 cup plain yogurt, apply the mixture to your skin, and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse. The yogurt is also naturally chock-full of lactic acid, which makes this mask gently exfoliating as well. Plus, a heap of probiotics doesn't hurt.
The takeaway.
As with any DIY recipe, please patch-test before smearing all over. A simple avocado may sound harmless—especially if avo toast makes it on the brunch menu once or twice a week—but you can have a totally different reaction when you use ingredients topically. Other than that, feel free to guess and test the green goop to your heart's content.