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Ready For September's Full Supermoon Lunar Eclipse? Here's How To Work With It

Sarah Regan
September 14, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
corn moon september full moon
Image by joebelanger / iStock
September 14, 2024
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We're coming up on the autumn equinox and that can only mean one thing: the Harvest moon is ready to take its stage in the sky. This time, it's in the sign of Pisces, and it's also going to be a supermoon with a partial lunar eclipse.

Here's what to know about the astrology at play during this moon, plus three rituals to work with it.

The astrology behind September's full supermoon partial lunar eclipse

As the full moon closest to the autumn equinox, this moon is known as the "Harvest moon." It will also be a supermoon, orbiting slightly closer to Earth, making the moon appear larger. And if that weren't enough, it's also a partial lunar eclipse, with this full moon kicking off eclipse season.

It will be exact on Tuesday, September 17 at 10:35 p.m. EDT in the sign of Pisces, and according to astrology expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn, it's starting a new eclipse cycle that we haven't seen since fall of 2016.

"This Pisces influence on the full moon makes it very intuitive, very expansive, and very dreamy. Definitely expect some emotions and tears, as it will be filled with letting go in order to make space for what's to come," Quinn tells mindbodygreen.

Pisces' influence on this moon may also heighten our dreams, our spirituality, and our sensitivity in general. And with the planet of love in relationship-minded Libra, Quinn adds we may have realizations around our most intimate connections. "It's calling into focus your spiritually aligned connections, taking a look at illusions and missteps—especially around relationships—that you may need to get clear on," she notes.

And speaking of eclipses, this full moon starts a two-week period or "portal" between this lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse that will fall on the new moon in two weeks. "So it's a potent time, but it's not meant for manifesting," Quinn explains, adding, "It's more focused on surrendering and releasing to the universe's natural flow and the destined yet unexpected events in store for us."

Keep in mind, as well, that the autumn equinox is just a couple weeks away, marking the halfway point of the astrological year. This eclipse cycle and portal is ending the summer season and bringing in fall. "This is a time of harvesting and beginning to slow down, so we're seeing a really big chapter shift right now," Quinn says.

3 rituals to work with this full moon


Keep a dream journal

Given that our dreams may be especially heightened right now, Quinn suggests keeping track of them with a dream journal. "Pisces energy is all about dream work and being in the astral realm, so tracking them and paying attention to their symbolism could help give insight to what's happening in your waking life, especially around healing, soul communication, or prophetic dreams," Quinn tells mindbodygreen.


Take a ritual bath

Since this moon is in water sign Pisces, Quinn recommends drawing a ritual moon bath to connect to the element of water—and your own emotions. "Have some Epsom salts, your favorite crystals and essential oils, and meditate on your emotions and intuition. The focus is alchemizing and healing through the element of water," she explains.

Here's our full guide to spiritual baths for more ideas.


Pull a tarot spread

Lastly, Quinn always suggests checking in with your tarot cards for clarity under the full moon. Grab your deck and give this four-card spread a try:

  1. What has manifested since the new moon?
  2. What are you letting go of this full moon?
  3. What is the Eclipse portal trying to shift and change within your life?
  4. What is being revealed about your destiny at this time?

The takeaway

If there's anything Pisces is known for, it's dreaming big and keeping an open heart. Under these moonbeams, we all have a chance to tap into our inner dreamer as we prepare for the shift into autumn.

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