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Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely To Swear Off Marriage? Probably These 3

Sarah Regan
September 14, 2024
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
Image by Denni Van Huis / Stocksy
September 14, 2024

The 12 signs of the zodiac all have their unique approaches to love and relationships. Some are wired for it, while others are more inclined to independence and avoiding commitment.

Of course, someone's sign won't guarantee whether they'll want to get married, but in terms of the tendencies of each sign, these are the ones most likely to swear off marriage.

And P.S., this would apply to anyone who has one of these signs as their sun and/or rising sign, as well as their Venus sign, as our Venus placement influences the way we give and show love.



The sign most likely to never marry is without a doubt Sagittarius. This mutable fire sign is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion—so not only is Sag always seeking freedom, but they also avoid tying themselves down.

These folks get a reputation for being spontaneous and always traveling, neither of which bode well for longterm partnership. They may disappear as quickly as they arrived, preferring adventure over routine.

Ultimately, Sagittarius needs to find someone who can keep up with them if they're ever going to commit to marriage. Their spouse must be equally as adventurous and allow for a relationship with a lot of freedom and healthy differentiation.



Taking our second spot for "most likely to never marry" is aloof and elusive Aquarius. Like the element of air this sign is associated with, Aquarians are people you can't quite pin down. They are humanitarians at heart, but tend to be emotionally detached and distant.

They're more concerned with pushing society forward than investing their energy in a relationship, especially when they have a difficult time understanding their own emotions to begin with.

Quirky and avant garde by nature, traditional relationship norms may also bore Aquarius, who prefers to stay ahead of the times. And if they do commit to someone? The relationship will probably be unique in its own right (i.e. open or polyamorous).



And finally, we have Virgo, the notorious nitpicker of the zodiac. Not only are Virgos known to struggle with being satisfied in a relationship, but they tend to find the flaws in everything, which makes marriage seem like a daunting proposition.

After all, if the relationship isn't perfect now, why would marriage change anything? But that line of thinking can wind up leaving Virgo feeling misunderstood at best, and lonely at worst. Accepting that no one is perfect, including themselves, is important for these folks to embrace love and pleasure.

Until then, though, Virgo remains one of the signs more likely to avoid marriage altogether.

The takeaway

Again, we're not saying these signs are doomed to never marry. For one thing, Sag, Aquarius, and Virgo would decide not to marry on their own terms—but even that's still not a guarantee. All three signs have the capacity to love and be loved, should they so choose.

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