I'm A Psychoanalyst & This Shift Makes Manifesting 10x More Effective

Manifesting has become nothing short of a buzzword in recent years, with more and more people trying their hand at consciously calling in what they desire. But with the idea of manifesting being packaged as foolproof and easy, people may find they're running into hurdle after hurdle when they try it out.
So, we asked an expert how to actually see some manifesting progress—here's what she had to say.
What we're getting wrong about manifesting
Manifesting is all about using the law of attraction to call things into our lives using intention, positive energy, and of course, action.
And according to psychoanalyst Babita Spinelli, L.P., people misunderstand manifesting when they expect it to be easy. They think what they want will simply fall into their lap because they expressed it. "It takes deeper work, and that work is about personal growth and shifting your mindset," Spinelli tells mbg.
The truth is, nothing is going to happen or change in your life if you don't change and make things happen for yourself. Manifesting is a means of holding that intention and continually working toward it. "It is a journey where you look inward and take specific actions toward what you desire. From my lens, manifestation is self-growth," Spinelli says.
The biggest hurdle to this process, then, is often overcoming the limiting beliefs that inhibit your growth. After all, how can you expect something good to happen to you when you don't fully believe in yourself?
"Clear any limiting beliefs about yourself, life, and/or the process. It is critical with manifesting that you approach it with confidence and an abundant mindset. If you believe in it, you will feel it—and if you feel it, you can create it," Spinelli says.
Other tips to keep in mind
As you work toward whatever goal you're manifesting, along with doing the inner work necessary to become the person who has what you're looking for, Spinelli recommends using a manifestation journal.
"Be clear about what you want, and write down exactly what you want that to look like. Dig deep into how you want to feel and from there be specific about what you want to get there," she tells mbg.
Feel into that goal, trusting the process and approaching it as a reality and not as a hope, she adds. Know deep down that your aligned actions are always bringing you closer to it. "This doesn't mean there won't be boomerangs or challenges, but it's a commitment to staying empowered and focused in the process to accomplish the goals you set for yourself," Spinelli adds.
As the process unfolds, remember to check those limiting beliefs that are bound to pop up along the way. Spinelli recommends replacing any contradictory thoughts or negative cognitions with positive ones.
"As soon as a negative thought pops up, replace it with positive language," she says, adding, "Pay attention to your emotions and apply healthy coping mechanisms to shift your mindset."
The takeaway
Manifesting is much more than saying, "I'm going to make a million dollars," or, "I'm going to meet the love of my life." Manifesting requires you to remove the blocks within yourself that keep you out of alignment with your goals so you can take steps daily to bring about the changes you're looking for.