17 Social Cues, What They Mean & How To Get Better At Reading Them

Social cues are an unspoken part of virtually all interactions, and while they're common, we all recognize them to varying degrees and sometimes interpret them differently. Here, we dig into a number of social cues and what they mean, plus how you can get better at reading them.
What are social cues?
Social cues are the nonverbal aspects of our communication with one another, licensed psychologist Nicole Beurkens, Ph.D., CNS, explains to mbg. "You've got the verbal, which is the words and the language we're using, and then there's the whole nonverbal realm of things like eye contact, body language, and tone of voice."
As psychotherapist Annette Nuñez, M.S., Ph.D., notes, social cues indicate whether people want to stay engaged, whether they're disengaged, and also relate to how we build social relationships based on those cues.
"Social cues can really be anything nonverbal that sends a message that communicates something about how that person is thinking or feeling about engaging with you," Beurkens adds.
How do you read social cues?
From infancy onward, most people naturally and intuitively learn to read social cues. In fact, Beurkens explains, "The nonverbal aspects of communication are the first, most meaningful aspects of communication for infants" because they don't yet understand language.
Nuñez adds that "babies start learning social cues at an early age, then as they get older, start learning social cues through parallel play." Children are able to pick up on the "rhythm" or flow of interactions, and this skill can become strengthened with time.
Our understanding of these cues forms the foundation of our communication development, according to Beurkens, and plays a major role in how our communication style develops as we mature. As we begin to grasp verbal language, "the use of words and speaking grows out of that foundation of nonverbal communication—so it is learned, and it's also an intuitive and natural process."
That said, not everyone will pick up on social cues as readily or easily. People on the autism spectrum, people with learning disabilities, and people with certain mental health conditions may struggle with some aspects of reading social cues or may have other ways of communicating their thoughts and feelings.
17 examples of common social cues.
Here are a handful of the most common social cues you'll find in everyday interactions, according to Beurkens and Nuñez. Importantly, not everyone uses these same cues to communicate how they’re feeling; these are simply common interpretations that some people may have about certain behaviors in social settings:
Eye contact (or lack thereof)
Eye contact is a huge nonverbal cue. If someone is holding your gaze steady, it's usually a sign they're engaged, whereas looking away can be an indicator of disengagement or discomfort, says Nuñez. That said, different cultures have different norms around eye contact, with some finding direct eye contact rude—so the social cue here can definitely vary. She adds that not all eye contact is created equal: "You can tell when a person is looking directly in your eye versus looking through you, almost past your eyes like a blank stare."
Crossed arms
If you're talking to someone and their arms are crossed, Nuñez says that can be a signal that they're closed off, uncomfortable, or distressed. That said, some people cross their arms just because it's comfortable, so it's important to check for other cues as well to understand how the person is feeling.
Facing toward or away
Another body-language-related cue is the direction someone is facing, which can tell you a lot in a social situation. If someone is angled toward you and openly facing you, they're likely more engaged than someone who seems to be angling themselves away as if looking to make a getaway.
Posture can reveal whether someone's feeling tired, sad, excited, and more. If their posture reads forlorn, such as hunching over or their head hanging down, they may not be in the mood to chat.
Beurkens explains that proximity is another cue that can show whether someone is engaged or if they're trying to dip out. Have you ever found yourself inching away from someone mid-conversation, overwhelmed by their energy? Or oppositely, maybe you lean in because you're interested in what they're saying. That's a proximity cue in action.
Facial expressions
Often without us even meaning to, our facial expressions give us away. And the ability to read someone's face can certainly help us navigate conversations. "Notice if the person looks bored, annoyed, or agitated," Nuñez says. That's a sign the conversation should probably wrap up.
How we smile
There's a difference between a halfhearted smile and a genuinely happy smile. Different types of smiles are a big part of facial expressions and social cues, Nuñez says, and being able to recognize them can clue you in to whether someone is being fake, genuine, or even flirtatious.
Clothing choice
"Social cues can even be things like physical attributes like how they dress when they're with you," Beurkens notes. The way someone dresses can reflect the way they're viewing the situation or the way they want to be viewed in the situation, such as when someone might dress up for a date or wear more professional attire for a work function. That said, not everyone can afford a variety of clothes for different scenarios, so clothing choices can also simply be functional choices for many people.
According to Nuñez, a big part of social cues is the ability to mirror them, or "match the energy" of another person. People tend to mirror each other, whether that be facial expressions or body language, when they're engaged.
Sighing or yawning
You might hear, "Am I boring you?" if you were to yawn or sigh mid-conversation. And sure, maybe you're just tired. But in many cases, Nuñez notes, letting out exasperated sighs or deep yawns isn't an indication of a thrilling conversation.
Seeming distracted
Any general behavior that indicates a person is distracted can be taken as a sign they're not fully present, according to both Beurkens and Nuñez. Whether they're constantly looking away or changing the subject, the cue here is "I'm not fully in this conversation."
Looking down at our phones
Speaking of distractions, tech is a big one. If you're constantly looking at your phone while talking to someone, or even checking the time every 30 seconds, Nuñez says it shows you're distracted, not fully present, and probably giving off the vibe that you don't care for the conversation much.
Who doesn't love an awkward silence? Only joking—most people are not comfortable with those clumsy pauses, making them a social cue that's fairly easy to recognize, according to Nuñez. While comfortable silence is possible with those you're close to, it's often dreaded between new friends or romantic interests because it makes one or both people feel like they're out of things to discuss.
Tone of voice
Beurkens says tone of voice is another big one. Maybe you've heard an authority figure or someone else use the phrase "Don't use that tone with me." People can recognize a bad attitude, a little sass, or even anger, all from just a tone of voice. And of course, a happy, enthusiastic tone can be a sign that this person is enjoying themselves and interested in what you're talking about.
Notably, though, while people often make assumptions about another person's mood or intentions based on their tone, many people don't actually notice their own tone unless it's pointed out by others.
Tone of text
Nuñez notes this one can be a little more difficult to decipher since it's not in person, but yes, tone can come across over text messages and emails. Maybe they're being particularly short, or maybe they use an emoji or two to indicate some facial expression. But for this reason, in-person communication is better at offering social cues, so there's less room for error and projection.
Physical touch
Some people are touchy, and some are not, but if someone is gently touching your arm as they say something or putting their arm around you, that's a social cue that says, "I like you" (whether in a romantic way or not). And if you see someone recoil from your hug, that's their way of saying, "No thanks."
Similar to being distracted, Nuñez notes that some people may interpret fidgeting movements such as tapping your foot on the ground or your fingers on the table as a sign of being distracted, uninterested, or uncomfortable. That said, some people with ADHD and other conditions may fidget naturally or for other reasons.
Lastly, volume can clue you in to how engaged someone is, according to Beurkens, with a normal to higher volume indicating excitement and enthusiasm. A quiet tone, on the other hand, might mean that a person is less engaged. (That said, some people—particularly introverts—might just naturally have a quieter voice!)
Who might struggle with reading social cues?
Some people on the autism spectrum can have difficulty with reading social cues. "One of the hallmark traits of people with autism is that they don't really pick up on, understand, or accurately process all of the nonverbal aspects of communication, which is really a big part of what makes communication, relationships, and interactions awkward and more challenging for autistic people," Beurkens explains.
But they're certainly not the only ones. Those with other neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD or some learning disabilities can also struggle with them, according to Beurkens, as well as those with particular mental health issues. Social anxiety, for example, can cause someone to misinterpret social cues as always being negatively targeted toward them, Beurkens says.
If you think you might be inadvertently missing social cues, Nuñez suggests practicing observation, presence, and self-awareness, as well as asking yourself questions like, Am I looking in this person's eyes? Or, Am I matching their energy?
If you feel missing social cues is negatively affecting your life on a regular basis, it may be worthwhile to talk to a professional.
The things left unsaid are oftentimes said, indeed—just not verbally. And social cues are the clues that can give us the full story. Being able to recognize and accurately interpret social cues can not only help support your communication skills but bolster your everyday interactions and relationships.