Astrologers Are Predicting A Steamy Valentine's Week: Here's Your Horoscope

Love is in the air! Here, the AstroTwins break down what the stars have in store for us this Valentine's Day and beyond.
The moon will be in Leo by evening this Monday, February 14, getting people into a passionate place.
Cupid could be dipping those arrows into an extra-strength love potion this V-day, as la luna enters the sign of regal Leo. And if any icebreakers are needed, enter Mercury. The winged messenger surges back into Aquarius for its second visit this year, lightening the mood and making it easy to banter, flirt, and even talk about meaningful subjects with perfect strangers.
Aquarian energy tends to be more logical than it is sentimental. We're not saying this will be an erotic buzzkill, but foreplay this V-Day may begin with intellectual stimulation before it gets physical. (And as the sign that rules electricity, keep the toy drawer stocked!) If you're going out, start with a rousing activity, like live music or a comedy showcase. Communal Aquarius enjoys a group date—and who knows where that could lead the edgier people out there! Don't have a Valentine? So not a problem. Rally friends and celebrate the spirit of universal love, maybe by serenading each other with ironic ballads in a private karaoke room?
The real Valentine's Day action could happen a couple of days later — on February 16.
Not only will the annual full moon in Leo be shining its provocative beams overhead, but cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars are meeting at the exact same degree of Capricorn!. With their planetary duet going down in this traditional earth sign, your humpday sequel might tick all the classics in St. Valentine's playbook: fancy dinners, foil-wrapped chocolates, rose petals scattered on the bed. And the Leo full moon is certain to pump up the theatrics of the day! As enchanting as this all sounds, make sure that you're sure.
Venus and Mars play for keeps in Capricorn, firing off long-range love arrows and insisting that we set some #RelationshipGoals. Empty gestures of romance might elicit a temporary high...or a laugh(!) under these serious stars. But with that full moon in lusty Leo, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a midweek hookup. The trick lies in not confusing it for a happily-ever-after!
If the workweek fails to bring the romantic fireworks, fear not. You'll have a month to make up for it starting this Friday, February 18, when the Sun drifts into Pisces for its annual visit.
Rose-colored glasses and hearts worn on sleeves are always en vogue during this poetic season. Reality checks? Not so much, but take them periodically anyway. Compassion returns—a blessing in the current world climate! The liquid nature of Pisces allows us to flow beyond our own boundaries so that we can glimpse life from different perspectives. Before you judge, try paddling a mile in someone else's canoe.
Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. One is pointing us upward, to our visionary selves; the other sends us down into the murky waters of our own shadows. Deep healing awaits for those willing to plunge into the stormy sea of the psyche. And so much beauty can emerge from these trips below the surface! Keep the creative supplies on hand and turn that pain into art.