Chlorophyll Enemas: What They Are, What They're Used For & A Note On Safety

An enema, or "basti" as it's known in ayurvedic tradition, is a practice that involves cleaning out the rectum with water or another type of liquid. They are often used as part of purification therapies like panchakarma, a seasonal detoxification process performed at an ayurvedic facility. Research shows that enemas can be good for relieving constipation1, though they can be dangerous (and potentially even life-threatening2) when administered incorrectly. Here's what you need to know about ancient technique, why people try it, and how to do it safely if you so choose.
Why enemas have long been used in ayurveda.
In ayurvedic tradition, enemas are believed to be effective (especially for the vata dosa) because the colon plays a central role in processing end-stage toxins and sometimes things get stopped up in there.
The entire digestive system is a long tube running continuously from the mouth all the way to the anus—but it certainly isn’t a straight shot from beginning to end. It twists, it turns, and it folds back on itself over and over. Microscopically, even the folds have folds. These folds are useful for peristalsis; they allow the muscles to move, accordionlike, so they can push food through. However, the downside to this structure is that food, old stool, and bacteria can get trapped inside all of those folds. Bastis are one way to get these things moving out of the body.
People may want to try an enema if they are constipated and have difficulty passing stool as a result of this buildup.
What kind of enema I recommend.
You might have heard of enemas that use acidic liquids like coffee. Research shows that coffee enemas are largely ineffective3 and potentially dangerous3. That being said: Enemas of any kind can throw off your body's electrolyte count4, especially when you do them too often. While enemas are usually not recommended in Western medicine for this reason, if people do want to try one, I recommend chlorophyll enemas and doing them no more than once a month.
An ayurvedic chlorophyll enema has a specific method behind it: First, the enema cleanses and nourishes with water mixed with chlorophyll or other herbs. Then, it's always followed by an oil enema to relubricate the colon and help dissolve some of the lipophilic (fat-loving) toxins that won't dissolve in water. This is done the next day or in the evening of the same day as the water enema.
You should never do a water enema without getting an oil enema afterward because water alone strips away moisture and good bacteria. The bowel is moist and needs to stay lubricated with fats and mucus to hold the good bacteria. It's not supposed to be squeaky clean. It's also important to note that women should never do an enema during their menstrual cycle.
If you do go the route of an enema, it's important to find a practitioner whom you trust and who works in a clean facility since enema tools need to be sterile. The first time you get one will probably be the least comfortable since there is an initial detoxification reaction.
Keep in mind that there are plenty of other ways to support healthy bowel movements, including eating more fiber, drinking lots of water, moving your body regularly, and taking a magnesium supplement.

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