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We're Launching A Beauty Podcast! Here's Why We Decided To Make The Move

Jason Wachob
April 14, 2021
Jason Wachob
mbg Founder & Co-CEO
By Jason Wachob
mbg Founder & Co-CEO
Jason Wachob is the Founder and Co-CEO of mindbodygreen and the author of Wellth.
Sr. Beauty Editor, Alex Engler
Image by mbg Creative
April 14, 2021

Ready for some big news? We're launching a beauty podcast, hosted by mbg's own beauty director, Alexandra Engler.

When we first chatted about the inception of a new beauty podcast, one question kept coming up: Why? Why a beauty podcast from mindbodygreen? Why is this our next move as a brand? Understandably, the same thoughts may be swirling through your brain at this very moment, some iteration of Why beauty? 

Well, we've decided to share the "why" with you—our dedicated, curious audience. We want you on every step of this journey with us, so let's lift the curtain on our drawing board. When it comes to the core of mbg, you'll see a brand-new beauty podcast is the natural next step. 

Beauty and well-being are fundamentally aligned, and they shouldn't be separated.

Taking care of yourself is the core of beauty—it's something we so often forget, as beauty is tied to many aesthetic endeavors. Traditionally, discussions around beauty focus on what we can do to change ourselves—it's easy to become caught up with those aesthetic endeavors (and it's OK to rely on aesthetic motivators from time to time!).

But we want to flip the script and focus on beauty as taking care of your skin, your body, and how you're taking care of yourself internally. Because when you look at beauty through a lens of well-being (which is how we cover beauty here at mbg), you see that the two are deeply intertwined.

"These conversations are important to have because they have real-life implications," Engler adds. "Whether it be mental health, your body, skin, any number of things, beauty is real life. Your skin is you. It's important that we talk about it in this way." 

We need to understand what "clean beauty" means — and we need to do it together. 

The thing is, there's no centralized definition of "clean" beauty. But we don't think that's a bad thing! In fact, that's what makes the beauty industry so dynamic: "We're having so many players come to the table with their own biases, incentives, reasonings as to what their [clean beauty] definitions should be," Engler explains. 

And those definitions? They're changing fast. "[We're] actively trying to define these words in real time because we are finding out so much more about these ingredients as we go," says Engler. It's a continuous conversation, and it can change course at a moment's notice—so we want to have our discussions in real time as well. That way, we can continue to update you on what we truly mean when we say "clean." 

"These are important conversations to have because if we don't have them now, how are we going to control the narrative going forward?" poses Engler. "How were we going to control the definitions of clean beauty? How are we going to control the products that are put into the world? How are we going to control the narrative that young beauty fans out there are listening to?"

The beauty space is ever-expanding with evolving guidelines, science, and language — we want to explore the dynamic landscape together. 

Finally, we want to explore the ever-changing beauty landscape. Again, changes happen in real time, and we're learning about ingredients right along with the research. 

Take the skin barrier and microbiome, for example: "It's an area of beauty that is going to see tremendous growth happen in the next 10, 20, 50 years," Engler explains. "Even the things that we know now about the microbiome are blowing my mind; they are blowing researchers' minds; they're blowing dermatologists' minds." When new information drops, we want to create a space to talk about it—with the help of our trusted experts, of course. 

"We're learning this stuff in real time, and we've got to course-correct," Engler adds. This is our time to dive into those complex nuances and suss out the science, straight from the research and into your ears. 

In short, beauty is fundamental.

Beauty is physical, yes, but it's also very much internal; beauty can be emotional, mental, and spiritual. In other words, everything is connected, which just so happens to be the very ethos of mindbodygreen. 

Head over here to listen to the trailer and stay tuned every Monday to hear Alex's thoughtful discussions with top leaders and experts. These are the critical beauty conversations we need to be having in 2021, and we can't wait to share them with you.

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