5 Ways To Find Balance & Harmony This Libra Season

Welcome to Libra season 2020. The Sun in this fair-minded sign from September 22 to October 22 puts your focus on relationships and beauty.
Every 30 days or so, the Sun visits a new zodiac sign. During this "season" everyone feels the energy of this prevailing astrological sign, no matter what your Sun sign horoscope may be. Libra season 2020 coincides with the autumnal equinox, when a day of more or less equal light and dark is honored as the northern hemisphere continues to tilt away from the Sun.
Peaceful, harmonizing Libra is the second of the zodiac's three air signs and part of the "cardinal" quality (or triplicity). Cardinal signs (the others are Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn) are leadership-driven, discerning, and can even be a bit entitled at times. Cardinal signs begin every season, so they are known as initiators and pioneers—but this can also give them an alpha-male or queen-bee air when taken too far.
As we bid adieu to the efficiency and detailed focus of Virgo season, it's time to welcome more pleasure and communal approaches into our worlds. Virgo helped us spot the flaws; now Libra season invites us to join forces and patch up the cracks, working in synergy and tuning in to what each other needs.
Harmonize and bring balance to your life in five ways during Libra Season 2020:
1. Stay present.
Libra is the sign of interpersonal relationships, and this alluring solar spell puts your closest ties front and center. When was the last time you were truly "as one" with another human being, engaged in a back-and-forth energetic dance? Sounds lovely, sure, but no simple feat in our era of smartphones and constant connectivity.
Relationship-building sometimes is considered an inefficient task in our productivity-obsessed world. It’s easier to Swipe Right, Friend, Like, or Follow than it is to do the awkward IRL getting-to-know-you routine, or deal with people's real-world idiosyncrasies. Yet, our screen-to-screen approach removes the soul and beauty of a true Libra-inspired union.
With social distancing guidelines and progress-driven Uranus in traditional Taurus until 2026, our tech-addicted culture is being called to reclaim a more balanced life, one in which we can actually relax and enjoy ourselves without a screen in easy reach.
2. Slow down.
Elegant Libra is ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty, art, and social grace. This sign is truly the fairest of them all! During Libra season, we can all (regardless of gender identification) use a dose of metaphysical, matriarchal mojo and embrace the divine feminine energy, both within ourselves and around us.
One easy way to start? Take time putting together your meals, your outfits, or even your workspace for the day. Make a ritual of getting ready for bed, waking up, or savoring a morning routine. Even a tiny adjustment to the usual, often mindless rushing can make a huge difference during the decadent phase of Libra time.
Our culture is all about achieving maximum results in the minimum time. But Libra season is NOT about efficiency—and that's OK. It's about maximizing the amount of pleasure you take in with every experience.
3. Set your mood to "happy."
This may sound oversimplified, but putting ourselves into a happy, love-filled state of mind can actually attract more of the same. Researchers are studying the power of the heart's electromagnetic field, which can be felt several feet outside the body. By radiating love and positivity, you may have a healing influence on the people in your immediate field.
4. Channel the healing powers of art and beauty.
Libra season is a time to take in sights and sounds that fill your heart. Create a playlist that lifts your spirits. Look at paintings, sculptures, or a gorgeous scene somewhere out in nature. (Many museums have made collections viewable online since the pandemic lockdown.) Tap into your creative energy by making something with your hands. Surround yourself with beauty: Hang some art; fill some vases with fresh flowers; put mementos that make you feel good on display.
Can't get out of a funk? Turn on Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now," which is apparently officially the "happiest song on earth" according to science!
5. Choose love, even when you feel like you're talking to an enemy or opponent.
As the late, great Ruth Bader Ginsburg (a Pisces with a Scorpio moon) wisely said: "Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you." That is the definition of tenacious grace that Libra season is all about.

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