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A Neuroscientist's Morning Routine Doesn't Begin Without This Brain-Healthy Habit

Jamie Schneider
September 21, 2024
Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
By Jamie Schneider
Former Senior Beauty & Lifestyle Editor
Jamie Schneider is the former Senior Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.A. in Organizational Studies and English from the University of Michigan, and her work has appeared in Coveteur, The Chill Times, and Wyld Skincare.
Woman Stretching In Bedroom As She Wakes Up
Image by Jimena Roquero / Stocksy
September 21, 2024

Oh, the allure of an expert-backed morning routine. After all, the pros are armed with the latest and greatest information in their respective fields, so when a leading expert drops their own tried-and-true habits, you better believe we're taking notes. 

On the mindbodygreen podcast, communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist Caroline Leaf, Ph.D., reveals the morning habit she swears by for a healthier brain, so we grabbed the details below. A bonus? Her advice doesn't even require getting out of bed. 

How a neuroscientist starts her brain-healthy morning routine 

"The first thing I do every morning is take note of how I've woken up and immediately observe what emotions [I feel]," says Leaf. No stretches, brain games, or special supplements (there will be plenty of time for that later!). Just a quick emotional reflection: "Sometimes I'll wake up, and already the first thing coming out of my mouth is a complaint. I'll grab that immediately and manage it," she adds. 

According to Leaf, there's a sliver of mental space right when you wake up that's crucial for mind management. "Your conscious mind is only awake when you're awake," she notes, but your unconscious mind works 24/7, even while you're asleep. Your mind is very vulnerable when you first wake up, as your unconscious and conscious mind start to work together again. 

"If I'm in a negative frame of mind, I may need to actually spend five minutes or so getting myself back to [baseline]," Leaf explains. "What happened? Was it a dream? Was it something unresolved from yesterday that I carried over and went to sleep with? I get that sorted out, and then that sets me up for whatever comes next." 

If you fail to work through those sensitive emotions, Leaf says, they will no doubt affect the rest of your day. That said, take the time to reflect on how you're feeling before you even get out of bed. 

If that's not possible, try to tap into those emotions while going through the motions of your morning routine. "If you see that you're in a complaining or negative mindset while you're cleaning your teeth, getting yourself ready for the day, or getting ready to do a workout…make sure [you don't need] to do a bit more work," she says. "So by the time [you] get out the door and move, [you] don't drag that negativity into that action." 

The takeaway

It may be tempting to check your email or messages as soon as you wake up, but according to Leaf, a little mindfulness goes a very long way. Try to reflect on your emotions before engaging in any sort of morning habit, or you might unconsciously approach those activities with a negative lens. If you do find yourself feeling difficult emotions, try Leaf's five-step mind managing protocol; with a bit of practice, the process will feel like second nature.

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