Karena Virginia

mbg Contributor

Karena Virginia brings 20 years of experience as a certified healer and highly acclaimed yoga instructor. Before her teaching career, she worked in the entertainment industry as an actor and model. Her work encourages us to connect with our own personal truth and empowers us through love, compassion, inner beauty, and radiance. She conducts ongoing workshops in the United States and Europe. In 2015, she released the DVD The Power of Kundalini Yoga with Sounds True. Karena writes for the Huffington Post and has been featured on Veria Living and Bravo TV. She's also a member of Oprah Winfrey's Belief Team and recently spent an evening with Oprah at the United Nations. Her first book, Essential Kundalini Yoga, is now available in stores. Karena resides in the New York City area with her husband and children. For more information, visit karenavirginia.com.

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