Julie Piatt

Plant-Based Chef & Spiritual Guide

Julie Piatt aka “SriMati” is a plant-based chef, spiritual guide, and best-selling author of The Plantpower Way: Whole Food recipes and Guidance For the Whole Family. She's also a musician, artist, and creator of SriMu, a vegan cheese startup on a sacred mission. She hosts the popular podcast For the Life of Me, exploring all things spiritual.

Through embracing a plant-based diet complemented by a deep meditation practice, Julie Piatt healed herself of a large cyst in her neck, which doctors diagnosed as an incurable ailment. This experience gave her an intimate connection to food and proved to her the miraculous ability of the body to heal itself when supported with pure whole living foods and a connection to the soul.

connect with Julie Piatt


What is your wellness philosophy?

We are all our own self sustainable eco-system. When we care for our body, heart and spirit we have enough energy to fulfill our divine design. In other words, we are the ultimate “green”.

What brought you into wellness?

Discovering yoga and healing myself of a cyst in my throat using Ayurveda taught me what it means to experience the body as a temple.

What does You. We. All. mean to you?

We are all ONE and intricately connected.

What's your favorite ritual?

Ceremonial cacao.


The Ultimate Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition

The Ultimate Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition

With Rich Roll Featuring Julie Piatt

How To Build A Conscious Relationship

How To Build A Conscious Relationship

With Rich Roll and Julie Piatt

The Ultimate Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition

The Ultimate Guide To Plant-Based Nutrition

With Rich Roll Featuring Julie Piatt

How To Build A Conscious Relationship

How To Build A Conscious Relationship

With Rich Roll and Julie Piatt