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Numerology Forecast For September 2020: What To Expect With This 4 Month

Kaitlyn Kaerhart
September 01, 2020
Kaitlyn Kaerhart
By Kaitlyn Kaerhart
Kaitlyn Kaerhart is a New York-based numerologist and musician. She is the author of the upcoming book 'You Are Cosmic Code: Essential Numerology' and a collaborator on the upcoming astrology-numerology tarot deck, Celestial Bodies.
Monthly Numerology Horoscope For September 2020
Image by mbg Creative / CoffeeAndMilk/iStock
September 01, 2020

September is a very special month in the yearly numerological cycle. It's a peak month, meaning the number associated with this September is the same number associated with the year we are in. We are now in a universal month 4, during a universal year 4.

In this double energy of the structured, foundational number 4, we will have access to many "aha" moments. Then, October will give us more of a preview of what 2021 will be, as it is a month 5 and 2021 is a universal year 5. But for now, we are here to integrate and fully embody, understand, and transmute the lessons of the 4.

What's 4 energy all about?

According to numerology, 4 energy is all about reflecting and changing course where needed. What changes need to be made when it comes to the foundations we have built our society on? What challenges must we continue to face? What work still needs to be done before we can round out 2020? These are all questions to ask yourself this month.

This is also the time of 2020 when you might start to feel (even more) exceptionally boxed in. This is because the 4 is very rigid and structured. But the beauty of the 4 is that it is also the number that represents breakthroughs. Just like a lump of coal must undergo extreme pressure in order to become a diamond, we must also endure pressure in order to have the courage to bring about real, long-lasting change. Remember: Sometimes a breakdown is what's needed in order to experience a breakthrough.

This has been a major year for identifying what no longer serves us. A pandemic coupled with civil unrest and political tension has led to quite the divide as we head into an election in America. Safe to say: 2020 has shined a light on the underbelly of the beast. There is darkness in our society that must be uprooted, and for some, this has been a shocking pill to swallow. For others, this division and corruption of power have always been known. But for everyone, this has been a year that many truths were revealed, and now we must collectively decide what to do with this information. 

Doing so will take a lot of work—but that's also what the number 4 is all about! It's time to really look at where we've been this year and rise to the occasion to build a new foundation for where we want to go next. Are you ready?

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