Inversion Yoga Poses: How-to, Tips, Benefits, Images, Videos

Inversions are great for balance and concentration, as well as circulation. Michael Taylor demonstrates and gives us the scoop.

Headstand - Your feet will lift easily off the ground when your base is strong, your feet are close to your body, and your hips up... More on how to do a Headstand >>

Forearm Stand - From your hands and knees, lower your forearms to the ground, elbows right under your shoulders, hands straight... More on Forearm Stand >>

Handstand - There is no need to jump into this pose. Your grounded foot will lift easily when your weight is more forward of... More on how to do a Handstand >>

Plow - Lie down on your back with arms alongside your body, and bring knees into your chest. More on how to do Plow Pose >>

Shoulder Stand - Lie down on your back with arms alongside your body, and bring knees into your chest. With legs either bent or... More on Shoulder Stand >>

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN

Have Oily Skin? 4 Foods To Cut Out & What To Eat Instead, From An RD
Molly Knudsen, M.S., RDN